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Nudie Gig?

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First off, I know I'm a solo performer and this is a band forum, but I've really enjoyed hanging out here lately. It's a great forum - it's not as stuffy as Live Sound (How dare you speaketh the "B" word here) and it's not as depressing as the Music Biz forum. Plus I'm playing a lot of cover gigs lately and learning a lot by lurking here.


ANYWAY, I just got a gig at a nudist resort. They're willing to meet my rate and I figure that nude people's money is just as spendable as clothed people's. However, I am also aware that I will potentially be seeing some things that I really don't want to see - I think this is an older crowd. Oh My.


So I KNOW that there HAVE to be folks here who have done similar gigs. And what I want is any advice. I'm being serious! What should I expect from this type of gig? The gig is indoors at the resort's bar. They told me that musicians usually stay clothed but they don't have to. I'm worried that I'm going to see someone's Aunt Bertha and I'm going to forget every song I ever learned...

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Never been to one and never played one but...from everything I've heard about those places...."older crowd" is probably right and the younger ones usually ain't much to look at either.


Might be a great gig for a music stand to stare into all night??


Either way...post pics!

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I used to work at a resort that had mostly European guests. The pool had topless females from teens to nineties and all the men wore Speedos. After awhile you just walk on by and it all blends in with the scenery but the first time I saw all those grannys it wasn't pleasant. Money is money and times are what they are so what the heck.

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ANYWAY, I just got a gig at a nudist resort. They're willing to meet my rate and I figure that nude people's money is just as spendable as clothed people's. However, I am also aware that I will potentially be seeing some things that I really don't want to see - I think this is an older crowd. Oh My.

So I KNOW that there HAVE to be folks here who have done similar gigs. And what I want is any advice. I'm being serious! What should I expect from this type of gig? The gig is indoors at the resort's bar. They told me that musicians usually stay clothed but they don't have to. I'm worried that I'm going to see someone's Aunt Bertha and I'm going to forget every song I ever learned...

Well, surprisingly enough, I played at a nudist colony ( a well known one here in Los Angeles) many years ago with a band.

We were told it was clothing optional for us...our drummer, naturally, went au naturel...but yes, the difficulty is to not stare and not appear grossed out. You know the old saying about 'imagine your audience naked and you will feel more confident'....um, not in this case. The advantage you have is you are a mature man, I was a kid in his early twenties.

Since you will be playing indoors, the potential 'panorama' is limited (we played outdoors), and like most bar/club situations most people will be seated, so that may help...and you won't be playing dance music (trust me, you are fortunate...). Before you start, make sure you meet the bar staff and find out what the crowd is like.

What helped me was being able to go to a local nude beach a few times before the gig, so I was able to not be ...well...enthralled by all the flesh...it is sort of like looking at Hieronymous Bosch's Heaven and Hell...without the animals and knives and stuff, of course...

The trick? Focus on the job at hand, make eye contact, and whatever you do, do not stare at anything. It isn't just Aunt Bertha, it is Uncle Bert too...

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Played one twice when I was in my early 30's. Good money as I recall. Weird how after a little while, you aren't worried about it. Most everybody was older and saggy and not too nice to look at. So learning to ignore the fact that every one was nekkid wasn't too difficult. For every one or two decent looking females, there were 100 nasty sag bags. So no one cares. And eventually you won't either. They didn't require us to play nnude, it was summer, so we all played in our swim shorts. And after a while you feel kinda out of place. Although I never went buff, the drummer did at the second gig.


Although there was this one freak of nature dude that just defied logic....5.5 or so and while dancing, he'd disco spin and his goober would HIT the people around him. Srsly. Hung to his kneecaps.:freak:


Sorry, it just got weird at the end there, didn't it?

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3shiftgtr, the spinning story was too much. LOL. Daddymack, I know it's not your fault that the Music Biz forum is like a wake. It might be partially my fault, though! It's not the people, it's the topic. Selling original music is dead, even though the corpse is still standing around and chatting. There are some good people over there, though, and I'll continue to contribute there.


And yes, I do realize that Uncle Bert will be there. Crazy old bastard. Old guys who like to get naked in front of strangers are pretty creepy.


And in my humble opinion, JohnMCA72 gets the thread award for funniest comment.


Haven't decided what I will or won't wear yet. Since I sit behind a keyboard it doesn't really matter much.

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First off, I know I'm a solo performer and this is a band forum, but I've really enjoyed hanging out here lately. It's a great forum - it's not as stuffy as Live Sound (
How dare you speaketh the "B" word here
) and it's not as depressing as the Music Biz forum. Plus I'm playing a lot of cover gigs lately and learning a lot by lurking here.

ANYWAY, I just got a gig at a nudist resort. They're willing to meet my rate and I figure that nude people's money is just as spendable as clothed people's. However, I am also aware that I will potentially be seeing some things that I really don't want to see - I think this is an older crowd. Oh My.

So I KNOW that there HAVE to be folks here who have done similar gigs. And what I want is any advice. I'm being serious! What should I expect from this type of gig? The gig is indoors at the resort's bar. They told me that musicians usually stay clothed but they don't have to. I'm worried that I'm going to see someone's Aunt Bertha and I'm going to forget every song I ever learned...


You will probably be too busy trying to get your Blowinger mixer to work to be looking at naked people.:lol: My brother has a regular gig at a swingers club.

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There's only one thing to do - leave your clothes at the side of the stage and man up. Then you can worry about yourself... which is what you should do in the first place. :)


Just play your gig, man, and maybe it's the right show to wear those sunglasses at.

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Our band plays one every year. We have found that all the people that are naked, shouldn't be. We ended up looking people in the eye when we talked to them. Most are middle aged or older who seem like they got into nudity at the first woodstock.


It was fun, they were good people and they danced a lot for us. Whole lotta shaking going on. We were indoors and nude people don't use air conditioning. So it may be a little hot for you.


On the other hand, one year it was cold, so everybody wore clothes.


The band was required to leave our clothes on unless we joined as guests. I am glad of that rule because I have no desire to see my band mates naked. They also had a no camera or cell phone rule.

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You will probably be too busy trying to get your Blowinger mixer to work to be looking at naked people.
My brother has a regular gig at a swingers club.


LOL! I personally would not use Behringer gear - My PA is Yamaha and EV. I was just using them as an example. :) And playing at a swinger's club? Oh My! That's quite a step further. I would not do that.

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My acoustic duo used play a little hole-in-the-wall bar every other Saturday. One night after the gig the owner came up and said the next gig would be a private swingers party, would we be OK with nekkid people, etc. We accepted, then worried about it for two weeks.


The party started out clothed, then as the booze kicked in stuff started coming off. At first we were like :freak:, but after a few minutes it as fine. We did our regular show and never missed a beat. I will say we were fortunate to be between songs when the girl carrying the two cantaloupes decided to strip down. ;)


Just go with the flow, you'll be fine.

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I've never played a nudist show, but I've done plenty of strip clubs and, on many occasions, the ladies at the dives I play just love to take off their tops on the dance floor.


Usually this is quite entertaining and enjoyable and the band members encourage it by shouting, "Take it off! Take it off!"


Except for those occasions when the female in question is, shall we say, somewhat unappealing. Then we all shout, "Put it back on!"

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