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Grant Harding

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Everything posted by Grant Harding

  1. Conventional? He's running through a list of classic guitarist styles so yeah I agree! Duane seems like a nice guy, but his guitar technique is really too artistic (read didn't practice enough) for a thread about guitar gods. 😉
  2. I agree that the days of the guitar hero are long gone. Guthrie is no one-trick pony. That video is just a show off thing. He can play pretty much anything and he has way more "feel" than anyone I've heard. Here's how he first got "discovered" by a lot of guitarists. He created a fake readers poll piss-take where he showed that he can play as well as or better than all of the winners that year.
  3. Some modern guys have technique:
  4. Have you ever seen Ritchie and God in the same room? 🤔
  5. Sonny Landreth has modified a few Strats with Tele bridges. To me they're different beasts and I love both. If I want a Strat sound and I have a Tele in my hands it feels too immediate, raw, and in your face. Same in reverse - a Strat can't get that punch.
  6. I forgot my calculator. My gut says the springs and bridge assembly makes a bigger difference. When I stick foam in the springs the guitar sounds more dry with more fundamental and less of the chimey overtones. Obviously way more obvious unplugged, but still significant through the amp.
  7. My Tele has a TV Jones set that's somewhere between a stock Tele single coil and a Filtertron. So I guess I'm going to Tele hell. I hope they have pizza.
  8. There's apparently something about the thick base plate on a Tele that's supposed to "fatten" them up. I think Fralin sells a base plate for Strat pickups as well, from memory. The single most important trick for me with a Fender is to back off the tone a bit and turn the amp up to compensate for the lost volume. Everything sounds fatter and less spikey. Unless of course you're playing funk/reggae/soca/etc...
  9. Hi there. I think a bit part of the airy-ness of a Strat is the springs vibrating. I actually put a couple of small pieces of foam between the springs if I want a more dry Tele sound. The extra "give" that happens when bending also makes the Strat feel less stiff to me. I love them both. 😎
  10. It really depends on the style you play, how capable you are, and how fussy you are. I think pickups are about 50% of the sonic equation. But... the pickups won't compensate for all of the other "sum of the parts" bits. I'd expect a big improvement with a pickup upgrade in the Stagg, but I don't think it'll end up sounding just like your Strat. Have a go!
  11. I recommend NOT resting the guitar on your left leg when playing seated. That's a recipe for back problems and usually only applies to classical. I find a 335 too big to play seated. Much prefer more of a Gretsch Penguin shape (and sound).
  12. That was going to be my next suggestion after a simple and normal EQ treatment. Buy a new guitar. 😀
  13. It sounds to me like you just need a high pass filter to knock the very bottom off it so you can raise the level and not boom up the mix.
  14. It's nice that you threw in a Thnx after telling everyone that you sorted it yourself (like you should have in the first place). How about next time you just post a thread showing what you did and we'll all clap?
  15. Dunno about the wide wire, other than it introduces more risk of tuning problems if the frets aren't perfectly crowned. The fret wire that Anderson uses is pyramid shaped, so it has a wide base and more precise top.
  16. Bending strings is where I notice a difference. With tall frets and a light touch your fingers don't make as much contact with the fingerboard so it feels a lot better to me. Tall frets with an inexperienced player tend to get squeezed sharp due to uneven and excessive fretting.
  17. Mark Wein has a forum that lots of people from here went to. Cool place and members. The other place is The Gear Page, but I got turned off by the pretentiousness after a while.
  18. I think basic circuitry comprehension should be a prerequisite for having a go with a soldering iron, especially if you're doing the work for money or will ever sell the guitar. It's unethical otherwise.
  19. I'd put the volume pot in the same location as the existing one. If you reverse it you'll have to adjust it from the back of the guitar, which isn't ideal.
  20. Oh man. So sad to hear. She was a really nice and intelligent member of the forum. RIP.
  21. Gosh - you sound amazing! Jazz must be really hard with those clean tones and such!
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