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The Most Hated Companies in America


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Never really found it worth my while to hate any company. I'm not forced to work there, I'm not forced to buy from them and they can't make me do anything I don't want to do.

If I don't like them I send my $ elsewhere.

Pretty simple, really.




How about the electric co? Water co? Gas co? They've still got you by the short and curlies!

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The person that wrote that doesn't even know how to use an apostrophe so chances are they quit school in third grade.





yeah man your tots wright aboot that. I nvr goed to skool 1 tyme in my lyfe.


so i misplaced an apostrophe on a blog entry... big {censored}ing deal. keep your hateful comments to yourself please. today is not the day.. trust me.



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Regardless of the way the employees think, I have a seriously bad taste in my mouth for Gibson for what they did to their dealers when Henry came to town - "oh, you're a mom & pop, in a small town...you're gone, and we don't care if you have been a dealer for 20 years" (quotation marks mine). $350K to buy in if you do want to be a dealer, and THEY determine what your stock will be.

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Originally Posted by

The person that wrote that doesn't even know how to use an apostrophe so chances are they quit school in third grade.



Logic fail


Attempt to draw a correlation between grammer skills and actual information.



And like one apostrophe(or any miss punctuation has ever kept you from understanding information before.

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I love how it says in there that the QC is pretty much nonexistent... I made a thread about a Les Paul Traditional Pro that had a few QC problems and I had forum members telling me I was wrong and Gibson's QC was just fine.


I picked up a Les Paul Studio the other day and the fret ends were horrible and there was just a ton of problems in the actual "quality" of a $1300 guitar. I have seen much cheaper guitars with better fit and finish than the Studio I picked up. I'm sure not every Studio is like that, but it is unacceptable in my book for a guitar that costs over $1000 to come out of the box looking as bad as that one did, which is a QC issue to me.

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Why would people hate Ford? I am not personally a fan of their vehicles, but I respect the fact that they didn't require a government bail out.



It's a long story, but the short version is that in a burst of so-called patriotism following the outbreak of the Gulf War, I decided to buy an American car - two actually - for only the second (and last) time in my life. One was a Taurus, the other a Windstar. Both had the same 3.8L V-6 engine, which had a known design defect that caused the head gasket to fail prematurely and the engine block to crack. It happened to both of mine at low mileage (though they were just out of warranty). Ford denied responsibility (after protracted wrangling), so after I ended up donating both to the Salvation Army to at least get a tax deduction. I also sent a long and rather angry letter to Ford. In return, I got a cheap, tacky Christmas card - the kind you get unsolicited in a pack from charities looking for donations. The card showed a long road trailing away into some scenic mountains, and was inscribed with something like, "the road is long and sometimes bumpy, but we hope our paths will someday cross again." To which I said, "not in my lifetime, if I can help it."


A year later, after tons of bad press, Ford finally acknowledged the design defect it had known about for years, and began compensating owners who still had their cars, but they didn't do anything for the owners who'd disposed of the wrecks. I regard Ford as one of the most unethical companies on the planet, and would have much preferred to see them go down over GM or Chrysler. There's still hope.

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