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What kind of headphones do you use?


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Hey All.


I've decided to treat myself to a small Christmas present and I'm ordering these phones:




Anybody else use these, or do any of you have recommendations of other type phones that are better (for approximately the same price)?


I've used a pair of Sony MDR-V150 ($20 cheapo's) for a long time and I've decided to upgrade slightly.


Anyway, comments or suggestions are really appreciated.



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Are you set on closed headphones?


Grado sr-60, sr-80 and Alessandro MS1 have very good sound quality in your budget but they are open designed headphones (they let the sound in and out).


In the closed headphones market, Audio-Technica does have a good reputation :thu:.


You might want to ask around head-fi.org too.

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I use MB Quart heaphones from Germany, but these are pretty

hard to find in N. America. Audio Technica, AKG, Koss, Sony, and Sennhieser

all make good heaphones that I've used and like. I've never tried Grado

headphones, but hear nothing but praise from people that have them.

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I actually still have a pair of the sony mdr-v100's that I let my wife use. I'm amazed that they still work since I got them when I was 13 and now I'm 27. The headphones I use now are the Sony mdr-7506, and I really like them a ton. You don't need a separate headphone amp to push them to a decent level, and they do a great job of picking up problems in my recordings. They aren't perfect, but for 100 dollars they are well worth it.

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I bet those phones you're buying are pretty good.


I currently use these AKG K-55s: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/AKG-K-55-Headphones?sku=241032 and they work just fine for my purposes. My mom got me some surprisingly awesome Bose in-ear type headphones a couple Christmases ago but I prefer to use the AKGs when I'm recording because the closed-back design doesn't bleed as much into the recording. I'm sure the Bose ones wouldn't bleed if I could figure out how to get them in my ears properly. :freak:



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I have and use Sony MDR 7506's and Grado 60's, but my dirty little secret is that I probably use my Bose QC II's 70% of the time. They're way more comfortable than either of the others, and the noise cancellation is pretty cool too.

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for what purpose do you plan on using these phones? listening to music? recording? mixing?


low end:




higher end:


http://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/K240S/ k240s for rocking out, k240m for monitoring/studio stuff.


or for grados, go here:






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I've used a pair of Sony MDR-V150 ($20 cheapo's) for a long time and I've decided to upgrade slightly.

Anyway, comments or suggestions are really appreciated.




For my dinky little home recordings I use the exact same headphones and although they are "cheap" they are good enough for monitoring tracks. I never mix or EQ a track while wearing headphones so it doesn't matter to me.


If I was going to get a new pair I would more than likely go for a pair of good Sennheiser.

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Can anyone recommend a good set of headphones for $75-$100 that would be great for just private listening to myself play through my amp with some backing music coming in through a Aux In CD? I currently have a Radio Shack set that runs about $30 and they're okay; but nothing great. What's your recommendation?



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I use headphones for my reviewing exclusively and used to use Grados, last year I discovered Sennheiser HD-485 and would not trade them for anything, they do take a few days to break in because of aluminum voice coils


Wow, here is a deal io bucks cheaper than what I paid!!!



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Thanks for all the input. It's amazing how many choices there are out there.


I understand about mixing through headphones as opposed to near field monitors. It is better to hear the live sound. My problem is that I do most of my stuff late at night when my kids are in bed. I have a 9 year old and a 4 year old. Additionally, I have to compromise a little by choosing between studio phones (flat response) and entertainment quality (tuned response). That's why I was thinking about the Audio Technica and they seem to be able to meet somewhere in the middle. However, after reading all the knowledgeable responses, I have to decided to wait a couple more days on this and research it just a little more.


Again, thanks for the input. It really helps.



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Can anyone recommend a good set of headphones for $75-$100 that would be great for just private listening to myself play through my amp with some backing music coming in through a Aux In CD? I currently have a Radio Shack set that runs about $30 and they're okay; but nothing great. What's your recommendation?




hard to beat a grado sr60 and the like; my akg501's are about that much, and nice but a bit bass-shy if that bugs you


oh, and for cheap portables:


i have koss k75 and senn px100 and if you are just using regular ipod buds, i BEG YOU to buy a pair of one of these, because for $15 or so your ipod will go from a nasty little tinny thing to a pretty nice sounding setup

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