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Grandfather gets props from steve albini

mr benn

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congrats fellas,I love the album BTW :thu:



taken from GQ magazine

Is there a young artist with integrity who inspires you today?

I have an unusual perspective in that I make records every day for a living. I see a lot of bands on a weekly basis. I see little bits and pieces of behavior that are encouraging. There was a band that came into the studio a while back called Grandfather. They were an art rock band that organized the funding of their record through Kickstarter. They were really well rehearsed and came into the studio and knocked the record out in a couple of days. Because they didn't have a record label or any promotion schedule to adhere to, they were able to get their record manufactured and distributed within a couple of months. That's the kind of nimble, efficient behavior that was previously impossible when there was a corporate structure involved. It gives me confidence other bands will figure it out. The last time Shellac put out a record, we finished it in June 2006. It wasn't actually in the stores until June of the following year. It took an entire calendar year for that record to inch its way through the production, manufacturing and distribution steps and get into the store. I'm impressed when I see bands taking advantage of these efficiencies that we're allowed now. That's something that gives me great confidence about the way bands are going to function in the future.

Read More http://www.gq.com/blogs/the-q/2010/09/steve-albini.html#ixzz11a83xEzU


respect :thu:

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I didn't know anyone from that band posted here. I "liked" Steve Albini on facebook and the drummer of Grandfather befriended me since we had a mutual interest in SA, and that's how I heard about them. Cool cd :thu:

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I have been writing an editorial for sonicscoop.com about the record making process. this should be of interest to some readers on this forum.

How Grandfather Made a Record with Steve Albini in Three Days (editorial on sonicscoop.com)




good read. cool sounds.. :thu:


is that the DD-3 hold mode?

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clayton, thanks for the email, yes i read all of them....will get back to you personally later today via email.


gambit....DD-6 is in warp mode. it's my secret weapon (well not so secret anymore). i use it as a "sustain pedal". its interactive with the guitars volume knob...thats how i get the swells/synth like sounds on "It's Good Enough Now", "Tremors", etc.

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