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fat people using the free scooters at my wal-mart piss me off!


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I came up on one of those lard carts blocking the aisle recently at WalMart. While going around the cart that was slowly moaning and whining down the center of the aisle it was blocking, I noticed a case of Slim Fast, that was when I looked and noticed the actual largeness of the vehicles operator. It was also then that I noticed the case of Slim Fast was precariously balanced atop a basket full of assorted Pringles Chips. That's right, a basket full of Pringles and a case of 12 cans of Slim Fast. I concede there might have been some celery, apples or something hidden amongst the Pringles but if there was anything else in there it was hidden well.

But Mexicans are fatter than Americans. :o "I'm glad to be in the Guinness Book as the fattest man. I am also happy to have lost 200 kilos,"

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My god fat people suck. I mean I'm like 20 lbs overweight but DAMN. Stand in front of Golden Corral for a few minutes and you'll see the abomination that the morbidly obese are. 300 lbs and can barely move from their car to the table to sit down and inhale god knows what.

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Yeah, and we should take away all those handicapped signs from all those people who can't hardly breath because of all the cigs they have smoked.

Yeah, and all those people that got aids from immoral behavior.

hmmm, seems like a slippery slope there.

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I go to the post office every day. There's two handicap spaces there. Every single time I see one of them get out of the car, they are obese.

This {censored} really pisses me off. You treat your body like {censored}, smoke, eat little debbies, twinkies, fries and other lard infested delicacies and you get {censored}ing rewarded at the end with the best parking spot.

granted there are folks who deserve these spots but holy {censored}, most of these people destroyed themselves.

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Cyclists piss me off.

Its not the physical act of cycling itself, its just the bleeding heart needy attitude of them, the way they come off like the world owes them something for riding a bike and being green! Well, let me tell you sommat, the only thing the world owes cyclists who ride on the public roads is a death so horrid and gruesome because they all sooo {censored}ing deserve it!!!

The amount of times I have been waiting at a red light or at a roundabout for some {censored} on a bike go sailing on through like its just nothing but a thing. Red lights, roundabouts, stop signs mean absolutely nothing to these people. The fact that the human body does not stand much of a chance against a few tonnes of metal car heading into them does not seem to dissuade their "we're so green and so {censored}ing holy" attitude.

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What if you have a disease/disorder that makes it so you just can't lose weight? There's a few, I just can't remember them right now.



The disease/disorder(s) you refer to maybe one of these:


a) scapegoat

b) laziness

c) irresponsibility

d) over eating

e) NEVER exercising

f) not caring about your appearance

g) uncontrolled hunger, fueled by greed and desperation

h) a lack of self esteem, and an inability to come to the conclusion, I am who made myself a fatass


But that's why they are called diseases. Because you can't stop any of these disorders without the help of a doctor, insurance companies, and over the counter drugs.

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I run into the fat black women many times that block the isle with the cart sideways & they see you comin & dont move ,you have to say excuse me several times to the ignorant pieces of {censored} ,the college kid's here at temple named them water buffalo's

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People who shop at wal-mart piss me off.

Haven't you seen Wal-mart: The high cost of low price?






So...if I buy Head & Shoulders shampoo at Publix, it will make all the difference in the world?


I'm all for buying American, when there is a choice...but if Wal-Mart gives me the same thing cheaper than Publix, I'd want to go W-M.


It's outsourcing and "MAde In CHina" that SHOULD be our crusade, not Wal Mart.


Now, about those fatties...get off the dman cart and walk. And try some celery and carrots for God's sake!



People with strollers can be just as bad, using the stroller to clear the way....

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The disease/disorder(s) you refer to maybe one of these:

a) scapegoat

b) laziness

c) irresponsibility

d) over eating

e) NEVER exercising

f) not caring about your appearance

g) uncontrolled hunger, fueled by greed and desperation

h) a lack of self esteem,
an inability to come to the conclusion,
I am
who made myself a fatass

But that's why they are called diseases. Because you can't stop
any of these disorders
the help of a doctor, insurance companies, and over the counter



Yeah, man. Cuz anyone who isn't absolutely perfect deserves nothing but our ridicule and scorn. We should go back to killing the cripples, the blind, the fat, the weak, the old, the infirm, those that show too much emotion, and anyone else that GETS IN OUR WAY.



You {censored}tards are so full of fail it's scary. The amount of time you assholes spend complaining about other people with such little compassion or empathy makes me sick.

