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Earthquaker Devices Talons High Gain Overdrive


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Saw this in Phil's NAMM pics. Dat paint job. :love:


Info from Premier Guitar:


Talons High Gain Overdrive

The Talons Overdrive is a project we have been working on for a long time at EQD. After nearly a year of variations and fine tuning we have finally nailed it. It very well may be the best and most versatile go-to overdrive we have ever heard! It features a full active tone stack, a presence control for sculpting the top end and more gain than one should ever need from an overdrive in a very compact format. Unlike all our other overdrives, the Talons was not designed to emulate any specific sound or era. It can be glassy and open, scooped and chunky, gritty and wild, light and airy, drunk and unhinged... We will not disappoint you, there is something for everyone in this box!

Release Date: September 2012

Street Price: $195.00

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EVERYONE has spent YEARS on their overdrives, claim that they have NAILED IT and SWEAR that it's the BEST overdrive out there now, different from all others.

Oy vey.




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Not being defensive, I like your pitch, I just think it's funny to complain about that



I've had a pretty bad case of pedal fever for about ... well ... only five or six years now, so I read a lot of manufacturers copy etc., try to see if there are actually any real specs described, so my eyes glaze over after awhile. Nowadays, if someone mentions a pedal they think is particularly good, I just head over to Youtube and try to find if I can find a reasonably sounding demo.

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No need to seem defensive.

How about: "Get familiar with craigslist. Because that's where all your overdrive pedals are headed once you plug this one in."


That's pretty good IMO. You could probably get a marketing job if you ever tire of your current career. :)


I have to say that I was really impressed with the folks at EQD. They seem like very nice people who really seem to know their stuff.

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