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Daschle withdraws!!


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press secretary Robert Gibbs emphasized that the nominee's tax returns are in order.

"Well, I read the story in USA Today, and it quotes somebody that works here, so obviously we've -- we know about this story. I'll say this. We reviewed her tax returns, and her tax returns are in order," said Gibbs.

Hers = his & his = hers to the Service, even if they're related to the business. Especially if they're back 941/employment taxes, that's a big red flag.

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Hers = his & his = hers to the Service, even if they're related to the business. Especially if they're back 941/employment taxes, that's a big red flag.

I'm just screwing with you because I love watching you Obama bashers getting all lathered up. :lol:

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I'm just screwing with you because I love watching you Obama bashers getting all lathered up.

I'm not an either side basher. They both sucked ass this time 'round. :)

He just looks like an idiot with this the 3rd appointment in a row having serious IRS/tax issues... I thought he was an "upgrade" in the smarts dept over Bushie?? :idea:

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Only the 3rd? I thought every single one did...



Nah. This is just what happens when you hire from the same pool of labor as the Clintons did. His cabinet picks had the same types of issues, only IIRC it had to do with not paying taxes on the nannies/hired domestic help.

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Since these people were already mostly on the gubmint dole, let's setup a neutral, non partisan committee to review the tax standings of EVERY elected and appointed Washington official and see who falls out of the tree when we shake it! :idea: Washington would become a ghost town since most of the politicos think they are above the law... :lol:

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He's not the only one either. A few more of the folks with tax issues have withdrawn too.


Yeah ........ more hope and change.........Chi-town style.

'Tax issues'. Pfft.... they're {censored}ing crooks.

Oh wait sorry, if their reps they are crooks if its a lib it is an 'issue'. Sorry, I forgot. :idk:

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