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Jimmy Page being discredited


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There is a music business exec and historian on Howard Stern right now.

He's talking about all the songs that people have copied.

He says that on the latest Zeppelin pressings,

Plant & Page are no longer credited as songwriters on many of their hits.

The old Blues masters are now being listed as the songwriters.

They played a song by the group Spirit, that sounds just like the intro to Stairway To Heaven

Led Zepellin used to open for Spirit.

This historian is angry and wants Zepellin removed from the R&R Hall of Fame



Yeah, and those blues master probably got it from someone else. So {censored} that.


Everyone is the blues world stole or borrowed songs.Zeppelin only got in trouble because the got rich off of it.

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A vast syncretic synthesis western culture is.

George Lucas better credit these sources in "The Clone Wars" or suffer the wrath of some movieologist on Howard Stern: :eek:

The New Testament
Christian Apochryphal Literature
Ancient Greek Literature
Zoroastrian (Persian) Myths

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What's the big deal? I thought everyone knew that Zep just "rocked up" other peoples tunes?


i think most musicians (and, perhaps to a lesser extent, avid music lovers) understand Zeppelin's heritage, influences, and :ahem: ...sources ;)


but those would be in the minority relative to the general music listening public... who probably don't know the difference between Muddy Waters and Roger Waters... or Willie Dixon and Donna Dixon



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What's the big deal? I thought everyone knew that Zep just "rocked up" other peoples tunes? I always gave them credit as showmen and musicianship/recording ability... But not for creativity.


Yes...that is all they did...note for note copies of other peoples music and word for word plagiarism...that is their entire legacy. :rolleyes:

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Yes...that is all they did...note for note copies of other peoples music and word for word plagiarism...that is their entire legacy.

On some songs, yes, it was pretty much pure plagiarism, but a lot of acts started that way ie The Beatles and Stones first albums.
I like Zep, but as has been mentioned, their "influences" can be pretty easily traced.

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I guess you have to expect this when young prettyboy englishmen take the blues, add a new coat of fuzz, acceptable white faces and are able to elevate themselves to levels of wealth rivaled by royal families.

Yes, everyone plagarises, the only thing that affects accountability in this case is the accounting.



LZ were hardly acceptable back in the day


RogerF thanks for that link!

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LZ were hardly acceptable back in the day



I know weren't the darlings of rock 'journalists', and I don't think they were malicious about borrowing. I think they were playing and paying tribute to music that moved them, and that applies to any other english and american band that was influenced by the blues. Eric Clapton has been doing penance for his fanbase not listening to Delta Blues for many many years now.

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George Lucas better credit these sources in "The Clone Wars" or suffer the wrath of some movieologist on Howard Stern:


Stern himself has been trashing Lucas,

for creating 3 crappy Star Wars films,

much to the consternation of Robin,

who is all buddy buddy with George,

because they are now in 'Racing Driver School' together.

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So, here is my plan now:

(1) Write some great songs. (2) Secure the rights. (3) Get some good demos of the songs recorded. (4) Circulate the demos around the net and elsewhere along with a rumor that none of the songs have been copyrighted. (5) Hope that somebody with a lot of talent and drive steals one of the songs and has a hit. (6) Repeat steps 1 through 5. (7) If somebody does have a hit with one of the songs, file a lawsuit.

With my 7 step plan to stealth song publishing, it should only take between 10 years and eternity for me to get wealthy. :freak:


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( the band Led Zepellin opened for )



Yeah - That's blatantly obvious. I don't think there's any arguing that. Changing it a little or doing it better doesn't make it any less stolen.


Who knows - Maybe the most money the writer from Spirit ever made was the royalties he won in court for Stairway to Heaven. Maybe he was set for life from that one stolen song. I wish someone would steal some of my material!

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I stopped reading after page 3 and I am sure that no one else is reading anymore new posts, so lawdy-frickin daw.

I have two lines of thoughts here. One is that they should definitely put the original creator of any song on that song. We all know that back in the day everyone was doing the standards, remakes of other's songs and it was pretty standard. A lot of thievery and especially screwing over of black artists. This cannot be disputed IMHO. Not giving credit is wrong. Not paying royalties is stealing.

But as far as taking away from them as a band, well there are still plenty of great songs that they did write and the ones that they 'borrowed' were performed by Zeppelin. You aren't going to mistake their rendition of any song for another group unless you are a window licker. They were a great band because of their style and sound and the way they presented the music. Its kind of like if I did a version of a song and Satch did one; which one would you want to listen to? Which one would be better? Its the same song, but I wouldn't get anywhere with it. If it was performed correctly it could be as big as Stairway.

Hell its just music. If the royalties are straightened out then the mistake is fixed. It doesn't mean that they weren't a kickass band. I have yet to hear anyone sound like they did on a regular basis.

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If it was performed correctly it could be as big as Stairway.

Hell its just music. If the royalties are straightened out then the mistake is fixed. It doesn't mean that they weren't a kickass band. I have yet to hear anyone sound like they did on a regular basis.

Hell, I heard that *they* didn't even sound like they did on a regular basis.:wave:

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I have yet to hear anyone sound like they did on a regular basis.

When I saw them live they were "very" bad! I was disillusioned with Led Zep.
I hope they didn't sound the way I heard them on a regular basis. :cry:

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its not about what is said in a song it is how it is said. Who cares what they took from other songs. As i said in my other post music is out there for every one to do what they will with it. Do all of you people pay royalties to the guy who wrote "happy birthday" every time you sing it, cause your suppose to. Hell Zeppelin doesnt make a huge fuss when some one rips their song off. Look at Dread Zeppelin, Robert Plant loves what Dread Zeppelin is doing. People need to stop taking themselves so seriously.

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