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70 year old beginner


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Hi.... After lurking for months I should say hello. Started learning last year. It's taken longer than I thought for my fingers to toughen up, now getting them to behave, Making progress though. This is a great forum, learned a lot. I wont have much to add but questions....Thanks for being here. olANDY



way cool there Andy, this proves you never to old to take up an instrument and teach an old dawg some new tricks.


enjoy, it's a lot of fun. I've been playing 33 years and learn something new all the time.

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I'm gettin' real close to 67 myself, Andy, so, from one old fart to anohter;




Keep us informed of your progress. I've been playing since I was 15, but I took a 10 year hiatus.....started back into it about five years ago. I feel I'm back up to speed now....but, I wish I'd never taken the ten-year break. I know what you mean about the finger soreness. It'll get better, though. Just keep on pickin'!......


By the way........Do you play any other musical instruments? Most of us do, ya know, and we'd like to hear about THAT part of your life, too......Opa John......

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