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Yamaha: cheap asian guitars?


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Just as an example of unknown (in America) original Yamaha electrics that some (not to generalise) Gibson and Fender folks would dismiss as weird "asian crap":




How much do you think this guitar is worth?

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I know Yamaha makes very nice and expensive guitars, I do think that one however is kinda ugly..... I do remember a few years ago seeing some yamaha classical guitars with various european wood tops that were going for $9000 or so...

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Just as an example of unknown (in America) original Yamaha electrics that some (not to generalise) Gibson and Fender folks would dismiss as weird "asian crap":


How much do you think this guitar is worth?


I know a guy who has that guitar - I think it ran him about 9 or 10 grand.


the inlay is just a tad over the top for me, but it is a very very nice guitar.

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The SGV's (or Samourai as they were once called) range then from $199. to $9000. :confused:


The one I'd be lusting for is the SGV1200 which is a professional instrument costing about only $1000 that has all the unique "samourai" (it's the name of this Yamaha guitar style) features including this very fancy tremolo system and the excellent single coil slanted pups.


Yamaha has a way of confusing people (not on purpose) with series of very similar looking guitars that range from absolute beginner all the way up to professional outstanding instuments. The Pacifica line is not a bad example of this: how do you compare a PAC012 and a PAC 904? They are a world apart in terms of quality and the later is 12 times more expensive than the former but most people on this board would put them in the same ballpark.

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The answer: $9000


Ahhh... Actually, a small shop in town has one like the one Virgman posted, but it's white. I think they have it at $699.


To be honest, I didn't look at the one in the first post all that closely... I just sorta glanced at it, threw up in my mouth a little bit and made my smart ass post.



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Ahhh... Actually, a small shop in town has one like the one Virgman posted, but it's white. I think they have it at $699.

To be honest, I didn't look at the one in the first post all that closely... I just sorta glanced at it, threw up in my mouth a little bit and made my smart ass post.



In fairness to you, it's hard to guess that the first guitar would be 9000 bucks... It's hand made with every square centimeter being made with the precision of a jeweler by the absolute best luthier that Yamaha have (so they must be some of the best in the world). Still, I just can't phantom why a solidbody electric guitar would cost that much. One thing is certain, this guitar must be AWESOME to behold.


Yamaha has some acoustics and concert nylons that are even more expensive. :eek: but that I can well understand.


My wife has an all silver hand made Yamaha flute that is worth $5000. It is an incredible instrument that she is very proud of owning.

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In fairness to you, it's hard to guess that the first guitar would be 9000 bucks... It's hand made with every square centimeter being made with the precision of a jeweler by the absolute best luthier that Yamaha have (so they must be some of the best in the world). Still, I just can't phantom why a solidbody electric guitar would cost that much. One thing is certain, this guitar must be AWESOME to behold.

Looking closely at the inlay, it's a work of art. I'm sure that must be worth a whole lot of Yen. Incredible craftmanship.:thu:


It's probably one of those guitars they throw together in the Asian sweatshops!


I'll be surprising you in a couple of weeks when I post pictures of my new Chinese beauty. I still can't believe the construction quality on it. Sure, every component is a huge POS but the wood, finish and construction are top shelf! Keep in mind it's made by a factory (Aileen) that only has an average of 30 workers and that the damn thing went out the door for $150.

Suprising too that the bridge isn't crap, it's a really nice Wilkinson brass roller bridge with locking studs. Another thing I found incredible is that it has a nitro finish on it. No doubt about it though, this IS one of those sweatshop guitars.


Yeah, yeah, yeah... I know it's not a Custom Shop from Gibson or whoever. This is just a cheap little experiment, to see just how good a $150 guitar and $100 of upgrades can really be.

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I'll be surprising you in a couple of weeks when I post pictures of my new Chinese beauty. I still can't believe the construction quality on it. Sure, every component is a huge POS but the wood, finish and construction are top shelf! Keep in mind it's made by a factory (Aileen) that only has an average of 30 workers and that the damn thing went out the door for $150.

Suprising too that the bridge isn't crap, it's a really nice Wilkinson brass roller bridge with locking studs. Another thing I found incredible is that it has a nitro finish on it. No doubt about it though, this IS one of those sweatshop guitars.



This is confusing me, I must say.

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