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i think i have a stalker


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Here is the story i was at a party and introduced myself to a group of girls. as it turns out the ugly one of the bunch goes to my college as me. Twice now she has sneeked up on me and tapped me on the shoulder and when i say hi or something like that she just stares at me. To be honest its kinda creepy.


Anyway how do u get rid of her?

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"Oh, I was hoping you'd have a bag over your face the next time I saw you."


or maybe


"Oh hey there you are, I've been meaning to ask you if you had your really cute friends phone number"


or how about


"... I'm not into guys, dude. Give it a rest"

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Dude, you don't know how to handle ANY situation with women, do you?

No clue how to score the good looking ones, can't dismiss the ugly ones. You're officially {censored}ed if you ask me.





Please just use your initiative/instinct, or write into a mens magazine column :p


Either that or pay for some proffesional counciling lol!




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Is she decent enough to talk with on occassion? Granted, she might be kind of weird, just drop plenty of underlying signals that you aren't interested.


I had a girl like that at my last job, and I found a simple solution.


(I've been sleeping with her best friend for the past 6 months)

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She might be weird and ugly. This forum wouldn't be as friendly if every post had everybody's mug shot attached to it. Is that a reason not to associate with somebody?




Most of us are dudes.


Most of us are straight.


Most of us are shallow.



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J-M5 --- Wanna be da man with Hawt Chicks? Than act cool to all girls regardless of their visual appeal --


I dont think shes stalkin ya, I just think shes enamored with you and is courting ritual illiterate.......take it as a compliment and be flattered.....


...Trust me, you'll know a stalker when that happens

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J-M5 --- Wanna be da man with Hawt Chicks? Than act cool to
girls regardless of their visual appeal --



This man speaks the truth.


Man, the more experience I get in this area, the more I am convinced that advice about women cannot be given over the internet, if it is possible at all. Not only that, but even if it could, it would be lost on the receiver anyways.

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Twice now she has sneeked up on me and tapped me on the shoulder and when i say hi or something like that she just stares at me. To be honest its kinda creepy.

Anyway how do u get rid of her?




Why would you want to? Maybe she really likes you, and is scared {censored}less to talk to you. Just talk to her, and see what's what.

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