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I love drugs.


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I really do man. They enhance my life so much, I am fortunate enough to be endowed with a strong enough will and a bright enough mind to not succumb to addiction or go near crystal meth which is a substance known for destroying the will to resist.

Off drugs life is just meh for me, there are ups and downs I see the beauty in life,nature, the universe and all that it encompass, but I don't appreciate it like I do when I am high.

I may be an odd case but I just have so much more ambition and drive when I am high, I can focus I have patience and I am sympathetic. When sober I am too nihilistic and apathetic to really do anything with my life or be of use to anybody including myself.

For some drugs are a demon, something that eats away at their lives like super corrosive acid. But for me it gives ultimate balance.



I hear you man, I've been in possibly a similar area of consciousness. I don't down people that do anything that doesn't hurt another, but it is systemic. I don't believe all drugs should be illegal, but with the current system we have their use and consumption does hurt people all around the world. One of the reasons I quit. Saw too many people (including myself) suffer horrible repercussions either directly or indirectly because of drugs.


I'm not saying I'm like you, but I used to think they "normalized" me. However, after a while of being off of them, I see it is a sort of stockholm syndrome. They put a boundary between yourself and existential anxiety. And you become not addicted to the drug, but to that boundary; that buffer. However, after a while, that becomes normalized and essentially puts a distance between you and your own perception of yourself. Once I got away from them, I realized I had to teach myself how to deal with the anxieties of life; there is no other way around it (other than the aforementioned drugs, or other "buffers," of course).

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I think the OP might actually be me when I was 19.

19 y/o me was wrong.



I think when you get older...you realize there is a time and place for everything. And...a little dab will do ya. You can't go full on forever. I also think some drugs you just shouldn't mess with. "Harmless" enough at first, but the down spiral can come without you even knowing it. Then suddenly you're in it and no way out.

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i have depression and was diagnosed with ADD back in the day.

i hate drugs, but love herbs and roots.

marajuana, st johns wort, holy basil, ht5p, damiana leaf, valarian root, etc.


creative and responsible useage of the above herbs keeps the depression at bay, a healthy diet and daily exersize takes care of the rest.

its either that, or perscriptions.

man made, chemical compounds that have REAL side effects.

{censored} that noise.

drugs cause nothing but problems and alienate you in the long run.

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i have depression and was diagnosed with ADD back in the day.

i hate drugs, but love herbs and roots.

marajuana, st johns wort, holy basil, ht5p, damiana leaf, valarian root, etc.

creative and responsible useage of the above herbs keeps the depression at bay, a healthy diet and daily exersize takes care of the rest.

its either that, or perscriptions.

man made, chemical compounds that have REAL side effects.

{censored} that noise.

drugs cause nothing but problems and alienate you in the long run.



I personally think meditation is one of the best cures for depression. It is personal mental work by the expert (the self).

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I have had my issues with drugs much like the OP. Started young with weed, quickly moved up to being and acid freak for many years, messed with pretty much every other drug to some extent. And I can relate to really enjoying using. But some drugs which are my favorite I'll be honest, only lead to death it jail or REALLY hard to deal with w/d. Even with the dangers those possess, and every time end up using them again and go thru w/d, I tell myself I'm not going thru this {censored} anymore. But after a few Weeks or months I don't really remember the bad as much as I remember the good. I know its a dangerous cycle, but I function fairly normally when I do use and I write a lot of music during that time and well, I think it does aide in my creation. That's not to say I don't write sober, but I write more when I do a certain drug that can definitely be Very dangerous. I realize its dangerous, but its my life and I'm not stealing to support my habit, I still work, I use for the amount of time know my w/d can overcome. Its all about moderation. As I said I know its risky and perhaps stupid, but for now I manage it. But I DO ABSOLUTELY know I can't party forever. And its going to be a very tough decision to come to one day, but I really do listen to my body and how I feel. From my mid 20s to now my mid 30s I can certainly recognize the difference. So I know my days are numbered. And I'll live long portions of my life clean.. Sometimes, just because others don't do how you would do, you shouldn't judge.


But in all honesty, I think the op prolly should just keep that to himself. It does no good, because obviously you will hear a lot of people disagree. Just realize, one day if you don't listen to that inner voice that gives you that last warning about giving it up, eventually drugs catch up to everyone and usually win.

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You should go for a backpacking trip in the woods for like a week with no drugs. Climb a mountain and experience what life is like when your high without being on drugs. You'll learn to appreciate life. You'll learn not to depend on drugs for a good time.



This times a billion.

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I like poking smot but damn does it affect my mind in the long run. My memory isn't as sharp as it once was and I'm only 28.


I puffed tuff for a lot of years. But I had to quit six months ago due to the white knuckle anxiety and self doubt it was causing me. Wish I had figured it out a long time ago. I feel better than ever and it's like I've finally woken up to my life.


Omm all DUH!

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