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Is there anyone on these boards 21 and under NOT playing metal or some *core?


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You have actually heard something referred to as blastcore? I know of no such genre within hardcore, metal or even the hardcore EDM scene, maybe you are thinking

I really do not see what your problem with genres and labels is. How else are you going to describe Regurgitate? It is grindcore. It isn't death metal, and yet it isn't hardcore punk. It is grindcore.

Genres and labels are needed the more music expands.



If you didn't notice, elmocore was a joke, he was making {censored} up by then.


And no, genres aren't needed: this is cool, it reminds me of these guys, have you heard them? That's all that's ever needed.

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Kids bought in to this Core labeling due to one thing........no music theory.

This crap is for the listener and not a musician that can describe a type of music using theory.

Core = mall rat.



Also pejoritively known as mallcore. Not a real genre, just a means of lumping in the {censored}. Same with fashioncore.

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I support genres as organizational tools for music, to some extent, but creating a billion little subgenres for every variation on the formula and hashing out what is metal and what is not is the height of retardation... to me, both meshuggah and converge are {censored}ing heavy, thus, they're both metal, cause that's my criteria.
Very few actual quality bands can be easily shoehorned into narrow categories anyway.. that's why they're good!

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I support genres as organizational tools for music, to some extent, but creating a billion little subgenres for every variation on the formula and hashing out what is metal and what is not is the height of retardation... to me, both meshuggah and converge are {censored}ing heavy, thus, they're both metal, cause that's my criteria.

Very few actual quality bands can be easily shoehorned into narrow categories anyway.. that's why they're good!



blargh, ftw.

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No - I haven't heard of half of those genres. I have heard of rock, pop, metal, emo, punk, etc. I was making an example of how silly it can be to further subdivide styles.

No, they aren't needed. I don't want to have to have a dictionary to figure out what style of music I'm listening to. I've got far too much going on in my life to waste my time getting academic about styles of music. If I want to listen to pop, I'll listen to pop. If I want something more rock, I'll go to something more rock. If I want metal, hell, I'll listen to metal. I don't want it to become like diagnosing an illness to just figure out what style of music I listen to.

"Well, what are the symptoms?"

"Umm.....there's fast guitars, growling vocals, lots of key changes, and a bunch of meedlee-mee."

"Oh, that's metal-tech-psycho-core."


Again with these {censored}ing absurd genres, metal-tech-psycho-core doesn't exist and it never will. It is illogical. Genres are all about ease of use and practicality. Think music theory, why is E# major not used, it is impractical. Trying to be "funny" subdividing genres to the point you do is complete and total bull{censored}.

I don't see how you could need a dictionary. If you are getting into metal typically what you do is look up the genre at which point you learn what the subgenres are. Not brain surgery.

Example: I recently got into Electronic Dance Music (EDM) so I found this nifty site to help me with the genre. It is only common sense.

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I blame all of this thread on the post modern movement.

If this thread were a movie, Digital Jams/Weathered/Sgt.Funk, would've been the 3 tragic characters trying to bring peace to a small town run by a war lord, hopefully making up for a tragic/violent past...only the inability of the war lord to give in to peace and understanding would require them to assume their old ways and take up big {censored}ing guns and just kill everybody.

I'm working on the script.

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Again with these {censored}ing absurd genres, metal-tech-psycho-core doesn't exist and it never will. It is illogical. Genres are all about ease of use and practicality. Think music theory, why is E# major not used, it is impractical. Trying to be "funny" subdividing genres to the point you do is complete and total bull{censored}.

I don't see how you could need a dictionary. If you are getting into metal typically what you do is look up the genre at which point you learn what the subgenres are. Not brain surgery.



Good {censored}ING Lord!


You don't get it. You really don't.


I'm using absurd genre labels because they could be completely believable by some people's standards. Drawing a parallel to music theory is flawed, because music theory has standard rules that haven't changed in 500 years. A Major 7 is a Major 7 in 1600 or 2007. Metal in 1970 is much different than metal in 2007. Make sense?


Genres are not about ease of use, they are about people worrying too much about what style of music the band is and not enough about whether they like it. This seems to be more prevalent in "underground" genres than anywhere else. My theory on why that is - people who like that music partly like it because it's against the norm, and if a band breaks big, they can write that off as part of another sub-genre as opposed to accepting that a band that they like all of the sudden is liked by people that they despise. When I was in high school and pissed off at the world, I did that. If a band broke big, they were no longer part of the genre that I loved so dearly. After a while, I realized that the CONTENT of the music was much more important than the GENRE.

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Labeling genres of music and not listening to one or the other because of what it's labeled is the same thought process as racisim. It serves no purpose otehr than to make certain people feel more special about what they listen to and play. Bang. There. I said it.


