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I love Lesbians but thank god theres no kissy-kissy here....

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Of course it's lame!


Let's do a switcheroo for a moment: a gay man lusts after you and walks in while you're having sex with a woman. Are you at all tempted to abandon your orientation at that moment?


I mean, maybe you are, and that's okay. It's just less than likely. :D

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You love lesbians? Why? See, they don't love you - that's why they're lesbians.



Yes, I love them and they don`t have to love me! It does help if they look like porn stars. I have trouble enough with one woman but I`ll take my chances with two. Actually I`m hoping my wife is bi and just doesn`t know it yet!

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It seems to be a mysterious truism within the "pleasure" industry that many of the girls who strip at titty-bars are lesbians.... Guys slavering over them, not knowing that some of these gals don't even LIKE guys.


I've seen that to be confirmed true on a number of occasions in both Cali and TX, where I used to frequent a wide swath of naughty places, getting to know the denizens.

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It seems to be a mysterious truism within the "pleasure" industry that many of the girls who strip at titty-bars are lesbians.... Guys slavering over them, not knowing that some of these gals don't even LIKE guys.

I've seen that to be confirmed true on a number of occasions in both Cali and TX, where I used to frequent a wide swath of naughty places, getting to know the denizens.


Did it ever occur to you that they may use that line in order to keep the wolves at bay? I'd say many women in that line of work are "in character" when they go on the job site. Maybe they just don't like being approached in those circumstances.


Oar they just don't like you. :p

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I'm personally heartened and touched by all these couples who've come out of the woodwork after 40, 50, or more years to finally enjoy the same societal rights as other committed couples.


I'm all for religions having the right to define what marriage means within the bounds of their religion -- but when they try to put their rules on the rest of us, I'm going to want to shake that off.


Civil marriage should be precisely that: it should protect the rights of the participants to own property together, raise children, visit each other in the hospital, and all the conventional societal trappings of marriage.



My mom worked for the telephone company, which had a lot of women working for it -- and, inevitably, I became aware of the phenom of these women living together and buying homes together. My mom had a number of friends in these relationships, some of them very close. She and her husband used to drive out to Las Vegas frequently to visit and stay with one retired couple. (I finally asked my mom about the women's relationship and she said -- Well, I honestly never thought about it. I figured whatever their relationship, it was their business. She knew them for about 40 years.)


When one of them had a heart attack in the 80s, her partner was not even able to get into the emergency care unit to see the woman she'd shared nearly 50 years of her life with -- not until the patient had been transferred out of ECU.


It was enormously upsetting -- even torturous -- to both of them. And to what purpose? What societal value was preserved by keeping these two women who seemed to love each other deeply apart at a time of their greatest need and fear?



If people want to belong to religions whose strictures are conceived in hatred and fear -- I suppose that's their loss.


But when they want to impose those narrow, hateful views on the rest of us, it's time for those who truly believe in separation of church and state to stand up.

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Did it ever occur to you that they may use that line in order to keep the wolves at bay? I'd say many women in that line of work are "in character" when they go on the job site. Maybe they just don't like being approached in those circumstances.

Oar they just don't like you.


A good point, Bill!


I've known a number of strippers -- off the job (though I've seen the inside of a few strip clubs, too, but I was never one of those guys who had to get to know the girls) -- I hang out at a coffee house that's long been a mecca for those recovering from various addictions and I'm afraid that the fast money involved in exotic dancing, not unlike the same fast money that waiters and waitresses make, can sometimes, even often, go to developing expensive addictions). Some of them were definitely committed lesbians. Many were straight. A lot of them had kids.


Women who work in exotic dancing can have really complex sensibilities about men. I've met some who were totally down to earth and some who seemed at sea...


Like any other profession, there are a lot of different stories and individuals.

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I hate to break the news to you, but when you guys are elderly, in an ideal world, you'll still want to love people and have sex and stuff.

Yes. Old people have sex. Deal with it.


Having worked in a nursing home, I can assure everyone that they have way more sex than we might believe...and good for them. :). i'll still be rollin' when I'm old.

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Nah, just in Bakersfield and parts of OC.

OC has changed.


And in the south part of the county, Laguna is a big money center. There's plenty of conservatism down that way, to be sure -- but alot of it is more gay tolerant than the brand of conservatism you'll find in other areas.


Even in San Diego -- which is super-Republican... gays are very influential in civic and economic life. Mind you, they're pretty conservative gays, certainly Republican gays... those areas are hotbeds of Log Cabin Republicanism...



Now, the central valley... that's a whole different story. Outside of the cities (and that would pretty much be Bakersfield and Fresno and nothing much else), a very socially conservative, anti-consumer, anti-environment, anti-free-thinking, anti-freedom, pro-ultra-conservative-Christian mindset dominates civic life.


The state's extremely powerful prison guard union -- which has dominated state politics for years now and has promoted draconian "anti-crime" measures that have caused Cali's prison population to swell extraordinarily, meaning more prisons, more guards, more money, and more power to the already dominant union -- calls the shots over Demos and Republicans alike. The gubernator said he would stand up to the guard's union -- but one of the first things he did was roll over and bare his throat to them... they own the politicans in this state -- and they dominate the political culture and control non-farm employment outside our cities.


It's really frightening how much power they have. When it turned out they were setting up death match gang fights for betting and sport -- and then shooting and killing the winners in many cases, it was eventually driven underground, but the guards who were arrested and tried were exonerated despite a lot of evidence against them -- mostly because the juries were composed of retired prison guards, their families, or those who depend for a living on the prison guards and their union.

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Well, as the guru Craig Anderton sez, getting old may suck, but it beats the alternative. And if I'm alive, I wanna have sex, be it now or 50 years from now. So watch out for my wrinkled scrotum, being flaunted somewhere in another 40 years.

Seriously, watch out. I can take an eye out with those things.



Aren't pretty much all scrota wrinkled?



Gym class is a hazy memory and I really tried to keep my eyes to myself but that's what I'm thinkin'...


I'm not doing the internet research to answer this one.

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