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Malmsteen: why so much hatred??


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People who spend much time on this forum, instead of playing their guitars, are often rock-wannabies. They prefer guitarists on their own level, like Jimmy Page and Kurt Cobain, so they can say that their are not so bad anyway. They can

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I never heard of all the assault stuff until today. I just never liked his music. Just me. If you do then great. I do find it funny how some people idolize him and call him maestro. Sounds like an episode of Seinfeld.

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The second anyone posts about a guitarist who isn't a country/blues/jazz player the elderly folk {censored} a brick. Thats how HCEG rolls, apparently.

I vividly recall the Alternative '90s pukes jumping on the bandwagon claiming to be influenced by various jazz or blues artists, when in reality, they owed a lot more to punk bands and '70s/'80s rock bands, only it wasn't fashionable to cite those influences. They wanted to do anything to distance themselves from '80s metal. :rolleyes:

The most obvious example was a {censored}head I called Joe Sellout. Never knew his actual name, but I saw him watching a metal show at a club in the around 1991 with long glam metal hair, silvertip cowboy boots, ripped denim, etc., looked like he came from MTV. Saw him again in 1992 after the Cobain Revolution started, he was wearing flannel, greasy mid length hair, sneakers, the Grunge look, looked like he came from MTV, again, wholesale image change. I wouldn't doubt he later went through a preppy boy band phase and rapper stage also, maybe K-FED junior? :bor:

I've always liked old school rock and metal. The '90s didn't change that. The {censored} music of today sure as hell didn't either. :wave:

Yngwie is way over the top with his ego, but I'll be honest, I think it can be funny at times, entertaining and clownish. Many musiciains that know him closely seem to think very highly of him, I think it's part of his "rock star" personna taken a bit too far, but he's not a bad guy at heart. He's definitely done some amazing things over the years.

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When chicks do not dig your music, you might be a shredder.


When you use a RG, Jackson, Explorer, or other thin necked pointy instruments at all, then you might be a shredder.


If you think the monkey grip is cool on the Ibanez Jem models, you might be a shredder.



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Said the exceptional classical virtuoso with an unbelievable technique and an unparallelled sense of melody, also a distinguished scholar and an expert in the area western classical music and music theory, an outstanding expert in the speciality area "baroque compositions".

Yngwie, is that you?


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http://www.blabbermouth.net/yngwie_tokyo_flight.mp3 Ok so Yngwie threatened to kill an airline stewardess. The man is an amazing player weather you like his music or not. For the people who said he writes songs around his solos, have you ever actually listened to any of his music ? His instrumental stuff is a bit like that, but even that has some cool neo-classical melodies in it. His vocal stuff is pretty decent music, even if the lyrics are pretty cheesy. Bottom line you either love him or hate him, but that doesn't change the fact that he can play like a mother{censored}er. I don't see or hear people hating on classical musicians who play technically perfect music very fast. http://youtube.com/watch?v=TyY-8N8TMUE
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Excellent thread!

Here I go:

1. About him being an "asshole". I don't think he is, you can tell by watching how he reacted on the Young Guitar DVD when he is asked about people ripping him off.

2. About him beating his wife. We don't know what happened. Maybe even if Gandhi was married to her he would beat her up. Maybe he didn't touch her. Why should this affect you on how you like his music? I appreciate good art even if it comes from a scumbag. And it would probably be better than some goody-goody's art from my experience.

3. About him not growing musically. We're talking about a boy genius. By the time he was 19 he had the musical maturity of people twice his age. There's not much more room for expansion. Should he have stopped making albums after '88? That's a good question.

4. One thing anoys me about him though. He claims he doesn't follow modern music, he only listens to classical music, that the last album he bought was Burn by Deep Purple (or something). That's sad in my opinion.

5. His downfall is that he thinks he is as good as Blackmore. Technically he is thousands of times better. But as a composer he is nothing compared to Blackmore. I wish he could realize that and start working with other musicians that will help him evolve as a composer.

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The guy can play...........Thats a give-in. But THATS not what the QUESTION is? Why doe's everyone seem to HATE him? HATE is a very strong word. I don't HATE anyone. I dislike certain individuals BEHAVIOR. But I don't HATE them. As for MALMSTEEN? I just think he looks kind of Femanine. Other than that I have NO issue with him. I also am NOT a big fan of his music? But so-what. Thats a personal choice. I don't favor Hip-Hop either? {censored}.. that don't mean {censored}!

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I listen to Yngwie because I feel he did it better than most rock guitarists back then. I have an Alcatrazz bootleg that truly shows what a talented and musical player he was early on in his career. His playing was oozing with passion and determination, he played that thing like the fate of the world depended on it.

After a few years, he started getting pretty samey, both the playing and the actual music. I still like his playing today, but I can see why many don't care for it if all they've heard is the newer stuff. Put on Rising Force, or the aforementioned Alcatrazz bootleg, and you'll hear the most promising rock guitarist around in those days.

Those saying he lacks 'feel' and 'soul' simply don't get it. You don't have to be a damn plantation worker to put passion into those notes.

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What I don't understand is why he chose alcatrazz. I mean, this incredibly talented guitarist that knows damn well he's talented gets hooked up with Graham Bonnet who is a horrendous front man. The guy can't even sing without flatting out, and he looks absolutely nothing like the 80s spandex boys that yngwie hired after he left alcatrazz.

of course the same could be said for Vai who took his place. I just don't get it

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What I don't understand is why he chose alcatrazz. I mean, this incredibly talented guitarist that knows damn well he's talented gets hooked up with Graham Bonnet who is a horrendous front man. The guy can't even sing without flatting out, and he looks absolutely nothing like the 80s spandex boys that yngwie hired after he left alcatrazz.

of course the same could be said for Vai who took his place. I just don't get it

Graham Bonnet was in Rainbow. Rainbow was huge in Japan, as well as many other countries. Hooking up with Bonnet was a great way of getting your name out there, even if it wasn't the ideal setting for either Malmsteen or Vai.


Malmsteen knew already then that he was gonna be bigger than Bonnet, and that he would be bigger without Bonnet.

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Did you just put Jimmy page and KC in the same sentence while equating their playing abilities? Please say it ain't so... I mean, you meant someone else than JP, right? Right? You can't possibly have so much {censored} stuck in your ears that to you, those two musicians are even remotely comparable in terms of their guitar playing abilities, right?

:D Amazing isn't it?

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well he's cocky even when he haggles...




wow.. the guy with the "hair" in the "Andy's" guitar store with him is a pal of mine..

one of the Luthiers in that store did all the customer work to my Strat

we is like bestist buds...


ok.. in that vid there is nothing flash at all...

jeez guys he's having a laugh in front of the camera...

he has a dry sense of humour...

take all this litterally and you're seeing the wrong {censored}..

he's clearly messing around...

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