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My pet mouse is really sick!

Ace Of Bass

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Originally posted by Ace Of Bass

I don't think dry towels microwave well. Only polar molecures (like water and triglycerides) absorb the radiation, and heat up because the oscillating waves cause the polar molecules to turn on their axis to follow the waveform.

I don't think cotton is polar.


Microwave ovens are specifically tuned to excite water molecules the best. So, liquid molecules with similar properties, especially if they're mixed with water, are the best stuff to heat. Most cooking oils will overheat in some areas and not heat enough in others. Which is why they may burn while not cooking. Dry goods don't seem to heat well, period.


Microwaves heat by vibrating the molecules to build the energy in the molecules, to thereby raise the internal heat level, thereby raising the temperature. Normal ovens use higher temperature to drive heat in to the molecules, to thereby raise the internal energy of the molecules, which then raises the temperature. Basically, they're nearly reverse procedures. The key is that kitchen microwaves are tuned to a good avaerage frequency for forcing water and water-bases fluids to boil. (Which is also why some things like popcorn are hit'n'miss. ) It could just as easily be tuned better for neon gas to glow, or crude oil to thin, or brine, or...

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Poor mouse. Doc say wether mouse should recover or not? Maybe powder some asprin into its food? And no more loop de loop stunts please. looks like nice mouse. Gonna get em some bags of own cube cheese from grocer while recovers? One colby cheddar cube for you two for mouse. Maybe snack on cheese cubes together & watch Tom & Jerry cartoons.


How bout warm towell up in your clothes dryer. So warm but not soggy.

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Is the mouse still with us,,It's been around an hour and a half since your last post. Im concerned.



I'm sorry man, I just can't stop thinkin of the time I lived in this big old house, and the dumbass downstairs let off like 4 big bug bombs.."say that real fast four times" well, the bombs went off, and he didn't tell us up on the second floor. Dude, the roaches took over, and were everywhere !

,,palmetto bugs actually, but they still suck like roaches. Well, the bugs came first, I have never seen so many of those damn bugs at once. Truly disgusting. Then we started seeing mice everywhere.....I mean everwhere we went. I go to the kitchen,,,zing, a mouse flies by me. I go to the john, zing, zing, two more...Man it was friggen wild...I went to the oven to preheat the thing, and there they were, an entire mouse family, right there in the damn oven.. My wife was really lovin this shit, let me tell you. Because of that incedent, I don't think too highly of mice. And we all lived miserably ever after. ~~ the end~~

I swear, we had to go rent a hotel room for like two days. :mad:

:cry: I still feel sorry for your little mouse though... do he have a name ?

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Originally posted by mrdak

Well I'll be damn, Thats great news.. What type of keyboard you got ther Ace ?

and could you spell that mouse's name in english ? he he...

I got a feeling he'll be better in the mornin, and all will be well


Juast the standard keyboard.:confused:

I guess his name in English would be spelled Skelleftea?

I hope so. Tomorrow will tell. He's gone to sleep now--and I've taken away his wheel until he's all better, though I can tell he misses it. (He'd spend hours on that thing a day.)

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man this sucks, sorry to hear it duder!


i used to have pet mice, one chewed its way out of the plastic cage, and got eaten by my mums cat, and the other developed a tuma, mice a great little pets, i am thinking of getting a rat maybe possibly eventualy probably maybe possibly.


hope it works out for the little one!

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