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desert island guitar- pick 1!


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what guitar do you take with you? electric of course! and I guess by extension you get to pick 1 amp...and take a generator with you. also, 1 single effect pedal. and no effects amps! that's cheating...


mine is a danelectro convertible reissue (1 pickup) in blueburst, with an old supro supreme amp - and a fulltone '69 fuzz!


oh, and a Honda generator:thu:

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I'd go with one of my Strats, 50 sets of strings, a tool kit, a George L cable, my Super Champ XD with spare tubes, and a solar panel array with storage batteries and a DC-to-AC converter/regulator (clean and quiet). Hey - put me on an island with beautiful island babes, and I'm stayin' a while!

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Well, since portability is not a factor (and I'd want to be able to drown out the sound of the generator), I'd plug into a full stack. A Peavey Classic 50, probably. (Yes, I'm aware the Classic 50 is a cheaper Bassman clone, and this is supposed to be a hypothetical fantasy, but I'm more comfortable dialing in the sound I want with the C50).


For one guitar... My LP Goddess.


The Tele is way more versatile, especially for clean sounds, but the one tone that I can't ever get out of a Tele happens to be my favorite.

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I guess if I could only have one, I'd probably check out one of those Line-6 variax models along with a Fender Deluxe Reverb amp and the Zoom G9.2tt pedal. I'd imagine there isn't much you couldn't do with that sort of setup...

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I'd take this one:



This! ^^



If that was not an option, and I had power, Fender VG Strat with rechargeable batteries (and a charger) going through a GNX4 into a... um, well, I guess a Fender Twin. :idea:



If I could not have power then I'd go with a Martin D28. :thu:

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Hrmm... some sort of Japanese Reissue Fender Strat or maybe a custom shop strat. It would be H/S/S with CS69s in the neck and middle and maybe a Burstbucker 2 in the bridge.


For an amp? Probably some point to point clone. I played a Celtic Dierdre that is a Matchless clone and it made me pretty tingly. I'd like that amp with a built in reverb tank like the one that comes in the Deluxe Reverb.


For a pedal? I'd take a Vox Tonelab LE or if that doesn't qualify, I guess a Barber Direct Drive.

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The more I look around this forum, the more I like!


what guitar do you take with you? electric of course! and I guess by extension you get to pick 1 amp...and take a generator with you. also, 1 single effect pedal. and no effects amps! that's cheating...

mine is a danelectro convertible reissue (1 pickup) in blueburst, with an old supro supreme amp - and a fulltone '69 fuzz!

oh, and a Honda generator:thu:



Aww man you ganked my avatar!

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