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What's wrong with this pic


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It appears to be a hot day and people are sitting in the perimeter in the shade listening to the band. Maybe there are actually a lot more people there than is indicated by this one pic. And maybe it's early in the gig and more (dancing) people showed up later?

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Quote Originally Posted by guido61 View Post
And doesn't the crowd seem to just love them, too! facepalm.gif
It's easy pickin's to rag on these guys. In reality - there's so much we can't tell by simply looking at the picture. We don't know anything about the event itself, exactly what time of day it is, etc. Hell, for all we know - they may be in the middle of their sound check.

This picture could have been snapped at a few gigs that I've played over the years ... the Milford Memories art festival is one of 'em. The drummer who books the gig is member of town's Chamber of Commerce - and gets stuck with the noon-3:30 slot on Saturday afternoon every year (I say stuck because the better time slots are "off limits" to him because he's a member of Chamber of Commerce - and he studiously avoids controversy that he used his position to "cherry pick" the time slots....) The festival is usually held in mid-August and is more often than not - hotter'n hell. The bandstand location is a little bit removed from the main "art festival" area.

The net result is that when we start at noon - we're playing to the 3 volunteers who are manning the beer trailer (which would be out of the camera shot here...) and the couple of guys who got tired of looking at the arts and crafts and wandered over to grab a cheap beer and get out of the sun for a few minutes. By the time we get to the end of the afternoon - we usually manage to have amassed a pretty good crowd. Folks who stopped, listened a bit ... and stayed for a couple of extra beers. By the end of the afternoon - we've got folks who are "art festival'ed out", kids dancing, parents drinking, good banter between the band and crowd, more than a few requests. But at the start ... crickets. Snapping pics like the one the OP posted would be a piece of cake at that gig.

The point I'm trying to make is simple - it's easy to facepalm.gif these guys based on the pic. But, in reality - without knowing exactly what you're looking at - it's impossible to draw any meaningful conclusions about the band itself. Before we all pat ourselves on the back about how much better we are - keep in mind that we could very well be looking at a {censored} hot act, sound checking in shorts a bit before they actually start playing. (I read the comments about "music stands" ... however, after looking at the picture closely - the only music stand I see is struck against the wall on the far left and certainly not being used.)
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Quote Originally Posted by SpaceNorman View Post
It's easy pickin's to rag on these guys.
Oh I know. I have pics that bad of my band as well.

I was just knocking the idea that because they apparently have a 'gig', then nothing else they may or may not be doing matters and/or that they couldn't use any advice from a forum such as this.
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Quote Originally Posted by SpaceNorman

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(I read the comments about "music stands" ... however, after looking at the picture closely - the only music stand I see is struck against the wall on the far left and certainly not being used.)


I think I see another one to the front man's right, with what looks like an open lyric book on it. But who knows, it could be anything. OTOH, why would they have an unused music stand at all, unless it was a backup for one being used?
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Quote Originally Posted by rangefinder

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I think I see another one to the front man's right, with what looks like an open lyric book on it. But who knows, it could be anything. OTOH, why would they have an unused music stand at all, unless it was a backup for one being used?


Should always be prepared and bring a back up of everything....
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Quote Originally Posted by guido61 View Post
Oh I know. I have pics that bad of my band as well.

I was just knocking the idea that because they apparently have a 'gig', then nothing else they may or may not be doing matters and/or that they couldn't use any advice from a forum such as this.
This is getting kind of funny. The pic seems to be some kind of a Rorschach blot onto which we project our own deepest cover band insecurities (which may or may not involve music stands).

Sorry, but I just don't take musician's forums that seriously. Beyond a certain point they're a waste of time IMO- and can even be counterproductive if they cut into actual music skill practice and preparation (I have definitely been guilty of that in the past, BTW). IMO it's good to be aware of that. smile.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by Piano Whore View Post
The pic seems to be some kind of a Rorschach blot onto which we project our own deepest cover band insecurities (which may or may not involve music stands).
And beyond. Which is why I imagine the OP posted the same thing in two different forums. The sound guys and the band guys are going to find different "problems" with the same pic.

By why just "cover band" insecurities? Maybe these guys are all-originals? smile.gif

Quote Originally Posted by Piano Whore View Post
Beyond a certain point they're a waste of time IMO- and can even be counterproductive if they cut into actual music skill practice and preparation (I have definitely been guilty of that in the past, BTW). IMO it's good to be aware of that. smile.gif
Well, that's certainly true. Of pretty much anything on the internet (or anything else in life) that might get in one's way of other things they should be doing.

Thanks for reminding me of that. I need to run out and shoot a few pics so I can get a report out on time this afternoon. smile.gif
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When my group starts getting the big things right- such as, limiting alcohol intake, eliminating clams, knowing how to get to your patches in a timely manner, no dead time, remembering that you left the guitar digital transpose ON from last song etc., we'll concentrate more on detail and finesse advice here. But it may be too late by now. Our only hope might be winning this year's BSWTB Ultimate Band Makeover, where Guido61 or wheresgrant fly out for a week and whip your band into shape. Don't miss the upcoming TV reality series! biggrin.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by Piano Whore View Post
When my group starts getting the big things right- such as, limiting alcohol intake, eliminating clams, knowing how to get to your patches in a timely manner, no dead time, remembering that you left the guitar digital transpose ON from last song etc., we'll concentrate more on detail and finesse advice here.
Let's say the guys in the picture have similar issues... there's still no particular downside to dressing better, instead of looking like a bunch of schlubs (again, assuming it's not a sound check or something).

It might even spur a sense of pride that helps with the "bigger" issues.
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Quote Originally Posted by rangefinder View Post
Let's say the guys in the picture have similar issues... there's still no particular downside to dressing better, instead of looking like a bunch of schlubs (again, assuming it's not a sound check or something).

It might even spur a sense of pride that helps with the "bigger" issues.
Yeah, and I don't really get the "we've got to get other things right first" mentality either. Simply because one may not find certain things to be as important as others doesn't mean they can't be attended to in the meantime. Especially if they are rather simple fixes. In that case it becomes why NOT?

I'm reminded sometimes of reading the Steve Jobs biography and all the stories about how much time and effort (and expense) he put on the astethics of his products that other people/companies would likely determine didn't matter because they didn't make the product WORK any differently, and therefore weren't really worth the trouble. All the trouble spent having the bevels on the edges of the iPhone be a certain way and such. All of which goes into the finished products being things perceived as something of superior quality and therefore worth the extra cost. And help make the people working on the designs and product believe they are working on something extra special as well.
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