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A new character has entered the B-Bottom universe!!!!


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First there was Joel the Basher.







Joel gave us all the catch phrase "Death to False Metal". Epic doesn't even describe the banter that he and I have shared over the years.


Then there were the several freaks whom I used to work with. There was the guy who ate pizza everyday and wore tube socks on his arms....The woman with the gigantic thing growing on her hand. The big woman behind me who didn't know how to use a computer and would always heat fish up in the microwave at lunch time, stinking up the entire building. Not to mention the temp (whom was never identified) that would defecate a foot away from the toilet in the woman's stall every year around tax season.


Recently there was the sound guy at my bands first show. A douche bag like no other. You can read all about him here




Well I am happy to say that someone new has joined the ranks. Folks it is my great pleasure to introduce you to ROB!!!!







As you can by the picture, my friend Rob here is a real lady killer. Why with that high top fade, phat kicks,Kirk Hammet ESP and Billy Idol sneer, he gets more ass than a public toilet seat. But those attributes aren't the only thing that make Rob such a cool cat. You see he also like to email people at 3:30 in the morning just to tell them how badly they suck.

Now I have had one brief phone conversation with Rob about 2 years ago. He had placed an ad for a bass player in a local magazine. The ad was for someone who was interested in playing bass in an old school rap band.


Well after talking to him on the phone, and seeing his picture. I decided that his idea of old school rap and mine were very different. You see my fellow HCBF members I don't find Kid Rock and Limp Bizkit to be in the same ranks as Run DMC, but hey maybe I'm crazy like that.


Anywho now let me get to the reason for this post.....



I had placed an ad earlier on the local craigslist saying that my band 1000 Earth Years is available for shows. So I decided to check the bands email a few hours later to see if I had any responses. Well sure as {censored} I did!!!



1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)

Monday, July 6, 2009 12:43 AM



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OMG, you guys suck!!


That was odd....I thought to myself. Who is this Rob and why does he think we suck. I quickly looked up his email address on myspace. I like to put a face on my critics....


After seeing him and realizing who it was I set a reply


From: Joe Schmoe

To: Rob

Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 2:22 AM

Subject: Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)


Thanks for that well thought out critique!! By the way nice picture.....




Short and sweet.


Well then I get a response



From: Rob

Subject: Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)

To: "Joe Schmoe"

Date: Monday, July 6, 2009, 6:30 AM

Thanks, yes you wish you had a guitarist like me you {censored}s!!


Now obviously the guy is mentally challenged. But why so much anger. My inquisitive mind had to know.....



From: Joe Schmoe

To: Rob

Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 3:46 AM

Subject: Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)


sheesh why so much anger for people that you don't even know?



His response....



Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)

Monday, July 6, 2009 7:48 AM



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"Joe Schmoe"

no your band really does suck....just take it and move on and try to improve...i think guitar center is hiring....lololol



Say wut??:confused:


From: Joe Schmoe

To: Rob

Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 3:52 AM

Subject: Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)


what does my band "sucking" have to do with working at guitar center?


Also you never answered my question about all this anger that you have towards people that you don't know. I'm very curious



Now a very interesting thing came along with this next response. He changed his name from Rob to Steve, yet the email address remained the same. I'm not sure if he was trying to throw me off or what. But either way it added to the fun!!!


Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)

Monday, July 6, 2009 7:54 AM



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"Joe Schmoe"

Because people that don't know how to play work at guitar center...anger, I'm not angry...I'm amused at bands like you who play at Gullifty's...that place is a joke and your music is awful, which goes to show anyone can play at Gullifty's...are you guys serious?


Ok now I am really starting to like this guy.....



From: Joe Schmoe

To: Steve

Sent: Monday, July 06, 2009 4:07 AM

Subject: Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)


Is your name Steve or Rob? because when I spoke to you on the phone about putting together a sort of rap band it was Rob.. Unless Steve is you're stage name. like Steve-n-Play.

I still don't understand why we would work at guitar center if our skills at playing were sub par... I mean we all have jobs, so why would we want to work somewhere that will make our playing skills even poopier? Or is the proper term "more poopie"? Hmmmm

I mean that's like saying that you, Rob (Steve) should work at Kmart selling slush puppies because you have terrible hair.....you see it makes no sense?!?

Guilifys is a fine establishment to play. I mean, sure it's not Madison Square Garden and it usually doesn't get a packed house like Steve-N-Play is used to, but we dig it. Plus we are playing for a very worthy cause so I don't understand how you could have a problem with that??


Steve-N-PLAY....now come on that's comedy!!! Let's take another look at that guys hair






Of course Steve/Rob sent me a response. This time though he responded with a new name...still the same email address though. Now he is simply R



Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)

Monday, July 6, 2009 8:10 AM



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"Joe Schmoe"

Dude, you are sensitive....go to guitar center and take some lessons....then join a band that knows how to play...it will be better for the central PA area...thanks!



He really seems to have a hard on for Guitar Center. Me thinks someone wants to work there but because the bus route doesn't run past it, and his mom can't drive in the dark, he has to work at the local BK instead. Here is my response



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Re: 1000 Earth Years is available for Shows (harrisburg)

Monday, July 6, 2009 8:16 AM


"Joe Schmoe"

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now your name is simply R??? I'm wondering if the next email that I get from you will simply have a symbol for a name (ala Prince)

I'm pretty sure that Guitar Center doesn't give lessons. I would think that someone that knows so much about the type of people working there would at least know that.

And even if they did....WHY WOULD I TAKE LESSONS THERE??? You stated yourself that the people who worked there "don't know how to play".


I don't think that I'm being the least bit sensitive. I am simply intrigued why someone would email a band that they don't know just to try to insult them. It's very fascinating to me.


Talk to you soon!!!



Now that was the last communication that we had with one another tonight but I have a good feeling that he'll be back in my life soon enough. And when he is I'll be sure to let everyone know. I did send him a friend request through myspace to let us know if he needs an opener and to keep on rockin'!!!


Rob you are now a fixture in B-Bottom's gallery of rouges!!!!






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The most epic of epic posts I've seen here recently. It has been hell trying to keep my fits of laughter from disturbing the others in the office, and at one point I needed to leave the room to recover.


Well done, sir.


no your band really does suck....just take it and move on and try to improve...i think guitar center is hiring....lololol


Seriously, do you just attract psychos? :eek:

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Holy crap! I've just realised what an eerie resemblance that guy has with our former drummer (the guy on the left):




Here's another one





Seperated at birth? :confused::eek:


The Vri (as we call him) is a dear friend to all of us and, to put it in the nicest possible way, has some (very mild) special needs. However, he's generous, loves metal, and is great fun to hang out with.


Maybe this guy is special as well? :eek:



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Excellent thread. Would read again.

Yes, sadly the Harrisburg area music scene is a giant ball of suck.



Since putting this band together I've come across a few and I mean a few other bands who are willing to help each other out. But for the most part people really don't want to help one another out. Most band people seem to have a gigantic chip on there shoulder. I just don't get

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