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El Cap-Worth the hype?

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With the Timeline on the horizon, I'm seeing the El Cap starting to pop up in the $250-$260 range. I've tried several different delays over the last year and I keep coming back to the CC. As much as I like the CC, I'm looking for the "next step". Something with tap tempo, etc. For those who have the El Cap, do you still love it or has the honeymoon ended? Thanks.

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I do think it lives up to the hype... I hear good things about the flashback as well, have yet to try both. Don't expect the El Cap to sound like your CC with tap tempo though.


CC = Analog Delay

El Cap = Tape Delay Simulator


2 different types of delays with different sound characteristics....

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Like juri says, it's a tape echo sim, so won't sound like your favorite BBD delay. I tested one for about 30 minutes when I was trying to decide between it or the memory lane jr. It's a quality unit, if a bit clean/clinical sounding compared to the memory lane jr, which has a bit more of an analogue bbd character to it. The repeats also decay quite differently compared to a BBD delay; greater tone/volume loss that creates a more realistic sense of space, but wasn't what I was wanting. The Brigadier would be a closer comparator, but there wasn't one in stock to try.

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It took me a long time to finally buy into the hype, sell my Skreddy Echo and get an El Capistan. I loved my Skreddy to death, but now that my honeymoon phase is coming to an end, I'm glad I made the switch. The El Capistan has sooo much to offer, and it all sounds incredible. So in closing, for me at least, it was worth every penny.

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The El Cap and the Skreddy are both very capable tape echo delays IMO. They each have some features the other lacks, but both are incredible sounding pedals. Each does it's own take on the whole tape delay thing, and it would be hard to call a "winner" between them IMO.


But yeah, Strymon is really on a roll with their stuff, and IMO, their reputation for making cool pedals is very well deserved. The El Capistan is a great sounding pedal with a lot of tweakability. And one of the coolest names ever. :lol::cool:

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The El Cap and the Skreddy are both very capable tape echo delays IMO. They each have some features the other lacks, but both are incredible sounding pedals. Each does it's own take on the whole tape delay thing, and it would be hard to call a "winner" between

them IMO.

But yeah, Strymon is really on a roll with their stuff, and IMO, their reputation for making cool pedals is very well deserved. The El Capistan is a great sounding pedal with a lot of tweakability. And one of the coolest names ever.




Phil, please don't make fun of me, but I have no idea what El Capistan means. :facepalm: Can you please enlighten me? :confused:

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Sure. :)


It's a play on words. Two things. First of all, here in California, in Yosemite National Park, we have this beautiful rock formation called El Capitan. Google it. It's gorgeous, and the pictures don't do it justice compared to seeing it in person. It's massive and awesome. And yes, you can get an echo off of it. :love:


Second, most tape deck's tape drive paths use a component called a capstan. A capstan is a round metal roller that spins and pinches the tape between it and a rubber roller and drives the tape through the transport. So the name is a play on, and combination of those two words - El Capitan and a tape deck's capstan. El Capistan. :) To me, it implies a big, massive awesome tape delay. But it's more than just a clever name - it's a seriously cool pedal IMO.

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It's a play on words. Two things. First of all, here in California, in Yosemite National Park, we have this beautiful rock formation called El Capitan. Google it. It's gorgeous, and the pictures don't do it justice compared to seeing it in person. It's massive and awesome.

Second, most tape deck's tape drive paths use a component called a capstan. A capstan is a round metal roller that spins and pinches the tape between it and a rubber roller and drives the tape through the transport. So the name is a play on, and combination of those two words - El Capitan and a tape deck's capstan. El Capistan.


Thanks Phil!

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Huh I didn'r realize the captain part came from that rock formation. I thought it was just general spanish coolness.


Maybe it was - I have no "insider" knowledge either way... although I will ask if I think about it the next time I talk to them. But living here in California, it's hard not to be aware of Yosemite, and El Capitan is one of the most widely known / recognized landmarks there. And like I said, there's the added coolness factor of the big natural echo you can get off that 3,000' rock face. :) I really do think the name was probably an adaptation and a play on words based on that, and on capstan.

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I love mine. It took the place of a Malekko 616. I'm playing clean jazz tones 99.9% of the time, so integrity of my dry signal is important. The El Cap is totally transparent in that respect. With the versatility of the tape age and filter controls, I can get the soft, dark repeats I like.

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Huh I didn'r realize the captain part came from that rock formation. I thought it was just general spanish coolness.

I asked the folks at Strymon and they said it's the play on words that Phil mentions. The capstan from the old tape units and the fact that El Capitan in Yosemite is awesome and you can hear an echo from there.

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