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Is it just me, or does Mike Love...

Phil O'Keefe

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...strike anyone else as a bit of a jerk who is interested in riding on Brian Wilson's coattails and getting everything he can from him whenever he tries to do something without Mike's involvement?




I can see some of his points, but OTOH, it seems like every time Brian does anything, Mike is always right there trying to take credit for it... or wanting a cut of it. :rolleyes:

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Oh yes. Mike Love is (and has always been) quite the dick.


Maybe if Murray Wilson had raised him he would have ended up with a bit more...um...humility.


The Beach Boys' story is such a tragic one. Leave it to Love to extend the pain.




If I wanna see their tunes live I'll pay to see Brian or Al but never, ever Mike Love's Beach Boys.

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Hey Songrytr, can you please check out my "So tell me about iTunes" thread and give me your thoughts?


I wanna play with my new toy, but not until I know it's not going to hose my entire system and / or "take over" everything and prevent me from using the files in other players / programs. :)


Thanks buddy! :thu:

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Love objected to a promotion in which 2.6 million copies of a Beach Boys compilation CD were given away to readers of Britain's The Daily Mail on Sunday newspaper. The lawsuit said the giveaway undercut the band's sales.

If in fact Love did contribute to that album composition or arranging-wise to any significant degree(which I kind of doubt) and they didn't contact him to sign anything legally regarding the matter then I guess he has some sort of gripe here.That said,yeah,he's alway come off as a jerk in person(not as bad as Dennis though),and his recent leesing of the bands name for live shows is pretty shamless.On the other hand,the Beach Boys was what he did his entire life and I guess he does have to generate income of some sort.Sad and messy situation.

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Originally posted by Phil O'Keefe

...strike anyone else as a bit of a jerk who is interested in riding on Brian Wilson's coattails and getting everything he can from him whenever he tries to do something without Mike's involvement?


I can see some of his points, but OTOH, it seems like every time Brian does anything, Mike is always right there trying to take credit for it... or wanting a cut of it.


I was reading a (was it Wikipedia?) thing on the history of the Beach Boys, and I guess Mike Love arguing with Brian was one of the reasons "Smile" never came out in the first place. Love hated Brian's more progressive take on tunes at the time, and was it Van Dyke Parks he was writing with? At any rate, Love gave him a bunch of {censored} over it then, and it looks like that's continuing.


Quite true about the Beach Boys being a tragic bit of musical history. But, nonetheless, a vital one.

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I have always disliked Mike Love. He was the reason I missed the genius of Brian for so many years.


But I think he's got a point about this case. That freebie was done without his consent and he is cowriter to some of those tunes. As i understand it from an interview on the O'Reilly Factor, the free CD contained early hits that Love shares copywrite.


From what I can tell, Brian is not a cold hearted man, but that doesn't mean his "people" aren't.



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Isn't Mike Love rich enough?


Why does he have to see the cd giveaway as a loss of revenue instead of a marketing cost which will most probably make him more money on the long run.


It kills me when I have to hear millionaires cry about lost revenue.


Want to make it up Mike? Tour England on the back of the buzz that is created by the mass cd give away.


Or just ...go away.

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Originally posted by Joe Cole

Isn't Mike Love rich enough?

Maybe,maybe not.Unless you know personally there's no way of telling.Just because he was part of a legendary pop group doesn't mean that it's a given that he made any substantial money off it,there's just too many variables in this buisness.


Why does he have to see the cd giveaway as a loss of revenue instead of a marketing cost which will most probably make him more money on the long run.

I guess from his point of view the Beach Boys hardly need any marketing ploys anymore,and at his age,this is the long run now.


It kills me when I have to hear millionaires cry about lost revenue.

You'd be surprised at some of the {censored}ty publishing and overall buisness deals in this buisness.All is not what it appears to be in all cases.You might be right in saying Mike Love is a millionair and is stringentley counting every dime,but chances are he isn't doing as well as you might think.Hint: Leesing the Beach Boys name and doing pointless one nighters in forgettable dives isn't exactly the life at the top.



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Maybe it's a generational thing -I'm not that removed from the Beach Boys era-, but I have never understood the appeal that their music has on people.


Their compositions aren't bad, but their drippy vocals drive me nuts.


I really don't get it.

Maybe you just had to be there....:confused:

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Originally posted by Alndln2

You'd be surprised at some of the {censored}ty publishing and overall buisness deals in this buisness.All is not what it appears to be in all cases.You might be right in saying Mike Love is a millionair and is stringentley counting every dime,but chances are he isn't doing as well as you might think.Hint: Leesing the Beach Boys name and doing pointless one nighters in forgettable dives isn't exactly the life at the top.



