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Gated Overdrive

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A fuzz face with the bias counterclockwise and your guitars' volume turned down. Glorious sounds actually. Even better with a dieing battery



if that's what you want ^ then get a EHX germ4... decent OD + that dist side where you can lower the voltage and bias on one side that combine as needed

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if that's what you want ^ then get a EHX germ4... decent OD + that dist side where you can lower the voltage and bias on one side that combine as needed



Good call, didn't think of that. I know someone here uses one and loves it. Urn8 maybe?

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Or just build yourself a simple voltage starver (or buy one there's many on the market) and use it with a simple/cheap/decent OD of your choice.


Or {censored} it use it a fancy boutique one if you like.


Voltage starved Klon used as a clean boost is the greatest toan boner bar NONE


There. Did I use enough of the memetic material plaguing this forum to be cool yet. Everyone here sucks.

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More of a boost, than od. You can starve it a little, so it kinda gates.


Worth a shot atleast.



Went back and read each post. Reganomics! mentioned the GeOD too. He knows his stuff, so you gotta try it now.

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