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SOULKITCHEN, WHERE ARE YOU!!? (I need help, hcfxers!!)

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The anatomy of fuzz pedal screwjob redux:


Step 1: Some nobody DIYer builds a fuzz pedal. He has a knack for dressing up the pedals with some fancy graphics, and he posts some tasty clips.

Step 2: The hype machine begins. Everyone and their brother starts begging this dude to build a run of these, despite the fact that the nobody DIYer hasn't any clue how to run a business, produce pedals in a efficient manner for public demand, or manage money.

Step 3: Nobody DIYer gets stars in his eyes. He could be the next rockstar effect pedal builder! He begins to buy all the hype everyone is spreading about his brilliant fuzz pedal (please insert sarcastic snicker here).

Step 4: The money and orders pour in.

Step 5: Everyone gets reamed.

Step 6: Nobody builder is no longer a nobody, he is now infamous for screwing people out of thousands of dollars.

Step 7: Builder rises from the ashes 6 months later with the biggest sob-story you've ever heard. People's hearts are tender, even though their asses are still raw.

Step 8: Builder promises to make good on all the orders and a handful of orders actually get sent out.

Step 9: Repeat step 5.

Step10: Nobody builder has reached Sonic Panda Nirvana.

Step 11: Builder rises from the ashes 6 months later with the biggest sob-story you've ever heard. People's hearts are tender, even though their asses are still raw.

Step 12: Builder promises to make good on all the orders and a handful of orders actually get sent out.

Step 13: Repeat step 5.

Step14: Nobody builder has reached Nine Volt Nirvana

Step 15: Builder rises from the ashes 6 months later with the biggest sob-story you've ever heard. People's hearts are tender, even though their asses are still raw.

Step 16: Builder promises to make good on all the orders and a handful of orders actually get sent out.

Step 17: Repeat step 5.

Step18: Nobody builder has reached Nivana's Silence

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As mentioned in email, I had to go out of town. I assume you also received the Hotmail automated replies. Your pedal has been done, I just couldnt get to it to ship it. I got back late yesterday afternoon. Anyway, apologies...I'll have a tracking # for you tomorrow.

Here's a pic of your pedal...

Oh....and BTW...contrary to what a few people "think" they know, Everyone that has ordered a SK pedal has received it. Occasionally it takes longer than I expect, but life occasionally gets in the way. I have to finish a "Seven" and another Sugarbuzz tomorrow, but I'm tired right now...worked from 4am - 3pm.

Sorry for any inconvenience. If you need internal pics of a sound clip, I can post it.

Have a great night.




Thank you very much, I am not looking to give you trouble, I am just looking to receive my pedal. I'm afraid I did not receive any automated messages or an e-mail saying you were going out of town, but that may very well be a technical/e-mail problem and NOT YOUR FAULT. Please, if you can get the tracking number to me (via PM AND email please), I would very much appreciate it. Sorry for any problems I may have started.

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I find it moderately interesting that he hasn't even PM'd you yet.


Bull{censored}. I PMd him yesterday.


Heres a screen capture of the PM showing time, date, etc. I blacked out the last 3 numbers so personal info wouldnt be available in public.



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The guy has left you hanging since February. He actually had the nerve to accept your money when he was going in for an operation and knew full well he wasn't going to build you a damn thing for a long while. To top it off, you had to make a thread here to get him to stop lying. Remember, he has been telling you over and over he the pedal would be sent "tomorrow?" If you ask me, soulkitchen has brass balls the size of coconuts to keep coming back here, but it appears plenty of people still trust him with their money. :facepalm:


I get it, Viti, you just want your pedal. I don't blame you. Be nice till next week. If it arrives, you're lucky. If not, this thread will be here to bump. The guy looks to be a manipulator and a con to me.


Let me sleep all night in your SOULKITCHEN!!!!!!



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The guy has left you hanging since February. He actually had the nerve to accept your money when he was going in for an operation and knew full well he wasn't going to build you a damn thing for a long while.




Now you're just talking out your ass. You know nothing, yet you "think" you do.


I got injured at work AFTER the pedal was commissioned. The injury and surgery delayed things. Once again I'll make the offer to send any of you my work #, my Doctors #, and the name and contact at Workmans Comp if you want to verify.


I love how people who have nothing to do with anything assume that they know intimate details of somebody else's deal.


Anyway...vifitflag909...let me know when it gets there (should be Tuesday I would guess). If you have questions feel free to email me.


Have a good night.

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Okay, so wayyyyyy back in Feb. I ordered (via Paypal) a custom 4-knob Magnolia fuzz from Soulkitchen who makes his own swirly fuzzes and posts here on HC. I recieved a message shortly after the order that he was having surgery done and would not be able to work on it for awhile. This was fine with me and I was willing to be very patient. I sent him messages checking on his status and the pedal's throughout this time period. Then, about a month ago, I FINALLY received an email that the pedal was finished and could be sent "tomorrow." I sent him a reply that said I was excited to get the pedal, etc etc. I waited a week or two and sent him a email to see if the pedal was shipped yet, and got another email that said it would be sent out "tomorrow."

This was three weeks ago and I have sent several more e-mails and even myspace messages wondering WHERE THE HELL IS MY FUZZ? I have not received any reply to these messages and I'm not sure what to do next. If anyone has any idea how to contact him or suggestions on what I should do to get my fuzz/money, I would highly appreciate them. His HC PM box is full so I can not contact him that way. He seems legit but this is getting ridiculous.

SOULKITCHEN IF YOU SEE THIS PLEASE CONTACT ME AT ONCE SO WE CAN WORK THIS OUT PRIVATELY. I'm sorry if I am damaging your reputation but I really must take some sort of action at this point. It has been MONTHS AND MONTHS AND MONTHS.



Yeah, sob-stories always tug the heart strings. Lying to people repeatedly and leaving them hanging till they hang you out to dry is harder to conceal.

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Yeah, sob-stories always tug the heart strings. Lying to people repeatedly and leaving them hanging till they hang you out to dry is harder to conceal.




I didnt give a sob story. I simply had an injury and that delayed things.


As for "lying", the pedal has been done for a while, I just couldn't send it. I was in Indiana, the pedal was in Texas. But you're welcome to believe what you wish...its your own opinion. At least talk about what you "know" though...don't "make up timetables" for when things happened, because you have no idea.


At any rate, have a nice night. Seriously.

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This reminds me of the Boy Who Cried Wolf. Maybe you have a genuine, viable excuse for delay here, but {censored} if you haven't jerked a LOT of people around MANY times in the past. Why should anyone have sympathy or believe you at this point?


Furthermore, would it kill you to just say "yep, it's on me. I {censored}ed up, was lazy and slow, and have been very bad with my communication. I hope people will understand."

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Furthermore, would it kill you to just say "yep, it's on me. I {censored}ed up, was lazy and slow, and have been very bad with my communication. I hope people will understand."



Surely you don't think any of this was his fault? He didn't willfully rip any of these people off!

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Surely you don't think any of this was his fault? He didn't willfully rip any of these people off!



Again, WHO was "ripped off" if everybody has their stuff ?


Theres a difference in "ripping off" and "not delivering in a timely manner".


Everyone has their pedals and/or tracking numbers...the ones with tracking #'s should have their stuff early this week.

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Not that it matters as inscho really does deserve his original pedal back but yes the HM fuzz sells somewhere in that range, or at least has in the past.



Inscho's pedal has been sent. He has the tracking # for it, and it should be there Monday or Tuesday. I sent it Priority.

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