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OT: How many HCAEFFERS are in good physical shape?

Say Ocean

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i have cystic fibrosis...that will eventually get me diabetes too. I'm {censored}ed either way. But I do need to loose some weight to make the best of it. Next paycheck gets me a treadmill to go with the bowflex...

{censored} dude, I didnt know that. :(

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yeah. sucks. someday tho i'd like to help with research somehow...atleast the good way to look at it is that most people my age are in horrible/dead condition. Yay for my 22nd bday on the 4th.



how do you know if you have cf? ive got a lot of european blood in me and according to wikipedia, europeans are most at risk. what are the early signs?

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which area of seattle are you in and where do you work? theres some real good hill route around where i live (woodinville) and im sure theres some great ones in seattle. those hills are great for your body but awful for your car, it really pisses me off



work downtown... used to live out at alki, and i'd go up and over admiral way each day, then battle through downtown.


now i live up north of ballard, and use 8th/leary/dexter to get downtown. dexter is fun both ways, but getting home is rough - long, gradual, boring grind up 8th is kinda of a drag.

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i have cystic fibrosis...that will eventually get me diabetes too. I'm {censored}ed either way. But I do need to loose some weight to make the best of it. Next paycheck gets me a treadmill to go with the bowflex...



Are you on a list for a lung transplant? A good friend of mine got new lungs a year ago due to CF and is doing great.

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Yeah, I'm really skinny, but my BMI is 19.7; underweight is 18.5 or less. Also take into consideration that I don't do any serious weight lifting at all, I don't really have any upper body muscle

Yeah same here. I'd like to start working out again soon and hopefully get up to around 190 eventually.

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Are you on a list for a lung transplant? A good friend of mine got new lungs a year ago due to CF and is doing great.



Nope, luckily I have a rare version of it. I think there are thousands of different mutations, my lungs function at about 90%. My pancreas is what gives me my problems. I have to take meds to digest food. Pills taht are about 2.50 each, I take around 35 a day. My refills are $2000+ every month and a half. Last summer I had to get an ultrasound on my pancreas, and it inflated, that was the worst pain I have ever been in, I was bed ridden for like 4 days in pain. God, it sucks. But you know, I could always get the record for being the longest living CF person....lol.

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Nope, luckily I have a rare version of it. I think there are thousands of different mutations, my lungs function at about 90%. My pancreas is what gives me my problems. I have to take meds to digest food. Pills taht are about 2.50 each, I take around 35 a day. My refills are $2000+ every month and a half. Last summer I had to get an ultrasound on my pancreas, and it inflated, that was the worst pain I have ever been in, I was bed ridden for like 4 days in pain. God, it sucks. But you know, I could always get the record for being the longest living CF person....lol.



It's crazy how much meds are. You aren't the longest living though...my friend was 26 when he got the transplant. At that point he was on oxygen 24/7 and probably had a year left. Then one night about a year ago some kid got hit by a drunk driver a block away from a bar I was at that night. He died on the scene, was a donor and his lungs were immediately flown to the hospital where they were transplanted into my friend.


Good to know yours isn't life threatening though. Diabetes can be dealt with...my brother was diagnosed as a diabetic at 13 and has handled it just fine with an insulin pump.

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I stopped lifting about 7 years ago...just faded away. But coincidently, this year I had to change my diet because of cholesterol levels (243) and weight, 245 in March. Just through diet (the only exercise I get is keyboard, sex, and walking to and from my car) I'm am down to 220. I just bought a mountain bike last week, to start doing some aerobic with the intention of joining a gym next month. But I don't want to sign up until I sure I will use it, so I'm waiting until I have ridden the bike for a couple of months. Despite not touching a weight in about 7 years, I'm not weak. 20 years of training leaves residue. Just not what you would call 'fit'.


Very important, very easy, non-exercise habits are:

Avoid all things bovine.

Avoid pasta, bread, and potatoes

Regular good sleep.

Twice daily multi-vitamins.

No refined sugars.


This has just been my diet, different people have different bodies. But this alone has dropped 25 lbs off in about 6 months, without exercise, and I feel a heck of a lot better.


I'm 5'11, 39 years old.

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I'm about 40lbs overweight, give or take. I try to run about 15-20 minutes a day, usually 5-7 times a week, but I've been really slack this past month. I walk about 2 miles a day (sometimes more) at my job, too. I'm always 40lbs overweight. Best I've been is 216 when I was wrestling back in high school. Since then, I seem to hover between 240-260, depending on what I'm doing.

The hardest thing for me about physical fitness is that the things I enjoy do not require any sort of physical condition. I like reading, writing, film, music, video games, that sort of thing. Being 40lbs overweight doesn't make me read worse. I've done sports (baseball, football, track, wrestling), and I just don't get anything from it, even when I am pretty good at them (football in particular, I was a right guard for a couple years).

So, I mean, I run, but it's mainly because I feel I aught. I don't have any pressing desire to impress the ladies, and have no reason to compete with other guys, and there's nothing I really want to do that requires me to have washboard abs... well, fitness is one of those things I sorta do just to be doing it. Which probably isn't the best position to take on health and fitness, but there you have it.

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It's crazy how much meds are. You aren't the longest living though...my friend was 26 when he got the transplant. At that point he was on oxygen 24/7 and probably had a year left. Then one night about a year ago some kid got hit by a drunk driver a block away from a bar I was at that night. He died on the scene, was a donor and his lungs were immediately flown to the hospital where they were transplanted into my friend.

Good to know yours isn't life threatening though. Diabetes can be dealt with...my brother was diagnosed as a diabetic at 13 and has handled it just fine with an insulin pump.



Wow. Thats good for him. I wasn't saying I am...I was just saying I could be someday. Anyways. Hope good mojo to ur friend too.

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The hardest thing for me about physical fitness is that the things I enjoy do not require any sort of physical condition. I like reading, writing, film, music, video games, that sort of thing.




Dude, if playing guitar burned calories, I'd be a {censored}ing Adonis.

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