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So I Played a Herbert Today at GC


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Originally posted by maz_master

I'd bet my left ball that most of the negative opinions come from 16 year olds who've grown up with the mushy, fuzzy, inarticulate sound of the Rectos played by their death metal heros blasting through their parents' stereos. What can you expect?

Rectos can sound like that if you dial them in that way, but they can easily sound much better. The list of pro players who get great tones from thier Rectos is a long one.

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Originally posted by maz_master


Most techs who work on guitar amps in this country don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. Out of the countless DOZENS I've seen over the years, I've only run across ONE who I would let touch my amps and, even then, only with me watching. Even HE has done some sloppy work. Most of them don't understand even basic electronics, but are mere tinkerers. That's why I do most of it myself. So, you can safely ignore the second-hand comments in this thread about tech's opinions. In fact, you can almost count on the fact that a guy is full of {censored} and ignorant to boot when he starts the sentence, "My tech says...".


(...with a Herbert on the next boat over, I think...)

Hey Dave !


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Originally posted by danyeo

Rectos can sound like that if you dial them in that way, but they can easily sound much better. The list of pro players who get great tones from thier Rectos is a long one.

I haven't heard any pro players get good tone from a Recto. That amp has brainwashed a whole generation of young players into thinking good tone is gained out fuzzy mush.

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Originally posted by maz_master

The difference? The mush, buzz and fizz of the Recto series cannot be dialed out. But, you can make the Herbert sound like anything from Robben Ford's Dumble to scooped metalhead mayhem. Plus, its clean channel puts the Rectos to shame. If you can't hear this, then you deserve the Mesa.

My experience with Diezel Herbert...

I owned the following amps all at the same time:

Framus Cobra
Mesa Road King (Voodoo Mod)
Engl SE into VHT 2/50/2
Diezel Herbert
Marshall JCM 2000 TSL 100
Fender Twin Reverb '65 Reissue
Roland JC120

I currently own:

Mesa Road King (Voodoo Mod)
Engl SE into VHT 2/50/2
Fender Twin Reverb '65 Reissue
Roland JC120

Whenever I would jam or have friends over to play, I never used the Herbert. I was also in a Death Metal band at the time and used my Engl SE exclusively for that. The Herbert is a great amp, but it just lacked the high end 'sizzle' (on the gain channels) the the other amps I had at the time had. The clean channel on the Herbert was the best (compared to the high gainers), with the Framus following close behind it. Since I already own a Twin Reverb '65 Re-Issues, I didn't need the Herbert clean channel so much. But as far as the gain channel of the Herbert, I much preferred any of the other amps with the exception of the Marshall. The Herbert has PLENTY of gain on tap, but it just sounds so 'tame' (only word I can think of). It doesn't come to life and smack you in the face! The bottom end was tight and kicked hard (that was great), but the high end was not there for me. For me, the other amps sounded more 'organic' and had more 'bite' to them.

The bass on my Road King (Recto) may be 'loose' to your ears, but for me it sounds more 'alive' and 'organic'. I don't 'abuse the bass on my Road King as others probably do. The Rectos already have plenty of Bass, so keep that knob relatively low. KRANK those mids and add a little high end... and "BOOM"... you have great bottem end thump and high end sizzle with smooth mids! But keep in mind mine is Voodoo Modded. By far my favororite amp is my Road King.

I spent several hours comparing the Framus Cobra, Road King, Engl SE and the Herbert over a couple of days. Every time I plugged in to the Herbert after playing the others, I was left dissapointed with the gain channel. That is just my opinion though, I AM NOT SAYING THAT THE HERBERT SUCKS!!! IT IS A GREAT AMP, just not for me.

By the way, it was V 2.0 and V2.5 was available for $150.00 and shipping charges both ways (US rep)... I figured I had already paid $4100.00 for the amp, I shouldn't have to pay $150.00 for the V2.5 upgrade (which from my understanding was only a few resistor/cap changes... not 100% positive though). Plus they told me they could 'fix' the high end 'issue' I was describing. I ended up selling it to a forum mate.

I am not the only one that was under the same impression about the high end on this amp. I had several friends come over and compare the amps as well. We all felt the same... lack of 'sizzle'. I know of one other person on this board that has stated the same thing, but I am not going to bring them into this thread. If they choose to voice their opinion then that is their choice.

