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Do You Own Your DREAM Guitar


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Originally posted by No_Direction

Changed my mind, my dream guitar is this........


In cherry sunburst tho

I once had a 2001 Korina Custom Shop Les Paul, finished in trans black, it was advertised as a Class 5 when I bought it. It turned out to be stolen property. It also turned out to be my least favorite of all six Les Pauls I've owned. It was very heavy, to the tune of 11 pounds, and did not get the same warm, woody thang going like the mahogany ones (2 Studios, a Custom , and 2 R7's) had.

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Well, I had found that my dream guitar resides in Florida, and after asking for in-depth photos of it, it became quite apparant that this guitar was a hunk o {censored}! Badly abused, been dropped a few times, and the owner wants *Mint Condition* money for it.
Im going to just make a lowball offer, and then walk away...

:cry: :cry: :cry:

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I don't really do the whole "dream" thing for guitars...though the EHX DMM was always my "dream" delay pedal...then of course I had to get a better guitar to go along with it...right now, I am insanely happy with just what I have and use. I don't forsee any of it leaving by way of ebay or SPAM threads at this point. The 69 Thinline is the most comfortable, perfect guitar I have ever played (for me). I guess maybe a dream collection would be rounded out with a white Jazzmaster and a faded red LP Double Cut w/ P90s...and an AC15.


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Actually I own two of them: A strat and a 335. The strat was my first drem axe, cause all my heroes played them. Then, as my tastes changed so did my taste in guitars ->335.

And yet I *still* play my 3rd axe, my Hamer, far more than either. go figure

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I had always wanted an SG. I got mine in 02' - a used 96' Standard. Best $750 I ever spent.

Not only does it have the look and sound that I always loved, but the feel of the guitar surprised the heck out of me. The body just fits me, and the neck is perfect - fits my hands like a glove.

It still is my favorite guitar to play.


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i have list of about 10 dream guitars i want to own.

actualy 3 of them i already have
a all maple gibson LP custom
a fender strat (but i maybe want to change from a mia strat to some vintage)
a dano dc59

still to come:
es 335
gretsch white falcon
ric330 fireglo
52 reissue tele
probably a '74 strat cause its my birth year
maybe a black lp custom (i do have epi but its not really like my gibson)
maybe some prs but not realy thought about which one
and just for coolness i would like to have a giby es1275?? doubleneck

i also could think about a fender jaguar/mustang/jazzmaster

so yes i have currently 3 dream guitars but there some more on the list :D

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This ol' gal right here. I searched for the better part of 10 years locally for a doublecut TV Junior, but never found one. Finally I just gave up and got this singlecut off ebay before the prices got obscenely stupid on TV models.

She turns 50 this year.


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