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If u had a choice of playing either guitar or bass in a band, which one would u play?


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Originally posted by expertune

I am facing this. Well, I can play both. I like guitar. I like bass as well, but bass is boring sometimes.



Whichever one you want to play. If you're still in the phase deciding what you want to play, you should prolly look around for other musicians in your area, and let them do whatever they're good at. 'Course, you should have fun with it, so do whichever you want.


I play guitar in a rock band and bass in a school band. I like both. Bass is fun, but I always find myself wanting to go back to guitar.


You can even change it up, like guitar for one song and bass for another.


Whatever makes you happier.

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Originally posted by dtmowns

GUITAR, bass will get boring after awhile trust me...



If you hold up 8th notes for 3 minutes a la most rock songs, yes it does.


If you can break it up with some slapping, tapping, and false harmonics, as well as play some different styles, it can be much more interesting.


I like to play bass. I would never give up guitar for it though.

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Guitar, but I have fun with bass as well. I mean, there are a million things you can do on bass, besides the AC/DC mode of playing.

I like doing a lot of triplets, walking, slapping, ect... Anymore, I listen to a lot of gospel and country/bluegrass where they have some pretty amazing bassists at. It's more interesting then listening to the guitar parts half the time.

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Originally posted by expertune

I am facing this. Well, I can play both. I like guitar. I like bass as well, but bass is boring sometimes.

I've played guitar in a band since about '74 but have also played bass sporadically and as a fill-in for various bands. And for recording. Personally,I'd never be satisfied playing bass full-time but that's just me. We certainly can't make up your mind for you.

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Originally posted by expertune

I am facing this. Well, I can play both. I like guitar. I like bass as well, but bass is boring sometimes.



Well, if playing bass is boring to you than it is probably not a good

idea for you to the bass player in a band.

If playing bass is boring because the vocalist (or any other member

in the band) is limiting your lines, than you should smack them

with their own instruments.


Maybe you could find another guy that plays both bass and guitar,

and you could switch duties in different songs.

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I can play both too. I prefer funk when I play bass.

Go with the bass if you want to play in a band. It will take you a lot longer to get really good at guitar. There is more competition playing guitar too. Bass is the fast lane to playing in a group.

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Probably guitar, but sometimes I wish I was on the bass. There are some songs where the bass just kills. I've been listening a lot to "Why Does Love Got to Be So Sad" from the Derek & the Dominos In Concert CD, and I just love Carl Radle's bass lines on that song. Take 'em away and the song isn't half as good. It's nothing fancy, but it RAWKS, and not ever bass player can do that. On a pure, full-speed ahead rocker, the bass player can make or break a song, whereas you can get by with even a lame guitar player as long as he can keep time and play the chords.

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The truth is that pretty much all the famous bass players out there play more than one instrument. The others being guitar and piano like McCartney and Sting. I don't think Chris Squire in 'The Yes' ever gets bored. He plays bass like a lead guitarist. Stu Hamm who plays with Satriani sometimes, is pretty hot. John Entwhistle of the 'Who' was the first to play a lead style on bass with 'My Generation" I think.

I like playing bass occasionally. If there are too many guitar players at a jam and they're mostly pretty good, I'll play bass. If they stink, I'll probably leave.

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The last 2 bands I was in ( this was in the mid 80's and yes, I'm a geezer ) had 2 guitarists that I thought were better than me. Rather than having a 3 guitar band and finding a bass player, I just decided that I would play bass.

Singing was always my primary skill with guitar being secondary, and I played bass probably 80% of the time with those 2 bands. The only songs that I played guitar on were songs that required acoustic or my double neck.

I love playing guitar, but to be a part of a band that has great vocals besides being good players....heck, I'd play the tamborine if that is what was needed.

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Originally posted by expertune

I am facing this. Well, I can play both. I like guitar. I like bass as well, but bass is boring sometimes.

but i have been doing that since 1979

just started playing guitar 2 weeks ago


but bass is boring sometimes

as much as i admore a great guitar solo i have never found playing bass boring. monotonous but not boring

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Good question!

