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Quote Originally Posted by wild_death

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ok one time i took one for the team!!! there was a after-gig house party some where outside of stroudsberg PA. we were on tour. the chick was smoking whos house it was .. real hott. her one friend was a GIANT! she gave our singer like some valium, thrrough him overher shoulder and went up stairs and just pounded the poor guy for hours! me there was a girl who had a good body but her face was just mehhhh.... so i drank til the point i could tolerate {censored}ing her and i take her out to my car and she gets on and i just lose it from al the booze! couldnt keep it up!


Holy {censored}ing run-on sentance! Doesn't your keyboard come with punctuation keys?

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Quote Originally Posted by MrKnobs

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No more groupie stories? frown.gif

Terry D.


I wish I had one. And I'm the lead singer even.


I think women actually prefer men who can't sing. Look at all the ladies these rappers get.

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I can't think of anything particularly decadent now it comes to it frown.gif

Especially the way I tell my stories (aka ruining them).

Most of it would just come off as bragging about quantities ingested or shagged, that's nothing really special.

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I was playing at a bar in Salina, Kansas and towards the end of the night a gal came in, sat down, and watched the end of the set. She looked "rode hard and put away wet" as the phrase goes around here...not terribly attractive, but she was kind of appealing in her own way. After the set, I'm walking to the can to take a leak, and she stops me to ask my name and make small talk. I chat with her for a few minutes and then resume my trip to the can.

On my way back towards the stage, she asks me to come home with her for a "party" and she'll wait for me outside. I packed up my guitars in their cases and put them behind the amps until the next night (it was a Friday and we played Fri/Sat) and tell the other guitarist I don't need a ride home. He starts laughing at me, and his exact phrase was "Rich is going home with a mud fence!"

Well, in my defense there wasn't much of a selection that night, and I have needs, y'know? Besides, you never can tell...she might be a lot of fun. Anyway, I go outside, and she sitting in her car waiting for me, and she's already got her hand in her pants, warming up. I thought to myself..."Yep, this gal is going to be a *lot* of fun, 'cause she's already rolling".

When we get to her place, she practically attacked me, stripping my clothes off and deepthroating me right off the bat. WOW! This gal was amazing...her toungue felt like it was made of velvet, and I came really quickly. She guzzled it all down and then went to work getting me ready for another go. I was 21 or 22, so it didn't take too long. wink.gif We went at it for several hours, and finally I passed out from exhaustion.

The next morning, she woke me up with another excellent BJ, after which she made me breakfast. When I left later that morning, I thanked her for the great time, and walked home. She only lived a few blocks from me, so I didn't want to trouble her with getting dressed and driving me there. Besides, the fresh air would do me some good.

As we played our 4 sets later on that night, I watched for her to come in again, but she didn't. I never saw her again, but I've never forgotten her, either.

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I do remember that the resident sluttmutt of the band's "zaphouse" in the 70's did all the dudes in the band and each guy got a nice dose of the clap from her. Back then, you proved you were a real man by getting the drip, then the cure, like 3 shots of the big P in the buttocks


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Quote Originally Posted by nitekattz2007

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I do remember that the resident sluttmutt of the band's "zaphouse" in the 70's did all the dudes in the band and each guy got a nice dose of the clap from her.


Suddenly Spinal Tap comes to mind.
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Quote Originally Posted by bigfatmonkeyboy

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I'm in a band with my missus, she's lead vocals. This means I can concentrate on rockin, not pullin'.


My (just turned) 20 year old daugter is in my band. That goes for BOTH of us.

"I'm watching you Wausowsky. Always watching you..."

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This whole thread brings this to mind:

"For the lips of the adulterous woman drip honey, and her seductive words are smoother than olive oil, but in the end she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death; her steps lead straight to the grave. Lest she should make level the path leading to life, her paths are unstable but she does not know it."

Solomon actually has quite a bit to say to men about "sleeping around". I can say with utmost confidence that in the long run it is not a good thing. Not remotely.

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Quote Originally Posted by RobRoy

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Solomon actually has quite a bit to say to men about "sleeping around". I can say with utmost confidence that in the long run it is not a good thing. Not remotely.


I would not be me without these memories, and I choose to cherish them. In a way, I loved every one of those girls. smile.gif


Terry D.

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Oh, and another time 2 babes sat down next to me on my B-3 organ bench and one was miss big bottom, but I don't remember much after that because I killed half 5th of rum that nite. But the next week right in the middle of the set, my organ bench collapsed with me sitting on it, right in the middle of Moondance. Miss big bottom may or may not have contributed to my organ bench fatigue


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Quote Originally Posted by Rich4Once

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I was playing at a bar in Salina, Kansas and towards the end of the night a gal came in, sat down, and watched the end of the set. She looked "rode hard and put away wet" as the phrase goes around here...not terribly attractive, but she was kind of appealing in her own way. After the set, I'm walking to the can to take a leak, and she stops me to ask my name and make small talk. I chat with her for a few minutes and then resume my trip to the can.

