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Let's See Those Amps!

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There's a lot of talk about amps in this forum and typically any band member besides the drummer is gonna need an amplification device. So let's see 'em and explain what makes 'em so special or why they suck.




I've had others over the years but they've been sold, stolen or traded along the way.

I'll start at the top left and work across and down.


Top left is a Roland KC-100. A 60 watt keyboard amp I bought second hand at the local Music-Go-Round store 10 or more years ago. I used it for several years on stage as my keyboard amp but it always had an annoying buzz to it. Also if stage volume gets very loud it just ain't got enough balls. It's retired from stage use now.


Next is a '59 Gibson Skylark amp. This is the real deal if you're a tube amp lover. Although I believe it's probably only 5 watts, it's class A with a tube rectifier. It's good for recording and I've been using it for band practice lately. It was 100% original when I got it about 15 years ago but the big capacitor "clump" shorted out soon after and I had to replace the filter caps with electrolytics. The low power makes it pretty useless for the stage.


Next is a little Peavey Audition. While looking for something else I found the receipt which indicates I bought it in '86 although I sure can't remember why. It did come in handy in my previous band though because I didn't mind leaving it at the practice space. It's a piece of shit with scratchy pots and intermittent switches.


Middle left is a Marshall AVT-50 (50 watt valvestate). I bought this one 5 or 6 years ago when I joined a band that didn't run instruments through the PA and I thought I needed a little more firepower to go along with my Tech 21. The amp is actually not mine anymore as I sold it to the other guitar player in my current band. It really shouldn't be in the picture but it still lives in my basement most the time so I threw it in. It's an Ok amp but I'm just not sold on the whole valvestate thing.


Next is my favorite guitar amp. Tech 21 Trademark 60. I've had this one since the late 90's. I've personally never encountered a more versatile or better sounding guitar amp and the only thing I would change is to have the controls on the front.


Bottom left is a '78 Twin Reverb (135 watt class A/B) I've had since the mid 80's. In a future "kick myself in the ass moment" I traded this straight across for a Gibson LP Custom. At the time we did a lot more wheeling, dealing and trading of music gear. In the 90's I performed several mods on the amp. Also after tearing into it I discovered it was missing some wires that meant the normal channel could have never worked direct from the factory! In the last couple years I've removed most of my mods and returned the amp to a stock configuration.


Last is my current keyboard amp. A (gasp!) Behringer K1800FX. It has a lot more muscle than the old Roland amp and has been serving me well on stage for a couple years now. As a side note I really like the case design, it will stay upright while riding in the van and not fall on it's back or face like most amps will. Makes a great bookend for the other amps in transit!

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I have in my collection a peavey classic 50 head, a Line6 HD147 head, and a Mesa Boogie 50 cal + head. For the 60s - 70s band I am playing in now I use the Mesa Boogie head because I reallly like the Fender like clean tone.


The Line6 was great for my originals hard rock band, but I have since quit that band.


I was using the Classic 50 for the 60's - 70's band until I bought the Mesa Boogie.



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Comins Jazz Guitar Amplifier by Alessandro, Zinky Blue Velvet, Tone King Meteor II. These three are the ones that see the most gig time.



Fender Deluxe Reverb, TruBlues tweed Deluxe copy, Dr Z Carmen Ghia with Bogner 1x12 cabinet. They have all been gigged with at one time or another.



Trace Elliot Velocette, Fender Pro Junior, ValveTrain 205, Fender Princeton, Fender Vibro Champ. I have played gigs with all of those but the Vibro Champ. The Princeton gets recorded alot.



Ampeg Gemini I, Ampeg VT-40. These are the ones I record with the most. The VT-40 sounds nice with bass. Both of the Ampegs have been gigged with.



Gibson GA-20. I just got this one a couple or three weeks ago. I have taken it to a couple jam sessions. But this one will most likely see lots of recording time when I want back in tha day, dogg sounds.


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I'd really be interested to know what's going on with this rig? I mean what's with the little amp in the big hole?


That's the little Peavey Solo PA - I use it to play my backing tracks through.


The ART EQ and Rockman stuff can be played separately outside of the Pod XT Live.

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Gibson GA-20. I just got this one a couple or three weeks ago. I have taken it to a couple jam sessions. But this one will most likely see lots of recording time when I want back in tha day, dogg sounds.


That one looks awesome, I'd love to see the schematic.

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Wow never heard of any of those, I'm thinking you didn't find those at the local Guitar Center.

They also look like they fell out of the back of the truck! That beat up look gives 'em some character though.

That one looks awesome, I'd love to see the schematic.


The only one of my amplifiers that came from Guitar Center was the Fender Pro Junior.


That is just the lighting. They are in alot better shape than they appear in the picture.



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Awesome, Roy, you have a VT40? I've had one since 1979, it was my main gigging amp for years and I still record with it a lot... it's too bad it's just too friggin loud for most venues we play these days. :cry: That amp is just criminally underrated. One of the best sounding amps ever IMO, and one of the best built, too. They're pretty much indestructible.


I'll take some pics of my amps tomorrow!

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I'm a Fender guy and love vintage stuff. My net worth/ income forces me to the SF era:



this '73 DR is my Main gigging amp - just perfect for small clubs and stages. Celestion Gold speaker, all old US glass inside this one.




If the stage is bigger or outside, out comes the '72 Super. All Original (save caps etc). LOVE those old CTS speakers - they MAKE a super IMO



or I might pull this out - '65 bassman w/ matching cab. Found this one on CList for $200 for both the head and cab. Deal o' the century and a long story. Use this with a Fender Reissue Reverb unit and it sounds great




Also have another "practice space" bassman rig, which is a '67 blackline SF bassman run into a 2x12 TopHat cab. Picked this on up on CList as well for cheap. $280 for the head and $250 for the cab loaded with G12H30's. Perfect backup to my '65.




Mesa/Boogie Studio .22+ is the back up to my Deluxe or I pull it out on the rare high gain tune or two. Bring the mojo 1x12 with it occasionally




Run my buddies '74 Rhodes through this bad boy - late 70's Roland JC80, a 1x15. Been trying to sell it though, as it rarely gets used for anything else.




If I'm going to a really divey bar or some biker rally or some other gig where I just don;t know what to expect with either weather, crowd, power or other, I'll bring my Crate VC 30, which does a nice job and would not kill me to lose.




No pix:


Just scored a '72 Bandmaster Reverb, which I am loving and will make it to a gig or three this summer.


My '69 Vibrochamp does some yeoman work for recordings. I run it into the TopHat 2x12 and it sounds HUGE cranked w/ very reasonable volume. Perfect for recording in tight spaces, or for jamming at home run like a normal combo.


I also have a Vox DA5 which is a blast to take out on the deck and play around with.


Maybe I should sell 'em all and get my holy grail, a BF DR.....

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No pictures (no digital camera) but i have:

Fender Vibro King - used for most gigs now - a bit loud most of the time - cream and oxblood

Tech 21 Trademark 60 - used to use it exclusively for gig but now practice - as it is has become unreliable and back at Tech 21 right now to see whats wrong

Roland JC120 - when I need a big sound with a GT6

Univalve with EL34 or KT88 - new and can't wait to try it out live - needs a good 2X12 cab that I dont have yet..

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my rig...........old Roland SIP-301 preamp into a QSC RMX850 biamped into a Fender 2-15 cab loaded with EV's and a GK 1-15. The gear on top of the Fender cab and on top of the Roland/QSC rack are for the PA...since naturally, the bass player doubles as sound man(g)

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