I can certainly relate, as I am facing the same dilemma. I have been playing bass in the same band for about 6 or 7 years. The band has been on and off, and we switched singers/guitar players due to creative differences. My friend, who is the guitarist is starting his own band and asked me what I'd prefer to play, since originally I am a guitarist turned bassist. He knows a bassis/guitarist who he is recruiting as well, so we have options.

I opted to go for guitar, since I have done the whole bass thing. I was very comfortable being the bassist because it was more low-key (no pun intended) and I did not feel comfortable in the limelight. I figure, I am more confident on stage, and can play guitar, so why not give it a go? If I feel not comfortable, I can switch back to bass.:thu:

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I played bass for 20 years. Still have people contacting me to play bass for them. I turn them down. Not to toot my own horn, but I can play bass like a mofo -- lead bass, finger tapping, different styles, etc. I play guitar now. Bass got boring to me. Guitar is so much more of a challenge to me personally these days. I'd have to upgrade my entire old rig to get back into it, something I don't want to spend money on. Plus GAS is more fun in the guitar world, but really, you can be more expressive and creative on guitar. If your young, chicks like guitar players better as well!

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Bass is an insteresting instrument .....A great bass player makes a band ,, but most people dont even know it. the bass and the drummer ... are the foundation. A great bass player doesnt have to be fancy ,, he just has to keep his bass line moving and driving the beat. Its not as easy to be a great bass player and most people think ,,,,,, they really have to know the neck well. I played with a couple bass players that also played tuba and one baratone sax player ,,,, these guys really undestood what laying down a solid bottom end took .... ...... rat

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Originally posted by rhat

Bass is an insteresting instrument .....A great bass player makes a band ,, but most people dont even know it. the bass and the drummer ... are the foundation. A great bass player doesnt have to be fancy ,, he just has to keep his bass line moving and driving the beat. Its not as easy to be a great bass player and most people think ,,,,,, they really have to know the neck well. I played with a couple bass players that also played tuba and one baratone sax player ,,,, these guys really undestood what laying down a solid bottom end took .... ...... rat




Agreed...a good rhythm section is the foundation of the band. As a bass player I can definitely appreciate this. It is also, as you mention very understated. IMO a larger percentage will notice a guitar part over a bass line. I think it takes a certain mindset to play the bass - knowing that you won't get noticed as much, and being okay with it. Like Entwhistle of the Who, you can take this "behind the scenes" mentality and really shine once you get the opportunity to cut a solo.

Of course there are a few great bassists, like Flea, or Les Claypool, will take it to a new level where the bass is almost overstated.

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Personally, I'd rather play bass. As long as you've got a good drummer, you're going to have a killer foundation for any song. The rhythm section carries a band in a way that a guitar player never can.

I'm mainly playing guitar right now in a band and I find it frustrating a lot of the time. I'm also not a big fan of solos really on any instrument. My bandmates actually told me I have to play solos on a couple of songs. To me a simple bass groove has so much more impact than a long guitar solo ever can.

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I guess it depends on the band. If it were more groove oriented or mellow music, bass. If it were guitar dominant metal or hard rock styles I'd probably not want to be buried that much. If I could play bass well I'd like be in a hip hop or r+b band.

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Originally posted by curseoftruth

I played bass for 20 years. Still have people contacting me to play bass for them. I turn them down. Not to toot my own horn, but I can play bass like a mofo -- lead bass, finger tapping, different styles, etc. I play guitar now. Bass got boring to me. Guitar is so much more of a challenge to me personally these days. I'd have to upgrade my entire old rig to get back into it, something I don't want to spend money on. Plus GAS is more fun in the guitar world, but really, you can be more expressive and creative on guitar. If your young, chicks like guitar players better as well!



I'm in the same boat. Much better known around the area as a bass player but I'm just plain tired of it. Just got off of a two year stint on bass with a pretty popular group in the area and am raring to get back out there on guit.

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I'd say guitar just because I'm better at it. I'm teaching myself bass right now, and it's really interesting because I tend to play completely different styles with each instrument. When I pick up a guitar I just flip instantly into metal mode, but with a bass I tend to come off as much jazzier. It's also slowed my playing down noticeably, so when I switch back to guitar I tend to play REALLY fast.

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