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Rich Yuppie Rant!


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I have to admit it makes me scratch my head when I see folks playing twinkle twinkle on a multi thousand dollar instrument......but then I've got some nice guitars and compared to Kottke, Dykes, Emmanuel, etc. ad. nauseum I'm not too far past the twinkle twinkle phase myself....and I'm not exactly a bad player.....


On the otherhand it's guys like this who keep Collings, Bourgeois, Santa Cruz, Huss and Dalton, and myriad other small builders in business!!!


PLUS you get to buy his guitar used at a discount when he decides what he really wants to play is the accordian, dobro, banjo, or other such nonsense :D :D (no offense to accrodians, dobros, or banjos!).





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Originally posted by Hudman

That's life friend. Your rant applies to most things in life.

You don't need to know how to play guitar to buy one. All you need is money or a credit card.

I listen to guys bitch about old guys buying sports cars and yuppies buying Harleys.

Good news is that one day you will be an old guy with money or a credit card too.

Keep living.


Man, I'm old, I'm a yuppie, I STILL can't afford one . . .


Now lthat I think about it, I can't play all that well either . . .



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Originally posted by Preacher Will

Man, I'm old, I'm a yuppie, I STILL can't afford one . . .

Now lthat I think about it, I can't play all that well either . . .



You got the old part. You are almost there....


Yuppies are middle aged + folks with money in my book.




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So I'm sitting there minding my own buisness at my local music store lusting over martins and the sort and this old fat creep comes in. Guys decked out with his 300 dollar sunglasses and little friend "yes m'am"ing him all over the place with a 5 thousand dollar guitar, not sure what kind, and I lean back because I figure anyone throwing that kind of money down on a guitar has to be able to play?

Well that was not the case, the guy was horrible, played like me when I was 12 and playing for 2 years. He's the kinda guy that rattled of the specs of the guitar only because he memorized that the night before.





Sorry dude, you get no sympathy from me. Really, it's all relative. Just becaue somebody wears nice clothes and can throw down some serious bucks on a guitar doesn't necessarily make him/her a yuppie wannabe. Maybe he's just somebody who waited a long time to be able to spend those bucks on himself instead of family and do something close to his heart. You don't really know his story. Don't be so judgemental.


Speaking for myself, I spent most of my life being responsible and paying for things like my kids education and pretty much everything my wife ever wanted. Now I'm at a point in my life where I can afford to indulge my self a bit with some of the things I've always wanted. Maybe from your perspective it looks like some rich old f****r playing with toys he neither derserves nor understands while really talented guys like you go without, but I really don't give a {censored}. It may be really hard to get these old fingers to do what I want them to do, and my playing may seriously suck, but I gotta tell ya it gives me immense pleasure spending hours every day at, for me, the slow process of trying to get better at something I wish I had had the wherewithal to do a long time ago. I'm damn glad I'm doing it now, and damn glad I can afford a nice guitar to do it with, no matter how bad I am at it. Better late than never.

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OK well, struck a nerve, no one has to agree with me, it was just an impulse knee jerk thing.


And im not "really talented" on guitar, I consider myself a bassoon/sax player, going to new england conservatory to be a performance major. Guitar is something I started playing when I was 10 and I love it and im good, but no where as good as I plan to be, I just really wanted the clapton sig I was playing, and to see him toss all that money away...


well, yeah...




I hope I'll have my day...

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Originally posted by Cmogi10

OK well, struck a nerve, no one has to agree with me, it was just an impulse knee jerk thing.

And im not "really talented" on guitar, I consider myself a bassoon/sax player, going to new england conservatory to be a performance major. Guitar is something I started playing when I was 10 and I love it and im good, but no where as good as I plan to be, I just really wanted the clapton sig I was playing, and to see him toss all that money away...

well, yeah...


I hope I'll have my day...


Dude, I can empathize with you in the sense that yeah, seeing a lesser player with the ability to afford great gear can be frustrating. BUT, I think you prejudiced people's reactions by describing the guy at the outset as an "old, fat creep", as if being old and fat and having money makes one a "creep". I'm no great player but I have some decent gear - I'm just cashing in on my good fortune and buying some of the stuff I couldn't afford over the past 30 years. I suppose some would describe me as "old" - I'm 52 - and as for fat, well, I'm 6' 1" and weigh 225, but could stand to lose 15 or so of those pounds. And I usually wear Oakleys, because I like them. So my first reaction to your post was, "sheesh, glad I didn't go into the store where you were browsing when I went looking for my D-41". :)

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Well, I am a fat old bald [currently broke] creep who can't play guitar worth {censored}, and I find nothing objectionable about this young man's rant. Of course I aspire wholeheartedly to someday become a fatter older bald moneyed creep who can't play worth {censored}, but until that time I will continue to be embittered and choleric and to resent those who are more monetarily fortunate than I because, damn it, that is the American way!

