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Have you ever had a gun pulled on you?


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Two times so far, both in south side chicago


1st time - I was biking around out late, and an unmarked crown vic started following me so I start heading home. The car follows me down an alley, and the people in it yell for me to get off my bike. I ignore them until the car slams on its brakes, 4 cops in all black with guns run out, and yell at me to get up against the fence. The search me and find nothing, get pissed they found nothing, then eventually leave me alone. (I was high off my ass from the joint I had just smoked)


2nd time - I was biking around out late (again), decide to go get cigs at the gas station. As I slow down to lock my bike up, some {censored}er comes up to me, pulls a gun and takes my bike and wallet. (I was also high off my ass)



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Too many times

twice I was stuck up with a handgun and I ran (not recommend behavior, but I was a doper and they weren't getting my dope), usually someone with a handgun unless they are trained won't be able to hit a fast moving target. Neither guy fired.

One time I was robbed at a gas station with a sawed off shotgun.....I gave him EVERYTHING. He stuck the gun into the driver's side (I was the driver) window and cocked it. I thought I was a goner for sure, he only got three dollars :lol:

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Too many times

twice I was stuck up with a handgun and I ran (not recommend behavior, but I was a doper and they weren't getting my dope), usually someone with a handgun unless they are trained won't be able to hit a fast moving target. Neither guy fired.

One time I was robbed at a gas station with a sawed off shotgun.....I gave him EVERYTHING. He stuck the gun into the driver's side (I was the driver) window and cocked it. I thought I was a goner for sure, he only got three dollars

That shotgun story is pretty hardcore man. Where in VA are you?

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Yes at an air show in Delaware about 20 ys ago.

Friend of mine had an In law stationed there. We hung around and were taking pictures of the jets leaving the filed about an hour or two after the event. We wanted the coolest pics and hung out in the grassy area away from the tarmac.

These dudes came out of nowhere with M16's " hit the ground NOW"

We were in deep dooo doooo. They took our cameras and we were held in their room for a good 3 hrs. His buddy said they must have developed our pics. They let us go and we never got our cameras back. One guy said they had full authority to shoot us if they wanted to.

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This would be a real long story so I'm gonna keep it short...basically me and another friend of mine got a call from a mutual friend of ours who had some people over that wouldn't leave. They were friends of her roomates and were causing a bunch of {censored} and she had little ones trying to sleep. We thought we would go over there and throw them the {censored} out but the real kicker is we were tripping on acid LOL! As soon as I walked in I knew it was a bad scene....this was when I lived in Albuquerque, NM and the dude's looked like hispanic gang-bangers. We all ended up outside and they drew guns out on us. I don't know if I was scared as much as I was freaking the {censored} out on the tab I took about an hour and a half prior. Anyway, they ended up leaving without shooting us and the cops showed up about 15 minutes later. It was real fun talking to the police while peaking. I was more scared the next day when I started thinking about what could have happened to us. :)

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Hmm, I'm seeing a really disturbing trend here.

I've had a gun pulled on me once, and it was a cop too. A friend and I were sitting in my car listening to music in a church parking lot (seriously), and the cop pulls in, hits me with every spot light available, and while hiding behind his door with his pistol aimed at us, and the shotgun out as well leaning against his door, starts screaming through his PA to get out, hands up, and walk backwards.

We were both shocked, thinking what in the heck is going on here, or more colorful words to that effect. Neither of us had broken much more than maybe speed limit laws in our entire lives at that point. It ends up that some guy in an old datsun 280z or something was outrunning the cops, and he confused my old camaro for a 280z, and thought we were 'hiding out' in the parking lot. Uh, yeah...

Still gives me goosebumps to this day, almost got shot by someone who cant tell the difference between a datsun and a chevy. It made me a life-long questioner of authority, I'll tell you that much.

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Yep. While fishing, I accidentally sprayed mosquito repellant in a neighborhood kid's eyes (we was being a prick, trying to grab the can from me), he ran home crying and later returned brandishing a .22 cal pistol. He fired a few times into the river so I'd know it was loaded. I just told him it wasn't worth spending the rest of his life in jail for and kept fishing. He eventually calmed down and went home.


It's always amazed/confused me how I wasn't really scared. The kid grew up to be a nurse.

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OP: Stop smoking weed.

Carry if you can.

I now understand. It was not the cops fault for pulling guns on a bicyclist, and it was not the perps fault for jacking a bike at gunpoint. It was my fault because I smoked weed beforehand. Thanks for educating me, troll.


oh, PS, if this all happened because I was "HIGH OUT OF MY GURD", how come the cops (all four of them) didn't figure this out?

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OP: Stop smoking weed.

Carry if you can.


I sort of like guns in a way, but really, how do you guys that are telling the OP he should carry a gun envision it helping out in the whole "baked guy riding his bike around in the dead of night in Chicago gets a gun pulled on him" scenario? To me, that brilliant plan sounds like it's going to just increase his chances of getting shot by three or four orders of magnitude rather than helping anything.


The moral I took away was don't ride your bike around by yourself in the inner city late at night. Particularly if you're stoned. :confused:

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