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Have you ever had a gun pulled on you?


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I sort of like guns in a way, but really, how do you guys that are telling the OP he should carry a gun envision it helping out in the whole "baked guy riding his bike around in the dead of night in Chicago gets a gun pulled on him" scenario? To me, that brilliant plan sounds like it's going to just increase his chances of getting shot by three or four orders of magnitude rather than helping anything.

The moral I took away was don't ride your bike around by yourself in the inner city late at night. Particularly if you're stoned.

While I think it is a bad idea for someone to be carrying a gun while being stoned, it has been shown that the mere presence of a gun in the hands of someone who is being attacked, generally stops most attacks.

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While I think it is a bad idea for someone to be carrying a gun while being stoned, it has been shown that the mere presence of a gun in the hands of someone who is being attacked, generally stops most attacks.





All of the studies that I've read have indicated that the presence of multiple guns in a situation increases the risk of shootings, all things being equal.


Trying to find a source - I will cite it when I find it.

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Dude I drove through Anacostia the other day. I wasn't about to stop the car in that place.


Hahaha. It's nothing like as scary today as it was in the '70s! My car broke down there once a few years back and I was terrified since everyone talks so bad about SE DC, but I had several people offer help and everybody was totally cool. I got outta there while the sun was still up though! :cop:

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Twice by cops.


First time I was about 16. Me and a friend were sparring in our kendo gear and decided to go to the beach because it was too hot in our dojo (beach was a half mile away and it was november, so not many people.) . All of a sudden about 7 city cops ran up with guns drawn and told us to "freeze" (yes, they really say that in florida apparently). I knew one of them, and as soon as he recognized me he started laughing, then we all started laughing (I think my friend pissed himself though). Apparently some old redneck woman called the cops saying "there were ninjas killing eachother with swords on the beach". {censored}ing rednecks. It's funny now though.


Second time was when I got pulled over after doing 140 back from a friends bday party at 2am. I was the designated driver and he was {censored}faced and about to puke, so I wanted to get home as fast as I could. When I got pulled over 4 cop cars circled around and did the whole "put your hands on the dash" thing. One idiot cop nearly cut his hand off on the katana I had in my car (I was teaching Iaido at the time). I spent the night in jail, posted bail the next day, and later had the charges reduced to a speeding ticket (paid with time served).



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All of the studies that I've read have indicated that the presence of multiple guns in a situation increases the risk of shootings, all things being equal.

Trying to find a source - I will cite it when I find it.



Don't have time to look it up but I might tonight. All I know is look at DC, highest crime rate in the country and the only place that outlaws guns. There are studies that prove this.


Perhaps multiple handguns in a gang situation might yield the result you are referring to.

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Once in DC.

Crossing an empty road (in the UK you can cross where ever you want if there's no traffic). 2 police on the other side of the road "Sir GET BACK ON THE PAVEMENT" as one pulls out his gun.

I wonder, if I'd kept walking, would he have shot me?


WHAT? Something else must've been going on at the time. Did you walk in front of a motorcade or something? :confused:

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The first time was when I was about 13 years old. All the kids in the neighborhood where I lived used to go hiking on the hillside and through parts of some neighbors' backyards. However, no one had gone out there for a while. So one day, I convinced my friend to go out hiking to break in my new combat boots. So we climbed through the Ivy of this one back yard, really close to the house, and when I looked up, a guy was standing in his yard with a semi-auto pistol pointed straight at me. And he was really agitated. I remained really calm and explained we were just hiking through and that I lived nearby.


That's when he told the two of us that there had been a home invasion robbery there a week prior, and his elderly uncle had been shot and killed in the house. No joke. And we happened to hike through his back yard while his family was collected there in morning. He thought we were the robbers coming back to the house, and told us to get the {censored} out of there before he shot one of us. My friend (smart) took off like a shot! I don't blame him. I, however, was right in front of his yard out in open, so I apologized for everything again, and promised we'd never hike through there ever again. Which made him calmer, as I think he could tell we were just some kids. So he let me leave as well. I then walked around using the streets to his front door to apologize and was able to talk to him and apoligize to a few of his relatives. He and my parents knew each other a little even. He told us he was closer to shooting us then we'd ever know.


So, I survived that day. And that was the end of hiking on that hill!


The other time was only a year ago, at a Blockbuster Video near closing time. It was just me, and two employees, when two dudes wearing black ski masks burst through the entrance. One guy actually had a big kitchen knife, but the other guy had a big chrome .357 magnum and pointed and waved it at the three of us. Sideways, like in the movies, gangster-like, to get his point across.


