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Super huge Easter thank you to Jesus


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Originally posted by Master of You

Alright, let me ask you a simple question.

Do you respect the beliefs of "Real Muslims"?

Except for all the jihad stuff, yes. There are a lot of peaceful Muslims out there just like there are a lot of crazies.

I think Christianity is a religion more focused on love and the good stuff, though.

Difference is, though, Muslims do their own dying. Christians just send other Christians to die.

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Originally posted by DanielGassie

Humanity has always had the potential, bt knowledge and information are not the only things needed to improve.

"Dogma must be crushed". Why? What for? Will you be the one crushing it?


Why? Because dogma acts like a brick wall in one's mind stopping them from undestanding more in life. How can you expand your mind if you honestly belive a book is infallible, divine truth? If something comes along that contradicts the dogmatic mind, it simply closes it's eyes and uses it's "divine truth" to defend itself.
Religion can exist, it's dogmatic religion (i.e. literalism) that needs to die.

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Originally posted by Master of You

They follow their holy book, thats all.

Moderates such as yourselves are just as big of a problem.

It is you that provide the cover for the fundamentalists. With moderation, respect and tolerance are sacred, and it makes it impossible to mount a credible opposition to extremism


Moderate religion therefore provides the context in which religious fundamentalism of any stripe can never be adequately opposed.



lemme clue ya in on something


tolerance has nothing to do with religion


alot of assholes hide behind the VEIL of religion...well this book preaches that, this book preaches that...


religion is just something for people to hide behind..you can point the finger and say shredder's the problem or christians at large are the problem or this and that..


terrorists would be terrorists whether they worship ala or Barney the purple {censored}ing dinosaur...


there's a difference between following a holy book and totally distorting it to fit your own twisted desires


how many NON fundamentalists have said that the fudamentalists are misinterpreting THEIR holy book?


so don't give me the moderate bull{censored}...all your saying is that the OTHER extreme is ok....that's right..without a middle (moderation) you have to different extremes..nothing more, nothing less

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Originally posted by shreder75

what makes YOU beleive that the christians were just trying to pull the wool over everyone's eyes and they really wanted to be martyrs?



There was persecution of christians, but the amount has been exagerated, courtesy of the Catholic church of the dark ages.


You should read The Jesus Mysteries if yuo're at all intersted in possibly gaining new insight on the origins of your faith.

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Originally posted by indespise

Why? Because dogma acts like a brick wall in one's mind stopping them from undestanding more in life. How can you expand your mind if you honestly belive a book is infallible, divine truth? If something comes along that contradicts the dogmatic mind, it simply closes it's eyes and uses it's "divine truth" to defend itself.

Religion can exist, it's dogmatic religion (i.e. literalism) that needs to die.

What I fail to see, is how any of this affects you personally.

People are free to hold their own religious beliefs and be free from prosecution for these. These truths are self evident. I'd hope that idea would be familiar to you, although apparently it's not.

Why do you find it necessary to dictate what they should believe in? Who are you to decide what beliefs or practices should die?

All I see here are some folk who are against Christians or religion in general, but besides typing about it, are incompetent to do anything else about it.

If you see a post that's about thanking a God you don't even believe in, why would you bother responding on a thread like that? Do you think so much of yourself that you have a "mission" to explain why they are so wrong?

I didn't see a post saying..."Indespise, please enlighten us!" Let them be man. They're not doing you any harm. Believe what you will and let others do likewise without your interference.


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Originally posted by riffy

Jesus spoke Aramaic. What is commonly referred to as "Hebrew" script is in actuality "Aramaic" script...

You really need to get your facts straight if you prefer to debate.




I said it was tranlsated, I never said Jesus spoke Hebrew. Learn to read before to call out others on facts.

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Originally posted by DanielGassie

What I fail to see, is how any of this affects you personally.

People are free to hold their own religious beliefs and be free from prosecution for these. These truths are self evident. I'd hope that idea would be familiar to you, although apparently it's not.

Why do you find it necessary to dictate what they should believe in? Who are you to decide what beliefs or practices should die?

All I see here are some folk who are against Christians or religion in general, but besides typing about it, are incompetent to do anything else about it.

If you see a post that's about thanking a God you don't even believe in, why would you bother responding on a thread like that? Do you think so much of yourself that you have a "mission" to explain why they are so wrong?

I didn't see a post saying..."Indespise, please enlighten us!" Let them be man. They're not doing you any harm. Believe what you will and let others do likewise without your interference.