Maybe so. Still....how much is enough. I seriously doubt he is wondering if he can make his next lease payment on his Hyundai Accent.


If so... he has a great share of the blame for squandering his money when he had it and for not being able to make back ever since.

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Originally posted by Joe Cole

Maybe so. Still....how much is enough. I seriously doubt he is wondering if he can make his next lease payment on his Hyundai Accent.

If so... he has a great share of the blame for squandering his money when he had it and for not being able to make back ever since.

p.s. I wouldn't be so hard on him if I had not heard all the stories about him and the way he treated his bandmates.


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I was never much of a Beach Boys fan, record-wise, back in the day. However, I saw them live with Poco (all-time favorite of mine) in an outdoor concert in Jersey City, NJ, many years ago and both bands were terrific.


I was pleasantly surprised how good the Beach Boys were.


Whether you liked them or not, Brian was one hell of an arranger.

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Originally posted by Super 8

Maybe it's a generational thing -
I'm not that removed from the Beach Boys era
-, but I have never understood the appeal that their music has on people.

Their compositions aren't bad, but their drippy vocals drive me nuts.

I really don't get it.

Maybe you just had to be there....


Too sweet for my tastes too. Good chance Brian Wilson was/is a genius, but too syrupy for me. Too consciously trying to be a positive force, which is admirable but gets in the way of true art which is about the totality of experience, not trying to blot out all that isn't happy and loving.

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Originally posted by myshkin

Too sweet for my tastes too. Good chancwe Brian Wilson was/is a genius, but too syrupy for me. Too consciously trying to be a positive force, which is admirable but gets in the way of true art which is aboutt he totality of experience not trying to blot out all that isn't happy and loving.


+1, :thu:


As for Mike Love, he is the guy who turned "Good Vibrations" from a truly transcendant, incredible song into one that is only great, and one that has some feeling of discontinuity at that. :mad::freak:





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I went to school with a songwriter who wrote some (still) very popular songs in the seventies. By chance, I ended up doing service work at his house. Apparently, his royalties go thru the mega entertainment company that gobbled his original label. He said that he has had to more than once meet them in court, as he discovered some (apparantly falsified) figures that cut him out of a bunch of money. He said that it's not easy for an individual to sue a huge corperation that has dozens of attornies on retainer, so he has to periodicly get some settlement. He equated it to having someone break into your house, steal a bunch of stuff, but when caught, you had to settle for a cut of the loot.


Who knows, Brian could be getting skinned every day by the same kind of sharks. He's a creative, quirky kind of guy who could choose to ignore the blood in the water instead of confronting it.


There's a world where I can go and

Tell my secrets to.

In my room, in my room.

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Yeah, pretty much every source I read portrays Mike Love as a cock. Personally I've got no use for his voice, though I've got to hand it to him for steering himself into a legal position to control the Beach Boys brand.


Still, there's no statute of limitations as to when a songwriter stops being compensated for his work if the song isn't in the public domain. AFAIK these songs aren't. So he may well have a case.

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Originally posted by Jotown

If Mike Love co-wrote the tunes he has every right to bitch. He deserved to be compensated for his work and he should get a say in someone giving away his money.

Being an asshole has very little to do with it.



That's it right there Jotown. I would not be suprised if he had the word Asshole tattood across his back in old English script... but that has nothing to do with it.


Brian's the man. No doubt. But everything cheesy about the Beach Boys could probably be attributed to Mr. Love, and believe it not, that's worth a lot.

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I went through a long phase where I hated the Beach Boys 'cuz they weren't deadly enough. But...one day, it hit me. "I don't hate this stuff because I really don't like it, I hate it 'cuz it's not cool (with the people I was hanging out with) to like it". Now I'm a huge fan. Not of all of their stuff...but a lot of it. And, IMO, ALL bands can use a lesson in "Beach Boys 101" when it comes to backing vocals...even if their stuff is a lot heavier.


Mike Love's whiny, bratty voice had a place in the earlier Beach Boys' catalog. I mean, that's quite possibly the only voice that could sing "I Get Around". And, for the most part, they tended to put the right voice to the right song...Brian on sweet stuff like "Don't Worry Baby", and Mike on the bratty stuff. Using Carl for "God Only Knows" was perfect.


I think that the problems (from the articles I read) were that Love wanted the Beach Boys to remain a bratty surfer band singing about cars and hitting the beach, and Brian wanted to go beyond that. One could argue the merits of letting Love use that same whiny voice in "Good Vibrations" and stuff, but whatever, it DID put the "Beach Boys" mark on it.

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