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Craigslist Amp Trade Problem (bummed out content)


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Have any of you guys ever made a Craigslist trade and then had the person you traded with want his item back?

I traded my Pro Jr for a Night Train today and the guy emailed me this evening complaining about amp hiss and buzz. It is true there is some amp hiss, nothing major,but the amp doesn't buzz. Either way, I am going to return his amp. I'm just concerned he did something to the amp.

I know I could tell the guy too bad and not trade back, but that seems like a {censored} thing to do. I guess I'm just venting.

It sounds damn good too. Here it is.

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I think it may be that the guy has unrealistic expectations. He does lots of garage band recording on his own and he thought the Vox hissed too much and says my PJ hisses even more. He must have expected the PJ to be a silent amp, which it is not. Mine is one of the more quiet ones but there is some hiss. What gets me is he told me he researched Pro Jrs extensively and knew all about them. They are not known for being silent. What concerns me most are his complaints of buzzing since I have nit heard the amp buzz.

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Tell him you want to play the pro jr before you decide to trade back based on the possibility of it having become damaged.

I've never done trades via CL, but if I were you I'd prob tell him that the trade was fair and ask him to treat the transaction similar to an online forum purchase. Meaning, if he doesn't like it, then he should sell/trade it for something else.

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Quote Originally Posted by FlyGuy10 View Post
Tell him you want to play the pro jr before you decide to trade back based on the possibility of it having become damaged.

I've never done trades via CL, but if I were you I'd prob tell him that the trade was fair and ask him to treat the transaction similar to an online forum purchase. Meaning, if he doesn't like it, then he should sell/trade it for something else.
Thanks man, this is good advice. I will insist on playing it before I take it back. Your other suggestion is solid too and appears to be the consensus.
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Caveat emptor... or in this case, let the trader beware. If you don't test the amp before you buy, well, that's the risk you take.

Let me ask... if you play the amp and it's buzzing (damaged), what will you do? More importantly, if you play the amp and it's NOT damaged, what will you do? Is there any scenario in which you will refuse to trade back?

It's a tough call, and frankly, I'm shocked the guy is even calling you up. Amps buzz and hiss. They're not exactly audiophile quality. After demoing a Night Train today, I'd keep it and tell the guy you'll buy back the PJ for $150. After all, he broke it.

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If there was nothing electronically wrong with your amp and it was functioning 100% when you traded it to him then you have no reason to trade him back. It could be his pickups that are buzzy or his house or any number of things. Don't cave in to indecisive craigslist time wasters. I would ignore him.

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Did you mention when you were trading that you would sort him out if there was a problem with the amp?


I know you suggested getting together to try each other's amps but did you let him know you would prefer that he try yours before buying to make sure he would be happy and avoid any future messing about, as you don't have the time for that and aren't into swapping gear for people just 'to try out'. That's something I always stipulate to avoid any future bs which is especially relevant with amps.


Do you have the serial number of the amp you traded in case he is trying to pull a switcheroo?


Does he know where you live or just has you email/phone number?

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Interesting situation, there really is no 'right' call. I always state in any transaction 'All Sales Final' to avoid this. He really should have tried it first (as should you, in case the Vox was screwed up)). Now it's like he's getting a free audition of the amp without any jeopardy. I'd be inclined to tell him that a) you suggested he try it first, to which he refused b) he said he researched the amp and was aware of it's basic performance c) the amp was working exactly as it should when it went into his possession d) that while you are sorry he is unhappy with the trade, you are not and would prefer to keep the Vox. Wish him well and end the correspondence.


If this makes you uncomfortable, I would try the Fender again to make sure it's working EXACTLY as it was when you traded it, and do the return.

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Thanks for all the feedback. So the guy I traded with emailed me again confirming he wants to trade back and asked to do so this morning. He also offered to sell me the Vox for $250 and give my PJ back. Says both amps are too noisy for his purposes, which are primarily garage band recording. If he thinks the Vox and Fender are both too noisy than I don't know that he will ever find an amp with a satisfactory noise level.

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