One of the main points of Christianity is to "spread the word" Just stop trying to spread the word here and we will all be fine.

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Originally posted by DanielGassie

What I fail to see, is how any of this affects you personally.

People are free to hold their own religious beliefs and be free from prosecution for these. These truths are self evident. I'd hope that idea would be familiar to you, although apparently it's not.

Why do you find it necessary to dictate what they should believe in? Who are you to decide what beliefs or practices should die?

All I see here are some folk who are against Christians or religion in general, but besides typing about it, are incompetent to do anything else about it.

If you see a post that's about thanking a God you don't even believe in, why would you bother responding on a thread like that? Do you think so much of yourself that you have a "mission" to explain why they are so wrong?

I didn't see a post saying..."Indespise, please enlighten us!" Let them be man. They're not doing you any harm. Believe what you will and let others do likewise without your interference.


Mentalies such as the ones displayed here affect my life every day, they played a huge role in my life growing up, and my family is beyond {censored}ed because of dogmatic filth.

I kept out of this until religious bigotry showed it's face here.

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Originally posted by indespise

Mentalies such as the ones displayed here affect my life every day, they played a huge role in my life growing up, and my family is beyond {censored}ed because of dogmatic filth.

I kept out of this until religious bigotry showed it's face here.



Sorry that happened to you.

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Originally posted by indespise

There was persecution of christians, but the amount has been exagerated, courtesy of the Catholic church of the dark ages.

You should read
The Jesus Mysteries
if yuo're at all intersted in possibly gaining new insight on the origins of your faith.



LOL are you still pushing this book? You laugh at others for looking at a book for the truth that you claim was written by men full of passed down info who have agendas and yet you keep bringing this one up. like it doesnt fall into the same catagory??? chirstians hold no monopoly on the hypocrite side with this crap being slung around.

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Originally posted by DanielGassie

What I fail to see, is how any of this affects you personally.


It affects me personally when christians start to impose their morality on government, medicine, entertainment, etc. Don't tell me that doesn't happen every freakin day.

It affects me personally when a gay person I know gets brutally beaten by goons who religion filled with hatred... It's not a religion that promotes love of your fellow humans.

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Originally posted by blargh

It affects me personally when christians start to impose their morality on government, medicine, entertainment, etc. Don't tell me that doesn't happen every freakin day.



Look out for the black helicopters.

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Originally posted by ejecta

LOL are you still pushing this book? You laugh at others for looking at a book for the truth that you claim was written by men full of passed down info who have agendas and yet you keep bringing this one up. like it doesnt fall into the same catagory??? chirstians hold no monopoly on the hypocrite side with this crap being slung around.



Agenda or not, I have more reason to belive them than I do the Catholic church. Why don't you just read it?

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I think there has been a misunderstanding about the intent and purpose of this thread.

Go back and read my origional post. Nowhere in that post do I mention any of you guys or any religion. Get it? None of you guys. I didn`t mention Christianity, Muslims, Judaism, Buddism or any other religion.

My origional post was to Jesus, who said that I should not be ashamed to publicly proclaim my love and faith in him. I am not ashamed and frankly don`t care if any of you guys agree or not.

I dare you to go back and read my origional post. Which one of you guys was I picking out and trying to convert? Tell me if you read it. You all come on here and blow everything out of proportion.

Oh my God! He`s forcing his religion on me.

Oh my God. He`s trying to convert me.

Oh my God. He`s telling me my beliefs are wrong and his are right.

Quote where I did or said any of that in my origional post. Show me. C`mon, show me.

The only mention of religion at all was In me saying please don`t turn this into a religious post. No specific religion was mentioned and I didn`t force any beliefs on you guys.

You don`t have to believe what I believe!

Get over it. If you don`t want to read about Jesus then don`t open a thread that specificaly mentions his name. And don`t think for a minute that I give a rat`s ass for what any of you think about my relationship with Jesus.

God Bless,


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Originally posted by indespise

Mentalies such as the ones displayed here affect my life every day, they played a huge role in my life growing up, and my family is beyond {censored}ed because of dogmatic filth.

I kept out of this until religious bigotry showed it's face here.



Boo Hoo.


Why would you think, anyone here cares what happened to you while growing up or how "{censored}ed", as you put it, your family is? Who named you, the "Sheriff" of religious bigotry anyway? You chose to post on a thread called "Super huge Easter thank you to Jesus", just to spew your self righteous dribble. Their crime, in your eyes, was simply celebrating a religious day that obviously brings them great joy.


What you don

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