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OT WoW Addiction?


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Well last month I found out my girlfriend of over 2 years was "internet dating" someone she met on world of warcraft. We were living together for a year and then she started playing that game over 40 hours a week...


Anyways it sucks pretty hard but I'm still young... Anyone else have someone they know that got addicted to that game?

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Well last month I found out my girlfriend of over 2 years was "internet dating" someone she met on world of warcraft. We were living together for a year and then she started playing that game over 40 hours a week...

Anyways it sucks pretty hard but I'm still young... Anyone else have someone they know that got addicted to that game?





So here's the definitive question that will tell the world the level of your looserdom:


Are you still with said girlfriend?



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How in the hell do you even get attracted to someone you are "dating on WoW"?

I mean...the dude probably is a Centaur with a bow and arrow...is that really an accurate representation of what he looks like in real life?


I never understood this either. Retarded people must wanna find love on an online game.. I'm not gonna be able to play for a month while touring with Sevendust but i'll be ok! :thu:

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one of my friends used to play that game a lot... got a few of his characters to the maximum level, not sure how long that takes.

fortunately he got bored of it and took up smoking 3 packs a day instead


It takes a long time. I only have 1 70 and a 65 and i've been playing for 3 or 4 years. I just don't go crazy with it and play 24/7.

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Get better gear IMO. T6 or go home


I have T6 gloves in my tank set. Otherwise i've been too busy to do much BT. My guild's 6/9 bosses so far.

Trust me when i say i can out damage any other melee in just about any group i'm in. The only person that could keep up so far was a full T6 mage.

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Well last month I found out my girlfriend of over 2 years was "internet dating" someone she met on world of warcraft. We were living together for a year and then she started playing that game over 40 hours a week...

Anyways it sucks pretty hard but I'm still young... Anyone else have someone they know that got addicted to that game?



Unfortunately, I've known a number of girls who ended up screwing around on their boyfriends and husbands with people they met online, though so far not from playing WoW.


Assuming she's at least in her 20's (I don't have any idea how old either of you are), you're better off without someone that stupid, IMO.

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A dude on a local metal forum I go to had his GF move in with a guy she met while playing WoW...she was HEAVY into that game, one day she just moved out to go live with this guy in his moms basement in little rock..lol

No warning or anything.


Then someday, suddenly: boom~! The electric and therefore the WoW gets cut off because nobody took the time to go out into the real world to make a living. :D

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It takes a long time. I only have 1 70 and a 65 and i've been playing for 3 or 4 years. I just don't go crazy with it and play 24/7.



My ex-roommate was a freaking waste of space...he has a character that he's had for 2 years, and has already logged a FULL GAME YEAR on it.


Literally...50% of his ENTIRE LIFE for the last two years was spent on that ONE character.


The kicker: He's got like 5 or 6 characters...that's just his main one.

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