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NGD!! Orville by Gibson Les Paul Standard!


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i picked it up on ebay for $450 shipped. i've been playing the hell out of it the past couple of days and i'm in love. my first les paul! i'm constantly amazed by japanese craftsmanship. i honestly can't tell any difference between this and any US made gibson LP that i've played. also, it came with WCR crossroads pickups, which sound fantastic.












show me your orvilles!


update: in response to some questions: it's a '91 Standard model, meaning it has a long tenon neck joint, but not fret edge binding. only the "reissue" models had fret edge binding. also, the kluson style tuners were replaced with nickel grovers.


regarding the wcr crossroads pickups, i'm VERY satisfied. honestly they're the best PAF-style pups i've had the opportunity to use. obviously, they're not great with tons of gain, but i cranked up my 60's Gibson GA-8 Discoverer just to the breakup point and i got some amazing tone. very sweet, thick, bluesy tone. that being said, i don't think i would have paid $260 for the set, but i'm definitely not changing them out anytime soon.

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i picked it up on ebay for $450 shipped. i've been playing the hell out of it the past couple of days and i'm in love. my first les paul! i'm constantly amazed by japanese craftsmanship. i honestly can't tell any difference between this and any US made gibson LP that i've played. QUOTE]

that bad eh?
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