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I have to have a root canal


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I just got back from the dentist. I chipped one of my front tooth's several years ago and my dentist capped it. This morning, he said that it is wearing down and this summer I will probably have to get the root canal. I heard these things hurt like mofo's :cry:

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I had one a year or so ago. Honestly, it really wasn't that bad. The worst part was having to keep your mouth open for a long time. Maybe I had a good dentist, but it really wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it was going to be. Good luck!

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I guess a lot depends on how good the dentist is. The one I use here in town is awesome, totally painless thru everything I've had done, no root cannals but he's pulled two back molers, no pain, and did a lot of fillings, also no pain. I've had times when my teeth hurt so much I wish I had em' all pulled out or had root canals done on all of em'. I can take a lot of pain, as long as it's NOT my teeth, that's pain I just can bear.

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Keep your eyes closed. Seeing those dental instruments is the worse part. I don't know about you, but I don't want to think of any of those steel things digging down into my jaw.


The root canal itself will not be too bad (unless your dentist went to the Josef Mengele school of dentistry). The worse part will be the soreness that you will have to endure for the next day after the Novocaine wears off.

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I think it depends. I had a root canal, but my tooth was in really bad shape - a bad cavity and an infection setting in.


I also have a high tolerance for the "caine" family of drugs - novocaine, lidocaine, it takes more and a longer time for them to start working on me. I've had two teeth pulled and half a vasectomy done without being completely numb.


But the root canal was the worst because my tooth was in rough shape. Because my oral surgeon lost his patience with my tolerance for novocaine, he just said "This is going to hurt" and gave me a shot right into the pulp of my tooth, into a nerve.


It is the one and only time in my life that I ever yelled out in pain.


I was in shock after that. I don't remember much else about it. I vaguely remember walking back to my apartment, but that's about all.


I think my problem was I waited too long to get it taken care of. But that oral surgeon was no prize either. I should've run, not walked, out of his office while I was waiting for my first visit and the patient just leaving fainted and the guy started yelling at him. "I thought you said you weren't on any medication! Dammit. Call 911!" Then the patient came to and the oral surgeon yelled at him some more.


That place was f**ked.


I wish you well and I sincerely hope that your experience is absolutely nothing like mine.


And it sounds like it won't be. Root canal in the front, by the way, is really tricky. My stepson had his done and it wasn't painful for him, it was just...tricky. Gotta get the new fake tooth to match your tooth color and all that. His went fine.

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Just make sure you tell em' you don't handle pain well so you'll get some good "going home" meds. Then, if you don't need em' you can save em' up and have a heck of a party some night. Hydros(or anything with codine) is the bomb. :thu:

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No, I've had two and the drugs they give you are GGGRRREEEEAAAATTTT! So lay back and enjoy it.................Hell, I have hernia surgery scheduled for this summer, (I teach so summer is great time to have things done that don't take away time from the students), and the surgeon told me that I have a choice in anesthesia......barely aware or frickin' knocked out and drooling on myself!!!! Guess which one I'm choosing!!

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Went to dentist... he sent me to root canal guy. Had two root canals... $1500. A week later, my tooth started hurting like a motherf-er, went back to root canal guy. I assumed one of the two was infected.


No, I needed a THIRD root canal. Different tooth.




Another $750. But the procedure itself didn't hurt that much...

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