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Skynard is on Conan tonight


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Big disappointment - sorry, that was just not Lynyrd Skynyrd. It's just another country band with a famous name. Call me a traditionalist, but Skynyrd died after their first reunion tour.



This. Much like Thin Lizzy it's sad when a band becomes its own tribute act.

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Curious what Dave Aranow thinks of this incarnation of Skynyrd? Musically, I find they carry on the tradition pretty well. Vocally..... well I think NO ONE'S gonna replace Ronnie, not even his brother.


I think exactly what you just said.


This is a very good Syknyrd tribute band. They actually sound great live, and as far as Skynyrd tribute bands go, they are the absolute best.

But make no mistake about it, this is NOT "THEE" Lynyrd Skynyrd. There were key members that the original band might have been able to do without, and still call themselves Lynyrd Skynyrd, ... MAYBE, you could have replaced any one, but no more than that, of the guitar players, and you might have still had some less powerful, les awesome form of something that was mostly still Skynyrd, MAYBE you could have brought in a different keyboard player, there will NEVER be another Billy powell, probably one of my alltime favorite musicians to ever live, there are actually alot of great players in Nashville, etc, who could have at least somewhat filled the spot, but when you start replacing more than any one member, you just end up with less and less of something that is Skynyrd, and something that looks more and more like a skynyrd tribute band, but even so, the single ONE personb you cant have a Sknyrd band without, is Ronnie Van Zandt. No Ronnie Van Zant, no Skynyrd. In my opinion, Synyrd died with him. If Every single other member would have remained, I would have understood if they wanted to continue on and still call themselves Skynyrd, I would have understood, and still liked them even though I personally wouldnt consider them Skynyrd, but all of this is moot anyway. The "Skynyrd" band that remains today, is SOOO far removed from being anything resembling the original, "Real" Synyrd, that it is really not even worth mentioning. What we have now, is a bunch of really good performing musicians doing cover tunes of a once great band, and they do those cover tunes well, but they AINT no Lynyrd Skynyrd.


Not by a thousand country miles.


Still, I dont begrudge them the right to tour and record and keep the tradition alive by continuinbg to use the name. Kinda nice to know they, in some form, are still there. Just recognise it for what it is, and not for what it isnt.


So, I typed all this, only because you asked. As you can tell, I am pretty passionate about the subject, even though I am sure most people probably couldnt give a rats ass what I think about it.:rolleyes:

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It has been what? 30 years and people still argue this {censored}? get over it people. If you like the music listen then support the band, If you do not move the hell on. IMNSHO the greatest honor to fallen members is for a band to keep moving on. Now I understand guitar players have egos as big as the sky but come on, if Whil E Cyote dropped and anvil on you head would you want your band/friends/family to just roll up the carpet or keep on living life?

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So, I typed all this, only because you asked. As you can tell, I am pretty passionate about the subject, even though I am sure most people probably couldnt give a rats ass what I think about it.


I give a rat's ass. And I agree.


I've always felt like maybe if JVZ would lose some weight and get in shape, his vocals would improve. Always seems a bit winded.


And they should cut out all the {censored} with Kid Rock, too, IMO.

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It has been what? 30 years and people still argue this {censored}? get over it people.
If you like the music listen then support the band, If you do not move the hell on
. IMNSHO the greatest honor to fallen members is for a band to keep moving on. Now I understand guitar players have egos as big as the sky but come on, if Whil E Cyote dropped and anvil on you head would you want your band/friends/family to just roll up the carpet or keep on living life?



WTF did you have for breakfast?



I love the band but was just disappointed by their presentation on Conan.



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Skynyrd died with Ronnie. And if that didn't kill the band, anything that follows the intitial disbanding and formation of Rossington-Collins and bears the Skynyrd name is NOT Skynyrd, but simply a facsimile thereof



It has been what? 30 years and people still argue this {censored}? get over it people. If you like the music listen then support the band, If you do not move the hell on. IMNSHO the greatest honor to fallen members is for a band to keep moving on. Now I understand guitar players have egos as big as the sky but come on, if Whil E Cyote dropped and anvil on you head would you want your band/friends/family to just roll up the carpet or keep on living life?



I am not commenting on whether the musicians who today call themselves "Lynyrd Skynyrd" are good good musicians or if they nail the whole southern rock thing. But the bottom line is they ARE NOT Lynyrd Skynyrd


Bring it up a notch -would you see a misrepresentation if Zak Starkey got together with a few talented guys and called themselves the Beatles? Hell Townshend does not even recognize his recent work with Daltrey as the Who

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I for one am glad they still play. I was born after the plane crash, so teh only chance I had at seeing them live was if they kept playin with new members. But again under your idea that Skynyrd died with RVZ, AC/DC died with Bon Scott.


Hell half the original band was missing before the plane crash anyway. Steve Gaines wasnt an original memeber, nor was artimus pyle.


I am just glad someone out there is honoring the fallen members of a great rock band.

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I for one am glad they still play. I was born after the plane crash, so teh only chance I had at seeing them live was if they kept playin with new members. But again under your idea that Skynyrd died with RVZ, AC/DC died with Bon Scott.

Hell half the original band was missing before the plane crash anyway. Steve Gaines wasnt an original memeber, nor was artimus pyle.

I am just glad someone out there is honoring the fallen members of a great rock band.



What a load of horse apples.


Honoring the falling members? They are filling their pockets by dragging a dead horse up on stage and beat the {censored} out of it every night. Sucking that last bit of marrow from the bones of a dead, bygone band. A fraud...along with the other current dead horses being being...what they call the Marshall Tucker band and, the perennial lowest common demoninator of "Southern Rock", Molly Hatchet.


Why? So people can lie to themselves that they are seeing Skynyrd. You NEVER saw Skynyrd live! And you NEVER will! You saw a cheap, watered down impersonation to fill the pockets of people who couldn't make it on their own skills.

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I for one am glad they still play.....under your idea that Skynyrd died with RVZ, AC/DC died with Bon Scott......



And the Allman Brothers died with Duane and Berry, Little Feat died with Lowell George, The Stones died with Brian, Queen died with Freddie, The Who died with Keith and John, etc. etc. Personally I've never been a big Lynyrd Skynyrd fan, but I appreciate their body of work and I'm glad they're still playing. They have a lot of fans who still want to see them. IMO The only band that truly should not try to carry on after the loss of members is The Beatles, or maybe ZZ Top if Billy left.

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And the Allman Brothers died with Duane and Berry, Little Feat died with Lowell George, The Stones died with Brian, Queen died with Freddie, The Who died with Keith and John, etc. etc. Personally I've never been a big Lynyrd Skynyrd fan, but I appreciate their body of work and I'm glad they're still playing. They have a lot of fans who still want to see them. IMO The only band that truly should not try to carry on after the loss of members is The Beatles, or maybe ZZ Top if Billy left.



Many of the above did in effect die with their members, but a few carried on respectfully.


But in the case of Skynyrd, all that remains is the name. They didn't lose 1 member or even 2, they lost / replaced everyone!! The band that goes around calling itself Lynyrd Skynyrd stole the name

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