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Boss TU-1000: wife fail

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Great thread, would read again. I could see this tuner on a big stage with country players, but then again, don't most of those guys swap guitars and have techs do the tuning for them? I can't imagine most people needing or wanting a tuner this huge. Someone should bid though, it would be a lot of fun to have one for the lulz.

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Great thread, would read again. I could see this tuner on a big stage with country players, but then again, don't most of those guys swap guitars and have techs do the tuning for them? I can't imagine most people needing or wanting a tuner this huge. Someone should bid though, it would be a lot of fun to have one for the lulz.


I'm tempted to get it and start a UK/Euro tour enormo-box containing nothing but the TU-1000. I'd like people to take pictures of them out with it in public, perhaps buying a drink in a pub with it, bringing it to a poker game, introducing it to their parents, that kind of thing. You know how high school kids in the US do the whole 'look after an egg for a week as if it were a baby?'. Something like that with the TU-1000 would be cool :D

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