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Guitar jocks..


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Don't you hate them?


I studied music at a university and guitar was my instrument of choice. Of course all the guitar players had to stick together and we all became somewhat of friends. Mostly because we had to.. haha!


Anyway.. one of these dudes from day one has always been like.. "I freakin' rock at the guitar" attitude. He's into "shreddin'" the guitar cheesy 80's jazz infused crap. Only really sloppy. He's always picking on me because I use effects and he thinks they are "shortcuts." Keep in mind.. he has never heard me play a lick of anything in his life. Other day on facebook someone asked him if economy picking was worth learning on facebook. Mr. Sloppy guitar player told him that economy picking was a joke. I decided to comment back because I use the economy picking technique myself and I called him out on it.


His response was "if only you were as creative as me.. you'd see why economy picking sucks." I told him that wasn't a real reason and told him that no one likes a guitar jock and it comes off as pretentious.


He then replied saying that he is way more intelligent than me and I have no idea what pretentious even means. Then told me he is furthering his education and meeting with a dean of some college. Then he proceeded to tell me that I can't even play a blues pentatonic scale and I can't even pick right.


Finally about 20 comments and insults later he mentioned that economy picking will strain your hand. I called him out again.. and then about 20 people liked my comments then he unfriended me on facebook.






I know.. long post.. but I thought it was hilarious..





So give me your experiences with guitar jocks.. how do you deal with them? How do you convince people like that.. that effects aren't "shortcuts"

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It sounds as if he is a narcissist that is projecting an arrogant attitude to bury the shame of his own shortcomings in guitar, which he might feel defines him since he does not have a healthy sense of self, and you pointing it out made him become extremely defensive as you threatened the facade he had created to protect his fragile psyche.


Perhaps in the future you can be more tactful when dealing with these kinds of emotional issues.

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So we're in lesson a few weeks a go, the teacher who always somehow drops the 'yeah I went to Berkeley' line in to every {censored}ing conversation and the guitar metal head who thinks he's better than every person ever (he is good but is a complete arsehole, plays a 100w mesa boogie in his bedroom) decide to have a conversation.


It was two worlds colliding except the worlds were their ego's. A whole {censored}ing hour of them arguing about every topic imaginable. They started off talking about music, jazz and then homeless people and then Africa, as you do.


After 45 minutes we just walked out and the teacher didn't even bat an eye lid. This kid once told a teacher that he thought the teacher was teaching something wrong which I've never seen happen before. That was a nice 'The awkward moment when...' situation.

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tbh i think economy picking is pretty lame to use as a dedicated technique too but i would never say anything like he said. it just doesn't make sense for me, since i like to keep time with my downstrokes/upstrokes


but yeah i went to music school with some dudes who i initially thought would behave just like that, simply because they were super jacked, and into cheesy fusion and metal. Surprisingly, it turned out that they were really nice guys

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So we're in lesson a few weeks a go, the teacher who always somehow drops the 'yeah I went to Berkeley' line in to every {censored}ing conversation and the guitar metal head who thinks he's better than every person ever (he is good but is a complete arsehole, plays a 100w mesa boogie in his bedroom) decide to have a conversation.

It was two worlds colliding except the worlds were their ego's. A whole {censored}ing hour of them arguing about every topic imaginable. They started off talking about music, jazz and then homeless people and then Africa, as you do.

After 45 minutes we just walked out and the teacher didn't even bat an eye lid. This kid once told a teacher that he thought the teacher was teaching something wrong which I've never seen happen before. That was a nice 'The awkward moment when...' situation.



was he american?

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tbh i think economy picking is pretty lame to use as a dedicated technique too but i would never say anything like he said. it just doesn't make sense for me, since i like to keep time with my downstrokes/upstrokes




I agree.. economy as a dedicated technique isn't good.. eventually you will have to get good at alternate as well. Kind of my whole argument.. I just shortened it above.

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post the link to the fb conversation. NAO!



I totally was.. but not only did he un-friend me.. but he blocked me as well.. or maybe he just blocked me. Can't get to it.. I wish I could.. it was of epic proportions. Maybe I'll see if a mutual friend will get a screen grab.. most of the mutual friends like him too much though.

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