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OT::US is ripe for recruiting by extremists


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So where the {censored} were you guys when the Patriot Act deemed anyone breaking the law a terrorist?



Good point. And why is Obama by decision continuing unwarranted phone-tapping? I have an idea why. I was just wondering where all the people who protested Bush's unconstitutional wire-tapping have gone to. Why is it ok for Obama to continue this madness but GD Bush for doing it. Has anybody seen change yet? Other than trying to outspend his predecessor? Boxes. Commiecrats and Respendlicans live in boxes. Now they share the same cardboard. Best way I can put it. Although their are many who would rather do away with most of the federal government than pay more to keep the madness rolling. Just my $2.00('cause my opinion is worth more:poke:)

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Right Wing extremists would KKK, Neo Nazi types.

Left Wing extremists would be your wto rioters in Seattle few years ago.




The extreme right of the political spectrum is a pure Anti-Federalist.


The extreme left of the political spectrum is a pure Socialist/Federalist.


Now, this isn't carved in stone but this is the simplest way of putting it without going into gray areas.


What does political ideology have anything to do with bigotry and hippies? Just because some are more likely to associate themselves with a certain part of the spectrum doesn't mean that's what the ideology stands for.


The government can comfortably know that I am a right-wing extremist and Ron Paul supporter.


I'm not violent, I don't plan on hurting anyone or starting hate rallies against anyone of different creed or race.


I just hate the government and want them out of my life as much as possible.


If someone has a problem with the ideas that this nation was founded on, they can politely kiss my ass.



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So where the {censored} were you guys when the Patriot Act deemed anyone breaking the law a terrorist?



Another example of it.


Just because a "Republican" signed the patriot act into law and other "Republicans" helped pass it in congress doesn't mean that the ideology is right wing.


In fact the Patriot Act would be a defining move of a left-wing extremist or a Socialist.

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Another example of it.

Just because a "Republican" signed the patriot act into law and other "Republicans" helped pass it in congress doesn't mean that the ideology is right wing.

In fact the Patriot Act would be a defining move of a left-wing extremist or a Socialist.

You sir, along with your previous post, are spot-{censored}ing-on :thu:

I'm not violent, nor do I intend to be...but I believe in the constitution, and I'm willing to fight to defend it, just as our ancestors have. If there is a problem with me believing in what our founding fathers set in place (and held us as a superpower for 200+ years), then I guess I'm a right-wing extremist...I just think its ridiculous to label a group of people who agree with the constitution as such :thu:

Liberals get pissed when you label them Anti-American (which socialism and federalism are CERTAINLY anti-american as it's completely opposite of the ideals this country was founded on...) so how is this any different? Why is not ok for THIS group of people to be upset being labeled this way?

That's right...hypocrisy, i forgot :p:lol:

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Good point. And why is Obama
by decision
continuing unwarranted phone-tapping? I have an idea why. I was just wondering where all the people who protested Bush's unconstitutional wire-tapping have gone to. Why is it ok for Obama to continue this madness but GD Bush for doing it. Has anybody seen change yet? Other than trying to outspend his predecessor? Boxes. Commiecrats and Respendlicans live in boxes. Now they share the same cardboard. Best way I can put it. Although their are many who would rather do away with most of the federal government than pay more to keep the madness rolling. Just my $2.00('cause my opinion is worth more:poke:)



Left/Right wing politics are smoke screens designed to keep people from forming united fronts against Federal power/spending. Notice how there are no "middle positions" allowed for in debate. Notice to how quickly the Left and the Right suddenly forget their "differences" when confronted with a Third Positionist stances.


Ultimately, there are no Left or Right wing politics, just backroom wheelers and dealers who play the electorate for suckers every four years.

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AP Rueters with a storyline about extremists on the day of tea parties, what a surprise

Where are the stories of the LEFT wing KOOKS like in Seattle and G20 recently? Where are those stories by AP/Rueters? Theres kooks ob both sides but the media focuses on the right alot these days

And some of you dont think theres a bias in newsmedia and JOURNALISM and REPORTING these days, wow


Seriously, this is why no one takes you seriously.

1. The DHS report was released days ago. And yes, they have the same report about Left Wing extremists as well. BOTH papers were commissioned by GW Bush.

2. EXTREMISTS. Are you violent extremists? Do you blow up Planned Parenthood clinics? Do you shoot doctors that work there? Are you planning on shooting any Mexicans today? EXTREMISTS. Like that guy who shot 4 police officers because he thought Obama was going to take away his guns, or Tim McVeigh. EXTREMISTS. Not peaceful protesters, not grumpy internets whingers, EXTREMISTS.

3. The Southern Poverty Law Center (who tracks Hate Groups) also reports a "steady rise" in Hate Group membership (as opposed to a dramatic rise). They disagree with the DHS Report on some of the causes as well, citing increased minority political exposure, and fear of gun ownership limits, NOT the economy. So there is dissent and discussion among Liberals in response to this report as well.

4. I've read 12 different Conservative reaction articles, all from nationally syndicated sources, ALL of whom use pejoratives when describing Liberals. Usually it's "wackos".

