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OT: How many HCAEFFERS are in good physical shape?

Say Ocean

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i bike about 20 miles a day, with hills, on a singlespeed road bike.

i'm on my feet all day at work.

i eat a lot of fish and fruit and drink a lot of tea.

i'm not skinny, but i'm not hesitant to say i'm in pretty good shape.

You bike 20 miles a day, and eat healthy {censored} like fish and fruit but you arent skinny? Are you deep frying your fruit?

That combination would seriously shed like 30 pounds in a week for me. :freak:

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I"m in very good shape.

I hit the gym 4 times a week for about an hour to an hour and a half of lifting. Never needed to do cardio, my body fat % hasn't been above 10% in several years.

Is there any easy way to find out your body fat %? If I recall correctly there's some fat pinching test and some way that involves submerging yourself in water... Is there anything you can do yourself? I'd be curious to know what mine is.

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Is there any easy way to find out your body fat %? If I recall correctly there's some fat pinching test and some way that involves submerging yourself in water... Is there anything you can do yourself? I'd be curious to know what mine is.

For the water way, you weigh yourself normally, then you weight yourself under water after squeezing air bubbles out of your body hair and everything, and since fat is bouyant you figure out the percentage that way. Also I guess you can use a scanner or something. I don't know how accurate a hand held scanner is :freak:

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Haha I have an abnormally large ribcage too sheeit. I wouldn't be suprised if I was less than 10% bf. I don't know about being crazy strong though.. I guess my upper body is sorta strong for my age/weight. My lower body is really strong though



I don't have a big ribcage, but I have something similar...I have a serverely arched back, so much so where if I don't suck in my stomach and just let myself be at rest and dont slouch I look like I have a gut, even though I'm 5'7" 140 pounds with like 10% body fat.


So basically I'm skinny as {censored} but I still have to suck in my stomach all day like a fat guy -_-

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If I was buff I'd look like super man with my chest :freak:

One of the guys in the ski training program has such a huge 8 pack that when he's wearing a teeshirt the muscle mass bulges out and looks like a pot belly :p He's 140 pounds and 5'8 or so but leg presses around 700-800 and can do pullups with a 50 pound weight hanging from his waist :eek:

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I hit the gym on average about 4 times a week and currently weigh 148 and am 5'9. However, I smoke like a forest fire and drink plenty of beer. That, combined with a desk/computer job gives me a bit of a gut that I'm not proud of, but...

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If I was buff I'd look like super man with my chest

One of the guys in the ski training program has such a huge 8 pack that when he's wearing a teeshirt the muscle mass bulges out and looks like a pot belly
He's 140 pounds and 5'8 or so but leg presses around 700-800 and can do pullups with a 50 pound weight hanging from his waist

whoa dude my Weight Training teacher at school is like, exactly like that. Same height (prolly more weight though haha) and everything. Though in his case he was doing dips not pullups :freak:

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some of you guys are nuts with workouts...lengthwise. the thought of doing anything so lacking in fun factor for an hour + is crazy to me :eek:. i opted to do all short duration workouts. ive lost about 85 pounds this year so far doing only HIIT for cardio and circuit style for weights. gonna change my weight plan next month once i get a legit bench setup and go for some heavier stuff :thu:


just for the record, ive gone as far as 25 minutes with the HIIT, and the weight stuff generally takes 30-40 minutes including warmup and stretching. nothing like knocking that {censored} out and having plenty of free time after

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some of you guys are nuts with workouts...lengthwise. the thought of doing anything so lacking in fun factor for an hour + is crazy to me
. i opted to do all short duration workouts. ive lost about 85 pounds this year so far doing only HIIT for cardio and circuit style for weights. gonna change my weight plan next month once i get a legit bench setup and go for some heavier stuff

just for the record, ive gone as far as 25 minutes with the HIIT, and the weight stuff generally takes 30-40 minutes including warmup and stretching. nothing like knocking that {censored} out and having plenty of free time after

I want to buy your "something soon possibly...stay tuned". How much do you want for it?:p

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hey i got a question, ive started working out and running everyday to loose a bit of body fat that i got after i finished high school (getting rotten drunk too much), ive been doing this workout for about a week and ive noticed my muscles have got shockingly alot bigger, but ive got more fat now than i did before. at the start of a long term fitness thing is this normal?
and will it go away

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god im horrible
there was a time i could do 30 pull ups..run 3 miles at a good pace..six packish
now i make a rodney dangerfield ...rip...look like the last mr universe

ill start some low level hydroxycut and hit the fitness room tonite

thanks for the motivation guys

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just for the record, ive gone as far as 25 minutes with the HIIT, and the weight stuff generally takes 30-40 minutes including warmup and stretching. nothing like knocking that {censored} out and having plenty of free time after



HIIT ftw. im about to go do a 10 minute circuit. i just started a little while ago and am a little iffy about shocking my heart with that, with the recent developments. but hey i gotta do it. 25 minutes is really impressive dude. what are your intervals? 30 sprint 30 jog or 30 walk?

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