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Official Matamp/vintage-Orange/Electric owners thread


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Divided by 13 amps.. somewhat a boutique brand, I've never heard one in person
, but there's a lot of discussion about them (and classifieds) on TGP. I didn't know they made high gain amps, though. YOB's pretty br00tal.

Hey!! I dig that sound in your last video!


If i remember correctly, all the first EHX pedals was demo'd by Peter Stroud (for Utoob) on a "Devided By 13" amp :thu:

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on the stonerrock forums, mike tried out a komet too that he loved. don't count him out of knowing good boutique stuff. i'd love to see doom bands branch out to %13 and dr. z. makes it more interesting. i mean, don't get me wrong, i love sunn stuff, but when i show up to a show and it's sunn or orange, i get excited bc i know i'll dig that tone for one band. but 4 bands of the same gear playing the same type of songs gets old. mike would make pignose amps sound good.


I thought he was running old Marshall's now ?

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I wonder if any of those rare boutique amps can actually pump out sufficient amounts of gain?



I s'pose it depends how much gain you want, and for what gerne.


If you are man enought to crank an OR80 to 10, you might have enought dirt for a Stoner style band, if you like low/mid gain tones.


But a good fuzz in the chain never hurt anyone :evil:

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Thanks and I totally agree with JP about your rig(s) Joey!

Thanks bros ! Jack, I must say your's is pretty {censored}ing bad ass as well :thu:

I'm so much a {censored}ing gear head I haven't even jammed the jcm 800 I just got yet with the band and I'm already thinking how I can trade/sell it and get an og model T !!!!:lol:

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i emailed nik at ceriatone and those of us who are not as well off as some should be pleased to know he might have an orange od120 in the works. get stoked.



wonder what it will sound like...I've tried a fair few overdrive 120s, and some sound quite different from each other.

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Thanks bros ! Jack, I must say your's is pretty {censored}ing bad ass as well

I'm so much a {censored}ing gear head I haven't even jammed the jcm 800 I just got yet with the band and I'm already thinking how I can trade/sell it and get an og model T !!!!

Oh man. Awesome plan. Do this now.

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I must ask, as I know you guys will know, but what did EW use on Dopethrone amp-wise?

It sounds {censored}ing amazing.



Amps, I don't know. They have been seen with just about everything. Mesa Boogie Rectifiers, 5150s, various Matamps, old Sound City gear... But the sound on Dopethrone was just a clean amp sound with a Boss FZ-2 "Hyper Fuzz" on Mode 2 into it. Seriously. That's all that album is. Pick one up and plug it into any amp and it's instant Dopethrone.


Example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG5JB9aiAIc

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They use anything, they in fact know pretty much nothing about amplifiers. Jus incorrectly loaded a sc120 into my friends 1960 and destroyed the speakers at a gig not long ago :o


The FZ-2 is pretty unique and it'll overpower the natural tone of pretty much any amp. It however doesnt really sound all that great on its own. Very nasal.

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