So here we have a paper that doesn't even have to {censored}ing do with anything other than people who shoot other people and blow {censored} up, and every anti-Liberal in the nation is getting their panties in a wad.

This is why I can't even talk to 99% of the people on the Right. You're not even in the {censored}ing discussion. All you {censored}ing whinge about is how everything is unfair in some kindergarten sandbox bull{censored} mentality. No {censored}ing perspective. People bash PETA, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club and Feminism all {censored}ing day long, yet one DHS article commissioned by YOUR GUY warns of increased violent attack from THE KLAN, and you all jump in to scream about... what? What are you so upset about? Again, there is a matching DHS report about Lefties as well! "Yeah, but those people are 'wackos'!"

Glenn Beck calls for a religious overthrow of the government, Chuck Norris advocates secession from the Union, but "Lefties" are the wackos?

For {censored}S SAKE.

What a bunch of {censored}ing crybabies. What's your plan on the economy? Tax cuts? Real in depth there, skippy. What's your plan for immigration reform? A fence? Again, thanks for sharing. Job creation? Moar tax cuts? Stabilizing our debt? Health care? Getting back to a real economy instead of the imaginary money economy I've been telling you was going to collapse for 6 years? What's the plan there? Huh? Huh? You got NOTHIN. If you had a single decent idea I would champion it from the rooftops. But you DON'T.

So you bitch and whine and cry, and after 8 years of saying "those demonstrating Liberals are terrorists", you decide to... demonstrate? Wasn't dissenting against a sitting President in a time of war TREASON six {censored}ing months ago??? It's INSANE. You people ("who you calling you people?" "Who YOU CALLIN you people?") have LOST YOUR DAMN MINDS.

I am as even handed as I can be. I have been harshly critical of the current administration, and of many of the Democrat leaders, yet even then the Cons crawl up MY ass, accusing me of supporting Communism, Socialism, whatever demonized buzzword they have for the day. THAT is the only "argument" I have seen. Ad hominem, poisoning the well, red herrings, straw men, every fallacy in the book. Not a single argument that would pass Junior Varsity debate in any High School in America.

My greatest frustration is not the agenda of the Right. I disagree with a lot of it, but I believe the true strength of America is our ability to compromise, to work out solutions that allow the greatest freedom for the most Americans. The checks and balances of a multiparty system are what drive the good ideas forward. It's that we can't even talk anymore because you aren't discussing, you're just screaming for your side at the top of your lungs. All you care about is moaning about the Liberals. STOP IT.

Are you all seriously UPSET that a DHS report mentions THE KLAN???

There is not a single piece of objective analysis from a non-Liberal in 99% of the political discussions in our media, between citizens, here on this board, in this thread. There is grandstanding outrage, Mom-he-hit-me-first populace rage, and armchair regurgitated criticism, and no real insight or alternative presented, and it drives me {censored}ING CRAZY.

If you want to actually discuss important issues, I'm all for it. I LOVE to learn new perspectives on issues I don't know enough about. It is through discussion - not even debate but just the sharing of ideas - that I learn and grow. We NEED civil discussion, or we're doomed. I'll be the first to say that following the Democrat agenda unchecked is a bad idea. Unfortunately, the Right CANNOT take responsibility for anything, as if the last 8 years were some awful dream perpetrated by SOMEBODY ELSE.

We need reasonable discussion, not unreasonable rage.

And that is {censored}ING IMPOSSIBLE when a significant portion of the population is apparently TOO STUPID to read the word EXTREMIST and NOT think that somehow THEY are being insulted. Mundanists.... that's {censored}ing great, and right on the money.

I know you think you're all up on the {censored}, and I really don't want to be this insulting, but GET SOME {censored}ING PERSPECTIVE. Stop being whinging crybabies who have wrapped their entire self esteem around your politics. Stop wasting everyone's time with this "he/said/she said, well Liberals do it too, you're a hypocrite" schoolyard HORSE{censored}. Bring ideas, or SHUT THE {censored} UP.

I have {censored}ing HAD IT.

When you learn to grow the {censored} up, and deal with this like adults, call me, and we'll talk. Until then, stop pretending that you know what the {censored} is going on.

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finally, victimhood comes to the right...:lol:

wow, the lack of reading comprehension exhibited in this thread, is truly epic...

no where does it state that simply being opposed to immigration or abortion or gun control or all three makes you an extremist. what it does say is that right wing extremist groups, some of which focus on these issues, will use the change in administration as a rallying point for recruitment, by focusing on the debate and fear around these same issues.

in review:

if you are anti-abortion, anti-gun control, anti-immigration etc, and engage in lively public debate and protest, you are not an extremist.

if you are anti-abortion, anti-gun control, anti-immigration etc, and want to blow up a federal building, bomb an abortion clinic, or shoot cops because you think they want to take your guns away, you are a right wing extremist.

also, if you're a member of the kkk or neo-nazi's you are a right wing extremist.

if you're joe satriani, you are The Extremist...

too, as pertains to the fear of socialism, a brief list of programs, already in place, in place for quite a while, which you already support (those of you who don't still live at home at least), and which are socialist in nature:

public education
social security
veterans benefits
fish and wildlife areas
college grants