Now, to further expand upon my point, it seems as if the second a band starts to get the credit they are due and people start to like them in a decent amount of numbers, they've sold out and are now on the hated list. Then that band gets a certain label, and that label is blacklisted by new bands. SO the new band tries to come up with something "new", "creative", and "different" to segregate themselves from that certain label which is now taboo. They feel special because they have a myspace with 40,000 friends, 150,000 plays, and can sell a few albums online, play some decent shows with other of the blacklisted bands, feel proud because they showcased their "ability" to "break outside the box of X____coreX", and blew said band off the stage. All the time bitching about how they are sickened by the people who are famous and how much of a sellout they are, etc. etc, and how they'll never be appreciated because they are too far ahead of the curve and too much for people to comprehend.

Until all of a sudden they got ONE too many fan. Then said band gets blacklisted themself, labeled, and gawked at. And so the cycle continues.

If people would just fukin play what they enjoy, not worry about "oh well that band uses breakdowns, therefore they are _____-core/metal/tech", the music world would be a much better place.

Truth of the matter is, as has been said in this thread previously, metal is not a music, it is a mindset, an attitude and a passion. In the same vein as blues, rock, soul, gospel, hip-hop....it's not about who has what breakdown where, it's a frame of mind. Just get on stage and play, and be happy you have the ability to do so. I mean hell, every single form of music originated from the same place. Any person that adheres to putting bands into specific catagories is an elitist in my eyes, and I think the snobbery from all walks of music and musicians is one of the major problems with music, which is ignored and brushed over far too much. Instead of worrying about the evil record labels and how they are destroying the industry, maybe we should take heed and look inward a little and remember we are playing music because it gives us goosebumps when certain parts of songs come on, the rush of being on stage and the feeling of accomplishment when you nail the new song with your band for the first time, all the way through, cleanly. Music shouldn't be about ostrisizing certain bands, genres, amps, players because of their personal tastes and choices.

Unfortunately, it seems as though we are in a music world revolving inside a huge game of penis envy, with everyone trying to prove they are hung like a blue whale, when actually, there is a sloppy vagina planted firmly in between everyone's legs who are trying to unzip to prove they are the bigger man.



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Ok Kill the Sons....serious question but yeah sounds like I am trying to be a dick.....

Who makes the official Core name? You stated several times that there was no ______Core but who are you to say that?

Again...I am serious.

Who has the final say in creating a Core?

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Good {censored}ING Lord!

You don't get it. You really don't.

I'm using absurd genre labels because they could be completely believable by some people's standards. Drawing a parallel to music theory is flawed, because music theory has standard rules that haven't changed in 500 years. A Major 7 is a Major 7 in 1600 or 2007. Metal in 1970 is much different than metal in 2007. Make sense?

Genres are not about ease of use, they are about people worrying too much about what style of music the band is and not enough about whether they like it. This seems to be more prevalent in "underground" genres than anywhere else. My theory on why that is - people who like that music partly like it because it's against the norm, and if a band breaks big, they can write that off as part of another sub-genre as opposed to accepting that a band that they like all of the sudden is liked by people that they despise. When I was in high school and pissed off at the world, I did that. If a band broke big, they were no longer part of the genre that I loved so dearly. After a while, I realized that the CONTENT of the music was much more important than the GENRE.



i agree with your point, but you can't say that music theory hasn't changed over the years, because it undoubtedly has.



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Ok Kill the Sons....serious question but yeah sounds like I am trying to be a dick.....

Who makes the official Core name? You stated several times that there was no ______Core but who are you to say that?

Again...I am serious.

Who has the final say in creating a Core?



Obviously the community does. Really the only core genre within metal is grindcore due to its strong 80s hardcore punk ties. If a term comes into wide acceptance then generally it is accepted and valid. However even within metal in the black metal scene things are getting a bit chaotic, war metal, pagan metal, battle metal they are no more different from saying kvlt and do not exist.

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i agree with your point, but you can't say that music theory hasn't changed over the years, because it undoubtedly has.



Standard 12-tone music theory has remained unchanged, and I'm going to hazard a guess that that is what KTS was referring to with his reference to no notating an E# scale, although I've seen E# notated in scaled to retain D-E-F intervals.

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Good {censored}ING Lord!

You don't get it. You really don't.

I'm using absurd genre labels because they could be completely believable by some people's standards. Drawing a parallel to music theory is flawed, because music theory has standard rules that haven't changed in 500 years. A Major 7 is a Major 7 in 1600 or 2007. Metal in 1970 is much different than metal in 2007. Make sense?

Genres are not about ease of use, they are about people worrying too much about what style of music the band is and not enough about whether they like it. This seems to be more prevalent in "underground" genres than anywhere else. My theory on why that is - people who like that music partly like it because it's against the norm, and if a band breaks big, they can write that off as part of another sub-genre as opposed to accepting that a band that they like all of the sudden is liked by people that they despise. When I was in high school and pissed off at the world, I did that. If a band broke big, they were no longer part of the genre that I loved so dearly. After a while, I realized that the CONTENT of the music was much more important than the GENRE.



You missed the theory point, I said E# for a reason and not F. You can make an E# major scale, you will have an excess of sharps but it is doable but it is not PRACTICAL. Sure it can be done but why the hell would you?