Again, bad luck. One of the employees thought one of his friends was playing a joke on him, so he laughed and smiled at them when they first came in. But we all realized really quick what was up. The chrome was an immediate reality check. Thankfully, the robbers didn't go ape {censored}, once inside the store and in control, though they were definitely agitated. But they were in and out quick, in less than 5 minutes. Then they took off and ran out of the exit and out through a nearby alley. They were gone in seconds.


And then the three of us finally started freaking out, and then ran and locked the doors, and the employees called the cops. And all one guy kept saying over and over was,'I hate getting robbed, I hate getting robbed'.

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Me too, twice.


Once when I was closing down the pizza place I worked at in my 1st year of college. Walked into the back room and there was guy with a gun to my co-workers head. He then throws my co-worker to the floor (105lb girl) and then charges at me with the gun and demands that I open the safe. I told him it was locked and he said lay on the ground - I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE END. He then fled out the back door. {censored}in' rookie!


The next time was a teenager trying to take my wife's purse. I tackled him and beat him to a pulp. Then, out of no where, someone hits me over the head with a gun (16 stitches) and pulls his friend of the ground. And then they ran away.

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Twice for me. I was working at a gas station in Minneapolis. The 1st time some guy pulled a gun on me at closing. I've never been so scared in my life. The 2nd time was 5 kids, between 15 and 17 (they got caught), also at closing. This time I knew what to do and the responding cops were only a couple of blocks away.

This was in the late 60's. I was 16.

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Too close to DC

FWIW - all this happened over 30 years ago when I was using drugs. We use to drive into DC to cop dope and of course we got a lot of "attention".

yeah man, DC can really suck sometimes.

even in NW. when i went to go buy my VHT from this guy, there were some ghetto kids doing a street boxing match...and then one of the kids in gloves runs at my car, trying to break the windows. but i drove away fast enough. then i pulled out some weaponry because i got stuck at a red light with cars in front of me.

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Me too, twice.

Once when I was closing down the pizza place I worked at in my 1st year of college. Walked into the back room and there was guy with a gun to my co-workers head. He then throws my co-worker to the floor (105lb girl) and then charges at me with the gun and demands that I open the safe. I told him it was locked and he said lay on the ground - I THOUGHT THAT WAS THE END. He then fled out the back door. {censored}in' rookie!

The next time was a teenager trying to take my wife's purse. I tackled him and beat him to a pulp. Then, out of no where, someone hits me over the head with a gun (16 stitches) and pulls his friend of the ground. And then they ran away.




Wow to both. Your pizza store robbery is like a worst-case scenario for a robbery. A back room, a safe, and a gun. Your street melee is another worst case scenario for a jack, meaning how you never know what some idiot has under his jacket, or what stupidity he has planned for you.


I used to work the graveyard shift at a liquor store. It wasn't about if, it was about when. But thankfully, we never got robbed while I was there.


The streets are crazy. And closing up/working late at night is always sort of bad.

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I was robbed at gun point several years ago when I worked graveyard at a convenience store.

I was actually robbed 3 different times there in the span of just a few months. The first was at knife point, the second was with the gun, and the third time the guy just said he had a gun. Good times. :)

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Not guns, but knives, yes. And glass bottles thrown at my head, kicking, robbing, and a lot more, on the angry-immigrant infested streets in Brussels (centre: ~60%; wider Brussels area, >40%). Practically weekly, but in varying degrees, luckily mostly verbal abuse, spitting and that sort of stuff. I've also experiences in my direct environment with theft, gang-rape of "blond whores" and women beaten into a coma for their purse.


It has changed me a lot, coming from a very tolerant family of peaceful hippie baby-boomers in a quiet village without any real crime. Now I'm constantly aware.


Don't assume this to be a statement of racism though

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no pistols in chicago city limits, no concealed carry in IL



That is why I will never move to IL. I don't mean to open a can of worms, but I don't think I could feel safe in a place where I am restricted from being able to protect myself.


I have never had a gun pulled on me, but if it happens, that robber is going to be staring down the barrel of mine quicker than he can blink.

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Yes I have :(

My friend had a knife pulled on him in the bathroom at school. He kicked the other guy in the stomach, and that guy fell back and cut his head open on the sink :lol:

Another kid I know almost got in a fight with some kid in the hallway over some stupid bs that kinda makes me laugh. Turns out the other kid is in juvey right now for shooting someone :freak:

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yeah man, DC can really suck sometimes.

even in NW. when i went to go buy my VHT from this guy, there were some ghetto kids doing a street boxing match...and then one of the kids in gloves runs at my car, trying to break the windows. but i drove away fast enough. then i pulled out some weaponry because i got stuck at a red light with cars in front of me.


How long ago was this? I was just driving through NW the other day. I live in Fairfax County, and while it is nowhere near as crazy as DC it is slowly getting that way.

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