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DM, you miss the point of TEA and constitutional conservatives (forget social ones for a moment). If Bush were in office for another 4 or 8 years these protests would still be happening. Bush pushed the door all the way open. Obama slammed it shut behind us. Bush helped to perpetuate this madness. AND HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH CONSERVATISM. Bad Republicans? Yes. But when one isn't very conservative to begin with it's kind of hard to pin a bad decision to him and then link it to conservatives. The peaceful protests today are about unconstitutional centralizing of power in D.C. This is unsustainable. The debt is unpayable. And the programs are doomed to end. It doesn't matter what party your in or what a politicians good intentions are. THE ONLY WAY TO PAY FOR THIS IS TO RAISE TAXES NOT JUST ON THE SUPER-RICH, NOT ON THE RICH, NOT ON THE WEALTHY, BUT ON YOU AND I. It is inevitable. Unless the government changes direction you will pay more than your average 25%.

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My point is its VERY FUNNY how this article comes out on the same day as the tax and tea parties you see today, coincidence or something else?

Issues? - lets see - we (the govt-people) owe $$$ on out credit card and whats the solution? spend MORE $$ on the credit card (That we dont have) make the govt BIGGER and MORE POWERFULL and INTRUSIVE than ever -- Does spending more $$$ on your credit card make sense if you already are in debt?

What some solutions? here ya go READY?

1. Cut govt spending across the board. Goverment is getting 2 big! If its a 2% or 3% or 5% cut i would cut spending NOW! I would also look at programs that are outdated, not effective and simply not doing its job. This MUST be done and is not really negiotable! There is some laws that make discretionary spending on the govt level INCREASE EVERY YEAR by a % and this also must stop. It should be judged on a year by year basis

2. Targeted tax cuts for small businesses, cut the top margin rates/payroll tax for those who invest/take risk the entrepreneurs who actually CREATE wealth. Yes most people work for small business and taxes and wealth come from small bizzness

3. Give incentives for startup companies/small business to TRY and start building/making items in the USA. I am not comfy with so many USA jobs and even technology (some delicate) being sent overseas. I dont know how much you can legislate but this country should try to stop getting every damn thing being built overseas

4. Raise the mandatory Social Security age - perhaps form 65 to 68 or 70. maybe not popular but these SS laws were written when people didnt live as long due to advancements in health and medical care, nutrition, etc. People now live roughly 10-15 years MORE than when the laws were introduced and thus draw more $$$ from the system

5. A 'small targeted stimulas' would be ok (rebuild some infrustructure like schools, bridges, etc) BUT not to the extent that was recently passed. 2 much pork/earmarks as in the current state. Not a terrible idea but bad execution and some $$ should also have gone back the taxpayers and not the banks who spend indescrimently

6. Save $$ by ending occupation in Iraq and also get some of the oil revenues and have them repay *some* of that $$$. This is not 2 big but a dent/token and overtime would help

7. Make sure that medicare, medicide, hosptials, social security, food stamps, ect, etc are not being abused by those who dont live here or dont deserve it! - The amount of waste over decades by this and other govt programs is STAGGERING!

This is not everything as i can add things but this is the top-of-my-head/cliff notes quickie version. This may not sound 'nice' but recessions are not the worse thing as they help cut/eliminate/streamline certain businesses and that it does happen in business cycles...

That wasnt 2 bad was it? was it really and get off your high horse and say there are no solutions, only whining - BULL{censored}!


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People need to learn how to interpret words. :facepalm:



warns against the possibility of violence by unnamed "right-wing extremists" concerned about illegal immigration, increasing federal power, restrictions on firearms, abortion and the loss of U.S. sovereignty and singles out returning war veterans as particular threats.

This does not mean you are an extremist if you are concerned with these issues. These are just issues that extremists are concerned about.


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I want to know who the right wing extremist are. Ditto heads?

Who is the left wing extremist? Hard to find that view in the I-10 corridor down here in Florida.



You can't find left-wing extremists here in Jacksonville?!


Ever read the Folio?


Have you ever tried looking in Riverside/5 Points/Jax Beach? :poke:

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The extreme right of the political spectrum is a pure Anti-Federalist.

The extreme left of the political spectrum is a pure Socialist/Federalist.

Now, this isn't carved in stone but this is the simplest way of putting it without going into gray areas.

What does political ideology have anything to do with bigotry and hippies? Just because some are more likely to associate themselves with a certain part of the spectrum doesn't mean that's what the ideology stands for.

The government can comfortably know that I am a right-wing extremist and Ron Paul supporter.

I'm not violent, I don't plan on hurting anyone or starting hate rallies against anyone of different creed or race.

I just hate the government and want them out of my life as much as possible.

If someone has a problem with the ideas that this nation was founded on, they can politely kiss my ass.


I was comming from the prospective that Socialists are the extreme left and Fascists are the extreme right. I'm using the WW2 definitions.

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I was comming from the prospective that Socialists are the extreme left and Fascists are the extreme right. I'm using the WW2 definitions.



Since when are Socialists, being the ones who stand for dramatically increased governmental control of our daily lives, exempt from the "fascist" epithet?! :poke:

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