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OT: How many HCAEFFERS are in good physical shape?

Say Ocean

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I'm 44 and in the best shape of my life since I started lifting and QUIT doing aerobics. I was doing the treadmill thing 5-6 times a week and as soon as I stopped and got into a weight training the fat on my body literally melted away. And I eat more than I have in years. I never really looked fat, just lumpy and soft. I'm nowhere near where I would like to be but I feel and look better than I did 15 years ago. I wish I would have gotten into the lifting thing sooner.

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I am in great shape. Still have the 32" waste I had in HS. But I have been into bodybiulding since 1990. I can't work out like I did in my twenties as I am older know (37) and the joints don't like it much. But since I have worked at it so long, I don't really need to. I just do 3 hours a week at the gym and keep a lean diet. Diet is VERY important. Don't put the garbage in and you won't have to work it off. I work as a mechanical engineer, so I sit behind a desk all day, so I can't eat a lot of crap and get away with it.

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I lift at least 4 days a week, all heavy lifting. Pretty much all freeweights, very rare to use a machine. Bench 420, deadlift mid500's, 6'4 250lbs

Diet - Just been getting whatever calories I can, I used to have a strict clean diet but its just hard/expensive/boring to be 100% faithful on. Would like to get under 10% bodyfat, not too far off, but its not going to happen unless I clean my diet up.

Would like to try my hand in Strongman events sometime, but want to get some more work in first.

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I forgot what that is... Do I qualify as an ectomorph?

Your height/weight ratio indicates that a little bit, a small waist also indicates that.. You probably eat more than 2500 cals a day if you eat whatever you want, unless you happend to like brown rice, whole wheat pasta and stuff like that :lol:

Depends on you age, at 18 it's hard to tell for some because the metabolism is running so fast.

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I would say I am in average shape. I do my best to eat healthy though I am fairly certain I have an eating addiction (good thing I never started doing drugs as I have a big addictive personailty). So I go to the gym 3-4 days a week, usually do 5-6 miles split amongst 3 pieces of cardio equipment and I lift a lot of weights. I also work out on my cross bow at home.

All of that said, I am just on the good side of breaking even. :idk:

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6'3", 190lbs 33-34 waist, depending on who's making the pants. I do yoga 5-6 times a week, ride my road bike 5 times a week (singlespeed...bit more of a workout) and I can say that my breakfast and lunch is usually healthy. And +1 to what TLbonehead said. Singing and vocalizing give you a good cardio workout:thu:


Sometimes there are cookies or the like at work and I have two but not often. I think I have a pretty healthy diet. Though the last week or so I've overeaten a few times. I guess that's what happens when you go out to eat after you smoke.



And by smoke I mean vaporize:love: I'm even healthy in that respect;)

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how the hell do i find out how to work out the right way

seems like everyone's got completely different methods

If you aren't exercising and eating healthy the only thing you need to do is find A method. You'll learn from there. Just steer clear of fads and crazes (atkins, south beach, etc). Lean meats, vegis, fruit (but don't overdo fruit just cause it's healthy). Stay away from fast food, limit pizza. Cook with olive oil instead of other oils. Eat every three hours. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Almonds, berries, raw vegis, all work great as snacks, etc.

Can you tell I read Men's Health?:freak:

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i bike about 20 miles a day, with hills, on a singlespeed road bike.

i'm on my feet all day at work.

i eat a lot of fish and fruit and drink a lot of tea.

i'm not skinny, but i'm not hesitant to say i'm in pretty good shape.



Singlespeed! Awesome man. How long have you been doing it? I just switched. I'm really digging it.

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If you aren't exercising and eating healthy the only thing you need to do is find A method. You'll learn from there. Just steer clear of fads and crazes (atkins, south beach, etc). Lean meats, vegis, fruit (but don't overdo fruit just cause it's healthy). Stay away from fast food, limit pizza. Cook with olive oil instead of other oils. Eat every three hours. Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner, snack. Almonds, berries, raw vegis, all work great as snacks, etc.

Can you tell I read Men's Health?

I can tell ! I use calorieking to keep track of all nutriments I eat. This software is great !

I agree we have to be careful with fruits. I used to eat 5-6 apples and 2 bananas a day. kiwi fruit.. etc.. , this is too much sugar, sugar turns into fat ! But we need sugar, so IMO 2 fruits a day is pretty good.

I try to keep my sugar intake around 60g a day. I could go 100g because I work out twice a day, but I don't really have to.


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I can tell ! I use calorieking to keep track of all nutriments I eat. This software is great !

I agree we have to be careful with fruits. I used to eat 5-6 apples and 2 bananas a day. kiwi fruit.. etc.. , this is too much sugar, sugar turns into fat ! But we need sugar, so IMO 2 fruits a day is pretty good.

I try to keep my sugar intake around 60g a day. I could go 100g because I work out twice a day, but I don't really have to.




Calorieking? Never heard of it. Is it open source? (read: is it free?)


Yeah, I just read an interview with Jason Statham (Snatch, Crank, etc). He said he used to eat lots of apples and bananas and it (and some beer) attributed to his gaining 25lbs. I know I do that at times. I stick to two a day as well.

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Calorieking? Never heard of it. Is it open source? (read: is it free?)

Calorieking keeps track of all food intake, broken down by nutriement etc.. The software has a HUGE food database, so you can just drag and drop the food you eat in a diary, and everything gets updated. You can easily see if you ratio of proteins/carbs/fat is good.. you can also see calcium,sodium.. basically everything.

I have validated many products, and their database seems to be very accurate.

This software told me I was eating too much fruit. It made me but brown rice and things of the sort. It's a great tool

Sent you a pm on how you can "acquire" it :cop:

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