Again, the Diezel Herbert is an INCREDIBLE amp with GREAT build quality... it just didn't 'do it' for me.

Take care,


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Originally posted by steve10358

One of the horrendous things about the GC/Diezel deal is the fact that countless message boards will now be littered with people that spent 2 minutes at quiet volumes and $500 credit limits that want to bash it and claim how their "X" amp smoked it.

Sorry folks, but this is an amp that takes tweaking and understanding. To simply write it off as a high polished recto is bull{censored}.


+1000 I couldn't agree more.

I played a beat to {censored} Diezel thru a Mesa Recto 4X12 and it sounded like ass... blah, blah, blah. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Please go back to wanking out the intro to "Enter the Sandman" thru that Line 6 combo. :D :D

As far as the Herbert sounding like a Recto, that's pretty much BS. I have a new 2006 Dual Recto stitting right next to my Herbert... they don't sound much a like at all.


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Originally posted by maz_master

I haven't heard any pro players get good tone from a Recto. That amp has brainwashed a whole generation of young players into thinking good tone is gained out fuzzy mush.

Can't disagree more. The Recto was the amp of the 90's and is still the choice amp used by most popular touring rock bands. Lots of bands i don't care for use them but i have to admit i like lots of the rock tones i have heard.

The Foo Fighters for example have such a ballsy in your face sound on thier records which is all Recto. If you don't like thier tone, millions of fans will disagree with you.
Other bands that, to me, have gotten great tones from the Rectos are POD, Hoobastank, Tremonti, Buckethead, Incubus, Godsmack, Petrucci, Linkin Park, Nickleback, and the list goes on and on. Again, i don't really listen to all those bands often but i like lots of sounds they have.

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Originally posted by Bob Savage

I think Dual Recto's are excellent amps. I believe there's a generation of old players who are brainwashed into thinking these amps only get buzzy tones.


That and downtuned to A flat 7 string numetal slop. They really can do much more.

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Originally posted by thegame

Why are you so defensive? I said the Diezel's build quality is very good. My point is that there amps out there that are built even BETTER! Sound better?; thats subjective but I'm not talking about that.

When I had a Diezel, I noticed the back of the chassis flexed when inserting a speaker cable with moderate force. Thats not military grade. Go to the Mako site and look up what military grade means (in relation to guitar amps).

And yes I've looked inside one.

I'm not defensive, I dont really care if you like the amp or not... but from a technical stand point, you are talking out of your ass.

Chassis flex? Have you even PLAYED a diezel?? It's got thick ass aluminum w/ reinforced ends... not to mention the 1/4" of faceplate on both sides- there is ZERO chassis flex.

And I am still waiting for what you didnt like about the build quality of the Diezel. You still havent given an example of a failure, or even a design flaw.

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Originally posted by thegame

By your logic I would not be able to compare two very well made guitars (a Suhr - simple in design and features, classic Strat design) with a late 70's BC rich that has literally a dozen knobs and switches on it. They're both really good, but maybe one is built better than the other, irregardless of the features they have.

NO! It has nothing to do with features... you are making blanket statements about the quality of an amp when you can't site one design flaw. Doesnt matter if it's Diezel, bogner, VHT, Splawn....

You DO NOT know what you are talking about.


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Originally posted by thegame

Point #1, yes it moves back and forth a bit. I wasn't applying excessive force either. You can make it bend a bit with your finger if you press right in the middle of the chassis on the back of the Herbert.

Point #2, I didn't say its not very thick or sturdy, I implied its not AS thick or sturdy as Wizard, Rocca, or Mako.

Geez, if I rated the Herbert a 9.9/10 overall I bet alot of you guys would bash me for not giving it a solid 10, right?

It has NOTHING to do with if you like the amp or not, open your eyes. I know for a fact that the Diezel is THICKER than any of the amps you've stated. It's not a bad thing for the other guys- who gives a {censored}, but we're all waiting for Dr. thegames concise review of the technical imperfections of a Diezel or what makes other amps superior?


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Originally posted by Duesentrieb

Just for information:

this is an Einstein - front and back, alu; chassis: kraut steel

here`s a Herbert

you can clearly see the alu/steel thing too. It holds two of the heaviests transformers in the industry . . .

here`s a VH4, which is even higher

We'll make a record someday together called Kraut Steel covering Judas Priest tunes /w Mr. Diezel on vocals!!!

:D :D :D

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