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Daschle withdraws!!


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How does one 'forget' to pay $128,000 in taxes?


The same way they are relatively ignored rather than lambasted by the media....be being in a Democratic Administration.


We're still in full-on Obama Orgy. There will be a refractory period, after which we might see a few timid comments about the need for fairness and transparency......:lol::lol:

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Yeah, his writers did a decent job...but they are wrong. I couldn't honestly tell you one single, solitary positive thing Daschle has ever done in his career...but I can tell you that he was caught by the IRS for not paying taxes. And, I probably speak for the majority of Americans on that statement.



So you don't closely follow the careers of politicians representing the weaker political party in SD? Don't be offended when I'm not surprised. I'm sure you'd have trouble naming their current representatives as well. I'm also willing to admit that the only reason I can is that I grew up in South Dakota and the rest of my family still lives there.


I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Unless they've done something particularly great or particularly horrible, there generally isn't a great reason to know a ton about the people representing other states than your own.


Oh yeah. He was also the Senate Majority Leader at one point. That is generally considered a fairly notable position.

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Yeah, his writers did a decent job...but they are wrong. I couldn't honestly tell you one single, solitary positive thing Daschle has ever done in his career..

I wasn't really concerned with whether or not the statement was correct. That makes no difference. It was a good statement.

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Wow - this is an eye-opening piece from Salon.com (I don't read them but they self-identify in the article as members of 'OpenLeft') about the Daschles/Washington insiders/media...:eek:

Other than his ability to know how to swing doors wide open in Congress, what "expertise and insights" worth that level of compensation does Tom Daschle have? It's pure legalized influenced peddling, and -- upon being booted out of the Congress -- he ran right to it as quickly as he could and engorged himself at the trough as hungrily as possible.

Bribery. Tom Daschle goes in the Washington Post and makes the argument that Obama is being pragmatic by caving to big business on a core issue of civil liberties. He preaches the virtues of bipartisanship while working at a firm whose McCain supporting lawyers also support immunity for telecom interests. Meanwhile, Daschle and his wife are and did make enormous sums of money lobbying for the firms benefiting from Obama's so-called pragmatism. It's a sick, perverted, corroded system whereby perpetual political losers like Matt Bennett and affable status quo lobbyists like Tom Daschle push their agenda through journalists like Jonathan Weisman, without any disclosure whatsoever about possible conflicts of interest. And it's bipartisan and flows through the leadership of both parties.

It's a pretty long article but mostly worth the read if you're into this crap...

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Well, since they never actually voted to confirm his appointment, I'm not sure what exactly Congress was supposed to do about it?


It's tongue-in-cheek commentary on the fact that essentially, nobody in decision-making or reporting capacities seems to actually be astonished that a man who willfully refuses to pay some of his income tax is seriously being considered for a Cabinet level position let alone Treasury Secretary. Sorry, not buying "I forgot"...that doesn't even work for my kids when they didn't do their homework...it sure doesn't fly for a grown adult living in the US...and a DC politician.

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It's tongue-in-cheek commentary on the fact that essentially, nobody in decision-making or reporting capacities seems to actually be astonished that a man who willfully refuses to pay some of his income tax is seriously being considered for a Cabinet level position let alone
Treasury Secretary
. Sorry, not buying "I forgot"...that doesn't even work for my kids when they didn't do their homework...it sure doesn't fly for a grown adult living in the US...and a DC politician.



I think I'm going to forget to pay my property taxes this year.


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Anyone remember the Congressional Bank Check Kiting scandal a decade or so back? ? Congresspersons, the people who are setting budgets and managing our tax dollars were being allowed to write $30 to $50K in bad checks on the Congressional Bank? They just forgot about it until the news broke...

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I'm still trying to figure out what the difference between Daschle taking free limo services to the tune of over $100,000 from a company he consulted for, not paying tax on it and it being an "oversite", while Ted Stevens received free work on his house at about the same amount and was deemed a crook and rode out of town. Deems a bit-o-the double standard.

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I'm still trying to figure out what the difference between Daschle taking free limo services to the tune of over $100,000 from a company he consulted for, not paying tax on it and it being an "oversite", while Ted Stevens received free work on his house at about the same amount and was deemed a crook and rode out of town. Deems a bit-o-the double standard.



ya think???

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I'm hoping this is a real wake-up call for Obama, most of who's picks so far have been purely political in nature. Biden, Hillary, Panetta, Daschle... Same old story, same old song and dance! If he is the true president of change he'll be making some very strong enemies within his own party.
It's always been my problem with the democrats. They don't behave as if they need to follow the rules (like the rest of us) and they're inefficient in the sense that they build too many dysfunctional mini-empires meant to serve the people yet succeed only in serving themselves.
I was hoping most of his picks would be bright, young progressive thinkers comprised of professionals in medicine, business, science and law.. Oh well.
Anybody see NOVA last night? It was about the NSA and it was called "The Spy Factory". 9/11 was completely avoidable, NSA tracked the terrorists and knew who they were and where they were. They knew they were taking orders directly from Bin Laden's headquarters in Yemen and they knew they were planning an attack, yet they were unable to get the CIA nor the FBI to act in our interest because of bureaucracy. Brutal.

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I'm hoping this is a real wake-up call for Obama, most of who's picks so far have been purely political in nature. *snip*

Yep. They announced on the radio that one of our sorry ex governors "who once served in the Navy" is being considered for Secretary of Navy. This guy was a one term governor, and not a very good one and then Clinton appointed him to be ambassador to Saudi Arabia. His nasty divorce involved lawsuits including clergy malpractice when a priest secretly recorded a counseling session. This was back in 2002 and it got nasty with lawsuits between divorcing parties, local church officials, preists, etc. I believe it was even on national news back then. Don't tell me there are not some skeletons that the press could have a field day with in this one!!! The priest ended up leaving the priesthood after all of this... Why is he qualified? He once served on the USS Arkansas and he was Obama's head of Campaign in MS. :facepalm:

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Obama admits mistake in handling Daschle nomination...

"So this is a mistake -- probably not the first one I'm going to be making in this office, but what I'm absolutely committed to doing is fixing it," he said."


Wouldn't that be "probably not the last one I'm going to be making?" Catphish suggested to me this guy is a real upgrade to Bush as a public speaker. :D

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Wouldn't that be
"probably not the
one I'm going to be making?"
Catphish suggested to me this guy is a real upgrade to Bush as a public speaker.

:lol: @ ^^^

"Upgrade"? Did homeslice ever hear the guy speak during the campaign? He takes like half an hour per sentence to try and piecemeal all his BS together without contradicting himself!
With a straight face! :thu:

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I guess this comes as a "surprise" to some of you, not "in the business"... eh?


The cheating is no surprise. The lack of media "outrage" is no surprise. You want to surprise me? Show me Obama booting the new Treasury Secretary for his tax "issues". That will show me a president who is willing to admit a mistake AND correct it...something we did not have with Bush. THAT would be new in DC.

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The cheating is no surprise. The lack of media "outrage" is no surprise. You want to surprise me? Show me Obama booting the new Treasury Secretary for his tax "issues". That will show me a president who is willing to admit a mistake AND correct it...something we did not have with Bush. THAT would be new in DC.



I'm all for it.


*waits patiently for it to happen*

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