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Lookit my new lil kitteh!

The Anomaly

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Just picked him up tonight from the shelter, we saw him within the hour he was brought in, and thank god, because EVERYONE wanted this cat after they saw him. The missus wanted some company for when I'm gigging on the weekends, and the daughter is 15 and has her own life, so . . .


He's 7 weeks old. Haven't decided on the name yet, either Sheldon (BBT) or Micah.



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Awesome little guy. I'm thinking of getting another. I really want a Maine Coon or Weegie, but don't really have the $$ to get one through a breeder at this point. I will start checking out Adopt a Pet and a few places like that. There's a really cool Maine Coon available not too far from here, but he's 1.5 years old...really want a kitten.

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LOL. Adopted a couple of kitties in the past. I always make a point of if I can to take a black cat too; people rarely take black cats as they always want the cutesly ones and most black cats get put to sleep :(


So, I always end up getting two. Not that I do this regularly, mind!

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Good job on the rescue
You should name him 'Baz(inga)'!

Also, he looks a lot like my daughter's kitteh; the vet keeps carrying on that she
be an
Egyptian Mau
(dunno for sure b/c she was also a rescue



Dayum! He looks EXACTLY like her!


Mine has been so active, it's been hard to get any "still" pics. I'll try to get some this morning.

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Cute kitten. :love: I hope he grows up to be a nice kitty, not like the bastard cat that my girlfriend has. He's 30 pounds of spoiled hedonist with a nuclear dump of an ass, and when I'm sleeping, he will literally climb over me (not good when you're asleep and he's 30 pounds) and then stick his face right against my nose. Why? He's protesting because he thinks I'm sleeping in his spot. His name is Milo.



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