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Yeah, man. Cuz anyone who isn't absolutely perfect deserves nothing but our ridicule and scorn. We should go back to killing the cripples, the blind, the fat, the weak, the old, the infirm, those that show too much emotion, and anyone else that GETS IN OUR WAY.

You {censored}tards are so full of fail it's scary. The amount of time you assholes spend complaining about other people with such little compassion or empathy makes me sick.

YES... someone finally blew up! :wave:

And sure 1% to 20% of overweight people could use some help, love and respect.

But the other 80% to 99% of these people WANT an excuse for their own habits, and irresponsible actions.

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So...if I buy Head & Shoulders shampoo at Publix, it will make all the difference in the world?

I'm all for buying American, when there is a choice...but if Wal-Mart gives me the same thing cheaper than Publix, I'd want to go W-M.

It's outsourcing and "MAde In CHina" that SHOULD be our crusade, not Wal Mart.

Now, about those fatties...get off the dman cart and walk. And try some celery and carrots for God's sake!

People with strollers can be just as bad, using the stroller to clear the way....



It isn't just where a product is made. Wal-marts immoral practices extend far beyond where they source their products. Their treatment of workers (trying to make American workers into chineese cheap laborers), abysmal enviormental practices, their incredibly powerful lobby that usually leaves them extempt of paying taxes, and the high crime rates they bring to their communities are just the tip of the iceberg.


You say you care about America. . . but which part? I can't see someone caring about the people, land, and resources of this country on one hand and then shopping at a place that spits in the eye of all of that in the other hand.



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Just ask an overweight person how many calories they eat everyday.

I bet they don't count carbs. But the can count cookies in the cookie jar.

All food packaging comes with a % chart of the daily calorie intake, with a 2000 calorie as the rule of thumb.

My question is... do overweight people even understand what a 2000 calorie diet means?

Sometimes love is what these people need instead of food. And some of these really ignorant fatasses need some tuff love.


Now drop and give me 20 pyle!

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Yeah, man. Cuz anyone who isn't absolutely perfect deserves nothing but our ridicule and scorn. We should go back to killing the cripples, the blind, the fat, the weak, the old, the infirm, those that show too much emotion, and anyone else that GETS IN OUR WAY.

You {censored}tards are so full of fail it's scary. The amount of time you assholes spend complaining about other people with such little compassion or empathy makes me sick.



I believe everyone with an IQ under 120 should be sterilized, but I guess I'm a {censored}tard. We're devolving as a species yet you want to continue to support those who have traits that natural selection would have dealt with.


Let's be honest here. The bear would always catch the fat kid, that would have kept the fat kid from growing up to be a lazy lard ass who takes up 2 seats on an airplane.


We can either socially reject obesity, or we can release hungry bears into public domains. I'm down for either.



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It isn't just where a product is made. Wal-marts immoral practices extend far beyond where they source their products. Their treatment of workers (trying to make American workers into chineese cheap laborers), abysmal enviormental practices, their incredibly powerful lobby that usually leaves them extempt of paying taxes, and the high crime rates they bring to their communities are just the tip of the iceberg.

You say you care about America. . . but which part? I can't see someone caring about the people, land, and resources of this country on one hand and then shopping at a place that spits in the eye of all of that in the other hand.





I understand. Have you seen my other posts regarding this issue?


I don't actually shop at Wal-Mart..much. But for shampoo, soap...etc...is Target or K-Mart *that* much better of an option?



Most of my gear is American made...(I do have and Epi and Ibanez), got a Traynor and Laney as well as an old Fender amp. Brian Moore, Hamer.




I just think it's more important to buy American manufacturing, then getting a couple things at Wal-Mart cheaper than what youcan buy at Publix.



I bet a lot of people bitching about Wal-Mart shoppers drive Hondas. Losing our base manufacturing is killing us. Sooner or later.


Did you check the part where I said I don't shop at Wal-Mart? Some people DO have to pinch pennies, though.

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Yeah, man. Cuz anyone who isn't absolutely perfect deserves nothing but our ridicule and scorn. We should go back to killing the cripples, the blind, the fat, the weak, the old, the infirm, those that show too much emotion, and anyone else that GETS IN OUR WAY.

You {censored}tards are so full of fail it's scary. The amount of time you assholes spend complaining about other people with such little compassion or empathy makes me sick.




You know what..it really amazes me how often you insult people on this board. You pretend to crusade for tolerance and respect, yet you have and give so very little.

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