On my way back towards the stage, she asks me to come home with her for a "party" and she'll wait for me outside. I packed up my guitars in their cases and put them behind the amps until the next night (it was a Friday and we played Fri/Sat) and tell the other guitarist I don't need a ride home. He starts laughing at me, and his exact phrase was "Rich is going home with a mud fence!"

Well, in my defense there wasn't much of a selection that night, and I have needs, y'know? Besides, you never can tell...she might be a lot of fun. Anyway, I go outside, and she sitting in her car waiting for me, and she's already got her hand in her pants, warming up. I thought to myself..."Yep, this gal is going to be a *lot* of fun, 'cause she's already rolling".

When we get to her place, she practically attacked me, stripping my clothes off and deepthroating me right off the bat. WOW! This gal was amazing...her toungue felt like it was made of velvet, and I came really quickly. She guzzled it all down and then went to work getting me ready for another go. I was 21 or 22, so it didn't take too long. wink.gif We went at it for several hours, and finally I passed out from exhaustion.

The next morning, she woke me up with another excellent BJ, after which she made me breakfast. When I left later that morning, I thanked her for the great time, and walked home. She only lived a few blocks from me, so I didn't want to trouble her with getting dressed and driving me there. Besides, the fresh air would do me some good.

As we played our 4 sets later on that night, I watched for her to come in again, but she didn't. I never saw her again, but I've never forgotten her, either.


Hmm, I could have sworn I read this very same story in Hustler...

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Played a bar one night. The lady guitar player at the time elbowed me to let me know I had an admirer in the audience. She started sidling up to the front of the stage and that's when she threw up and I noticed she had no teeth.

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Quote Originally Posted by uitar9

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Played a bar one night. The lady guitar player at the time elbowed me to let me know I had an admirer in the audience. She started sidling up to the front of the stage and that's when she threw up and I noticed she had no teeth.


And what's wrong about this ? She probably would have given you the BJ of a lifetime !!! thumb.gif

And BTW, Rich4Once, great story ! thumb.gif

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This won't compare to the Penthouse Forum but it's my best one.

I front a blues band in a small college town. Last night we're playing to a good crowd of kids, they're dancing, hollering, having a good time. This one girls is dancing right in front of me in this loose white lacy top that every few seconds falls off her shoulders and she keeps adjusting it and her tits and stuff. She's looking me in the eye, and giving me the beckoning motions with her hands. She's about my daughter's age - and me, I'm having trouble remembering the words to the songs.

So, between songs, she leans over towards me, so I lean over, and I'm waiting, and she says in this kind of sultry voice "I could be the groupie."

So, I'm sitting there, jaw dropped, looking at her, the band wondering when we're going to start the next song, and I'm imagining this girl naked and thinking that the wife IS out of town and I think to myself "honey, do you understand what you just said?" but to her I say "Yes. Yes you can."

So she hops up on stage and I start the next song and she's kind of bumping into me and for the next hour or so she's on and off stage, but never far and I'm having real trouble remembering how to play guitar. But by the end of the evening she's gone - as they always are. So as we're tearing down the stage and swapping stories - and everyone is commenting on her, I tell the guys "she MUST have thought a groupie is just a girl who dances - because there ain't no way a girl like that offers to {censored} a fat old man like me!"

Well, that's as close as I get. And damn it the wife is out of town! Have to head home and find some porn on the internet ... :cry:

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Sometimes they don't work out, but boy didn't it make you smile thinking that it might? You didn't bring home the "gift that keeps on giving", but got a nice boost to your ego...not really a bad night, if you think about it.

You got to spend a couple of hours thinking "I've still got it" without worrying about whether or not you actually did get something you could unwittingly pass on to your wife.

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Very cool thread! I have some interesting experiences regarding women I met on the road.


Like the time I went home with a bandmate's ex-girlfriend only to have her fall asleep on me in the middle of a BJ because she was so wasted...


Or the time I played a five-night gig and got lucky not once, but twice that week (two different women)...one of whom had to leave early in the morning to go to court...seems she was into martial arts and beat the {censored} out of some woman earlier that week... :eek:

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Speaking of falling asleep, I have something along those lines, too. I always wanted to hook up with 2 girls, and it never seemed to work out. I would meet a lot of bisexual women, but I always met them 1 at a time! LOL

I lucked into a perfect situation with a hot chick in Springfield, Oregon, and I thought I'd finally get my 2 girl freak on. She tells me that she can't make any plans to party with me after the show because her girlfriend's there, and she'd have to talk to her first. I'm anxiously awaiting word after the last set, and she finds me to tell me her girlfriend's into it, so I'm over the moon!

We get back to their place, and they start doing crank, which I didn't participate in. I was ready to go get freaky and all they were interested in was drugs and playing cards. I played cards with them for awhile, but obviously I had other things on my mind, which they didn't seem to be in any hurry to get to.

Bummed out, I told them I was going to go lay down, and when they were ready to party with me they could come get me. I fell asleep and never got any action at all. I woke up the next day and they were still awake, of course, and I got one of them to drive me back to the band's hotel. The guys didn't believe me when I told them I didn't even get up to bat with those two chicks.

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