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Original Holiday Tune: "Holiday Greetings"


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This is a brief original tune that came out while noodling around last year. I cleaned up the arrangement a little bit and sat down with a friend's guitar in from of my Zoom H2. I call it "Holiday Greetings." Just a warning: it's a pretty sad song and is inspired by many holidays when our family couldn't get together from across the miles - or greater distances.



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Thanks, guys. I did write words for it but I misplaced the file. :facepalm:


I think the first line was "someone's knocking on the door kids" or something like that. I'll have to rewrite it, but that's not gonna happen because Xmas.


It should be longer too. This is just the basic "thumbnail" of it. You know how noodling goes; you just get lost in the moment.

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