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Originally posted by knockwood

Well, I am a fat old bald [currently broke] creep who can't play guitar worth {censored}, and I find nothing objectionable about this young man's rant. Of course I aspire wholeheartedly to someday become a fatter older bald
creep who can't play worth {censored}, but until that time I will continue to be embittered and choleric and to resent those who are more monetarily fortunate than I because, damn it, that is the American way!


LOL, I didn't find it personally objectionable, but was just trying to point out why he got some of the reactions he did.


Oh, I should have mentioned that while I'm not bald yet, I've been trending that way for 30 years and it's getting closer every day. :)

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Originally posted by DonK

LOL, I didn't find it personally objectionable, but was just trying to point out why he got some of the reactions he did.

Oh, I should have mentioned that while I'm not bald yet, I've been trending that way for 30 years and it's getting closer every day.


I know, man. Just playin'.


Man, what I wouldn't give to trade that sudden shocking realization in my early 20's for 30 years of trending... :D

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Want $$ $ to spend on guitars?


Do without a girlfriend or wife for a few months! Works every time. Use that pent up energy for a part-time job to finance your GAS habit until you collect enough guitars to start your own "shop" on eBay. Amaze your friends and neighbors!


Then, after you've started a bit of touring to support the CD you will also suddenly have money to make, THEN you won't have to worry about the ladies, because they'll be flocking to YOU.


At least that's how it worked for me... then I woke up!




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I'm sort of getting to be an old timer. When I was married and my sons were young, I didn't have that much time to play, and even less cash to spend on expensive guitars. But I live alone now, without so many financial obligations, and while I never became a great player, I still really enjoy it, and sometimes I have the cash to get myself a good guitar. It seems weird that perhaps I'm pissing somebody off by purchasing a nice instrument even though I don't play like a professional.

I think of it as some small compensation for getting older.

(BTW, I'm not wealthy. I just have a bit more disposable income than I used to when I was buying kids shoes and putting my ex-wife and boys through school.)

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Originally posted by Cmogi10

If my girlfriend could, she would spend as much money as she could on my music. I got really lucky.

Shes an incredible pianist too, always a perk.



Girl friends are easy to deal with. They are like salesmen at a time share resort. They will do whatever it takes to make the sale.


Wives? Completely different kind of animal.

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Originally posted by Hudman

Girl friends are easy to deal with. They are like salesmen at a time share resort. They will do whatever it takes to make the sale.

Wives? Completely different kind of animal.




I was thinking the same exact thing but was afraid to type it out! :o

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Nomenclature abuse alert!!!


Interesting thread! But "yuppie" and "old fart" (or even "old fat"), are mutually exclusive demographics. The term "yuppie" was derived from "Young Urban Professional". I remember it first appeared in the 80s--in Atlanta, where I once lived, these were the late twenties/early thirties folks who had white-collar jobs, bought into trendy historic intown neighborhoods and fixed up the old Victorian houses, and, most importantly and definitively, drove BMWs. The old TV series "Thirtysomething" pretty much captured the sense of all aspects of yuppiedom. I have no idea what kind of guitar an 80s-era yuppie would have preferred--let's hear some speculation! What guitar goes with chardonnay, condescension, crisply creased chinos, and stylishly tousled haircuts?


Maybe your rich dude was a yuppie in the 80s...but now we need a new name for his ilk.

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Well, I feel safe regardless of how everybody else feels. I only married a yuppie. I'm really just a piece of trailer trash who ran off the reservation as soon as he was able, got some travelling and some educatin' in and eventually married up. My only hope is to one day be that scuzzy old fart in tattered clothes who shuffles in unnoticed and drives others off with his smell so that he can play in peace!



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I have no idea what kind of guitar an 80s-era yuppie would have preferred--let's hear some speculation! What guitar goes with chardonnay, condescension, crisply creased chinos, and stylishly tousled haircuts?


My guess would be something custom made, using only the finest in exotic tonewoods, say braz that was carefully hidden away for 80 years in someone's stash for just the right person and guitar, plus perfectly quartersawn Carpathian cut by elves in the Black Forest. Wood binding out of something you've never heard of, with a rosette and backstripe to match. All carefully handcrafted by the latest luthier du jour. That or a $27,000 Martin. Either way, you know he'll pay too much. :thu:

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