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Did you put that strat-like axe together? Specs?



Yep, it's a chambered Warmoth body made of padouk with a contoured heel and the standard tummy/forearm cuts. The neck is padouk/ebony with a 1.75" nut (Earvana), 6100 wire, locking sperzals, standard trem (all springs-floating) and side-adjusting truss rod. 11-52 GHS Boomers.


Pickups are Dimarzio F-spaced ToneZone bridge, VV Heavy Blues middle and VV Blues neck. Wired like the Lone Star, position #1 is full HB, #2 is split HB/middle.


It's climbing this month favorite guitar list real fast, I just rewired it and it's been a while since I played it.

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Yeah hopefully it plays somewhat like the gibson. It has the same neck profile which i really liked when I played the gibby. Ive got a alnico II in the neck of my vm right now and its great. but I want the bridge to get me that raunchy bridge rhythm tone from civil war.

Ill miss the piezo who knows maybe ill find a way to come up with the cash


the cool thing about the piezo is it seems to have a real single coil tone with the drive of a humbucker. i really, really dig it. i rarely use the 'bucker+piezo mix - tend to go one or the other.


but yeah, for the slash tone - the alnico II pros are key. and if the neck profile is like the gibson, then you'll love it! :thu:

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What's up with the Blue 30. I've never seen one of those.

I found that on Ebay a couple years ago. I'm glad I bought it cause I haven't seen any like it since.

It's a Limited Edition put out by Peavey at one time. I don't know how many they made.

On another note........ I just bought a Marshall 1960AV cab (the one with Celestion Vintage 30s) today.

I'm gonna post pics as soon as I can! :thu: :thu:

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Sorry about the crappy pic.


Here's the list:

Fender Super Reverb Amp (US 4x10 all-tube 40 W), blackface, 1966, modded into 2 2x10 cabs

Sovtek MiG50H "Tube Midget" (Russian, 2000 all-tube) amplifier head

Sunn 200S (US, 1960s, all-tube 60W) Bass head that doubles for guitar also

Laney AOR 4x12 straight front cab (UK, 1980's) (sale pending)

Risson 4x12 slant front cab (US, 1980's)

Kustom 100, matching head (US 1960's 100 W solid state) and ported cab (1x15)

Ampeg SVT bass cab (US 1970's? 8x10)

Crate BX-200 bass head (200 W solid state US 1995)

Woodson 250 matching bass head and 1x15 cab (US 1970's? 250W ?-- on semi-permanent loan)

Randall RB-120 125W 1x15

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