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A Killer Act for Corporate Dinner Shows - Any suggestions?


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I am thinking of putting a killer Act for Corporate Events in Malaysia. Here...people are getting the same old recyled acts for the longest time. They want to see new acts...but sadly there is nothing new after all these years.


You get the same old recyled Bands that play the same old predictable stuffs...the same musical instruments...same costumes...all the same old boring things.


Are there any unqiue Acts you have seen that are different from these recyled crap?

Maybe a DUO who plays and sing COmedy songs? ...Maybe a sexy Singer who dazzles the crowd with her dancing?...or a fiery Electric Guitarist who wears a MR BEan mask and plays among teh corwd?


Can you give me some youtube links to these acts?

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I like the idea of using a small projector to show relevant film clips to your music ie singing an Elvis song perhaps have a projection of scenes from Vegas or country songs perhaps scenes of monument valley az, swinging sixties songs then carnaby street with hippies strolling down them.

Cheers Steve

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I don't know enough about Malaysia to know what is being recycled entertainment wise. but why not a little bit of each of your ideas? Comedy, dancing, masks...


I've mentioned before that I spent 5 years on the road with a show band. 1st, we had a front man that had the gift of gab. He told jokes and short comedic stories as the band vamped on a part of the current song. We did lots of medleys, choreography, audience participation sing alongs. Props were used in pantomime skits and a strobe light was also used sometimes.


Most of this would be hard to do as a duo. But you might want to do some routines where the woman (you) plays the role of the smart one, and the guy (your partner) is the dummy. Sonny & Cher, Donnie & Marie used this on their TV shows way back when. Jokes about birth control, sex, etc. work well with an adult audience, but maybe not in your country.


Employing a wireless mic and walking out among the crowd is another bit that's been recycled, but works with the right person doing it.


Corporate events in the US are more about playing team building games that a DJ/MC will lead - than the type of entertainment discussed so far. Would that be different?

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sadly, the entertainers at most corporate functions are just background...I know because that is what my band does. This is why DJs are beginning to kill off the corp biz for bands...no one really cares....they want to drink too much and dance, they are not really there to see the band, they're there because, well, they have to be, and someone hired you to entertain them.

I think if you are going to make this a 'grand slam' show, you need to bring all the glitz elements, the 'wow' factor, if you will, to get the audience's attention. Basically, look at the artists playing, say, Las Vegas...Elton John, Cher, big production values...lots of bling-y things...that is what you would need. Can you afford to do that? Can you mount a one-shot production that way?


Also, 'themes' work...maybe, as mentioned, running video to set the theme, with costuming and matching the music....I have been toying with this for our hotel shows, running a digital projector with footage/stills, but because we change up mid-set frequently as we 'read the audience', it becomes a bit more difficult to work out.

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At the corporate level, that is the norm...no one lasts long without having honed that part of the act. It is a package, so sometimes you may do announcements, you may run 'contests'...on top of the normal performing duties...sort of a acting as a quasi-Master of Ceremonies. This is why you can charge thousands of $ a gig...it is not just about the music, it is the entire package. I have never seen a duo work a corporate ..a duo with a DJ, once*, but just a duo with tracks? Not here in L.A. anyway.


*they were both talented singers, and the DJ did the talking and ran the music for them. Tight pacing, but ultimately, it was really a karaoke act.

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thx folks. I really want to create a unique act that is so different from all the recycled crap here.


If we knew of a million dollar act, we'd be doing it. ;)


What we can do is openly throw around ideas, and each of us take what we 'need and want' and leave the rest.


You game ?

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Something involving nudity?

Mike Mc is already doing that....NEXT!?!?! ;)




I think though that you can't 'cookie-cutter' corp shows; so much depends on the nature of the gig, the venue, the number of people...we've done some that are large trade groups, so not everyone knows everybody else, xmas parties, annual awards/rewards/performance recognition (usually the wildest ones, but sometimes very dry)...so you need to get a feel from the person organizing the event, not necessarily the one hiring....and sometimes that can go all wrong as well.


And never, ever, ever let them insist on the Chicken Dance or the Hokey-Pokey...'oh, everybody loves that kind of dance'...um, no, they don't, trust me...;)

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And never, ever, ever let them insist on the Chicken Dance or the Hokey-Pokey...'oh, everybody loves that kind of dance'...um, no, they don't, trust me...


The exception must be made for my polka band.


BTW, did you hear that the guy who wrote the Hokey-Pokey died recently?


His funeral lasted for 8 hours.


First, they put his right leg in, then they took his right leg out....

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Post #4 didn't help?


One approach - spend a lot of money on equipment and props to dazzle everyone. Approach two - Use your personality, speaking skills, leadership etc. But there is nothing new. It's all been done. Just steal an idea and make it your own. Make it better.

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OK...back to the topic. Any other nice Video links?



Good equipment and someone to properly set it up is the first step.

A lot of us know about corrective eq but not many of us bother with complimentary eq. compression and noise gates because they do what they're intended to do.

A profession stage setup. LOOK GOOD.

Light Show. And not just 2 cans on top of a Bose. Well thought out changes that enhance each mood and transition in a song and not random spasms by an underpaid wannabe tech

Steve Mac is kinda right about background but projection is really old school. Laptop to a really big flat screen behind you or 2 pretty good sized ones to each side. Seems corporate events would usually have these

If possible, cameras .


These are things that would be on my wish list if I still had the desire to go big. YMMV

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Good equipment and someone to properly set it up is the first step.

A lot of us know about corrective eq but not many of us bother with complimentary eq. compression and noise gates because they do what they're intended to do.

A profession stage setup. LOOK GOOD.

Light Show. And not just 2 cans on top of a Bose. Well thought out changes that enhance each mood and transition in a song and not random spasms by an underpaid wannabe tech

Steve Mac is kinda right about background but projection is really old school. Laptop to a really big flat screen behind you or 2 pretty good sized ones to each side. Seems corporate events would usually have these

If possible, cameras .

These are things that would be on my wish list if I still had the desire to go big. YMMV


the advantage to digital projectors is scale...at best, most venues may have a couple of 52" flatscreens...whereas you can project a 20' wide image...again, a lot depends on the size of the room, but there are companies that specialize strictly in the video presentation side of these types of events, and they make way more than the bands do...and they are using projectors...

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