I disagree with your idea of genres. Simple as that. I listen to bands bcause I enjoy them, knowing their genre is a a means of categorizing them.


Example: I hate Mortician, a lot. I think they sound like utter {censored}. They are still death/grind though. I also still quite enjoy Lividity, another death/grind band.

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Standard 12-tone music theory has remained unchanged, and I'm going to hazard a guess that that is what KTS was referring to with his reference to no notating an E# scale, although I've seen E# notated in scaled to retain D-E-F intervals.

what about blues?

Also, 12-semitone music theory is a pretty recent invention... i'm not sure you can hold it separately as a different theory. Would be like saying that wave-particle duality in physics hasn't changed, yet before that electrons were claimed to be particles, then waves, etc.

I think we're arguing at cross purposes, though.


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BTW.....George Lynch of Dokken years would gape the guitarists from Nile


i'm sure they would agree :thu:


a bit off topic from that...it's lame to judge a band on whether they have breakdowns, or a certain type of vocals, etc. in their music; it's one thing for a band to overuse something which gets old quick, but if a great band happens to put breakdowns into their music then more power to them for creating good music and having the balls to use an element that the elitists look down on them for


there are plenty of bands who overuse breakdowns...i get it; but if anyone is judging a band on that kinda thing alone (i.e. you think bands with breakdowns, cookie monster vocals, clean singing vocals, a lot of solos, no solos, or whatever are lame based on such a broad generalization) they're missing out on a lot of great music

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The human race is pathetically stupid.

Its amazing we have come as far as we have. . .must have been pure {censored}ing beginner's luck.

You're all a bunch of {censored}heads.

Ah...too true.

If Atarispunk were Jesus he'd be hanging on the cross by now. Blood dripping from his skull and hands and feet.

Pretty metal if you ask me....BUT...

It's not lost on a few that people are still jackasses after 2 THOUSAND {censored}ing years. We haven't changed at all. We got new chariots and huts....some super sundials....but *WE* have't changed. :cry:

WTF people? What is our {censored}ing malfunction?

Ataris.....have you tallied all the on-topic posts here? Probably like 10 or so.

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i'm sure they would agree

a bit off topic from that...it's lame to judge a band on whether they have breakdowns, or a certain type of vocals, etc. in their music; it's one thing for a band to overuse something which gets old quick, but if a great band happens to put breakdowns into their music then more power to them for creating good music and having the balls to use an element that the elitists look down on them for

there are plenty of bands who overuse breakdowns...i get it; but if anyone is judging a band on that kinda thing alone (i.e. you think bands with breakdowns, cookie monster vocals, clean singing vocals, a lot of solos, no solos, or whatever are lame based on such a broad generalization) they're missing out on a lot of great music

Cobra...no offense but there are a COUPLE of bands/genres that I HAVE to label because of vocals. It's really the only label I put onmusic....as my MAIN thing is to either enjoy the music or not.

So my labels are:

1) music I enjoy

2) Music I do not like.

#2....only contains a very few genres. I do not like pure bass beat rap as music. I'd say it's an artform...like reading poetry...sorta. And hair country....(pop country) I hate it cause everyone thinks if you put a slide guitar and a yodel in rock music it makes it country. Peopel don't care about the substance...they just blindly like nu-country and don't give a {censored} if it's the same song over and over.

And finally...certainly NO offense to you, #2 would also contain "music" where vocals scream yell and growl at me. Exactly like the example sof "metal" and "not metal" :rolleyes: shown earlier. I'll take Steve Perry over any of that any day...call me fag...so what?

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I blame all of this thread on the post modern movement.

If this thread were a movie, Digital Jams/Weathered/Sgt.Funk, would've been the 3 tragic characters trying to bring peace to a small town run by a war lord, hopefully making up for a tragic/violent past...only the inability of the war lord to give in to peace and understanding would require them to assume their old ways and take up big {censored}ing guns and just kill everybody.

I'm working on the script.



I'd go see it.




Steven Segall as "Digital Jams"

Chuck Norris as "Weathered"

Jean Claude Van Damme as "Sgt. Funk"

and Tim Allen as "The Warlord"

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Hahaha, this thread makes me laugh. Why people come into these threads and post these long sophisticated arguments on subjects that are purely opinionated are beyond me. Win or lose you still look retarded. Most of you should STFU. AtarisPunk, no one forces you to post on these boards, dont forget that.

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Just about to hit 17. Playing Metal bores me {censored}less.

Playing a good blur or oasis tune pisses all over dropped C chugging.

The only metal I enjoy tends to be in either Eb or standard tuning :thu: All the detuned stuff sounds the same to me :idk:

That being said, Oasis songs are boring as {censored} to play in a cover band :o

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Hahaha, this thread makes me laugh. Why people come into these threads and post these long sophisticated arguments on subjects that are purely opinionated are beyond me. Win or lose you still look retarded. Most of you should STFU. AtarisPunk, no one forces you to post on these boards, dont forget that.




10 posts?



So....expert AND tough guy?


Or mulitple moniker troll.

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